Edward Winteringham Clarkson 1845-1927

The son of Charles Foster CLARKSON 1812-1853 and Hannah Eliza LEEDER 1818-1901
Edward Winteringham CLARKSON was born at Perth on the 11 August 1845 and died at 'Twyford', Dongara, Western Australia on the 7 November 1927.
A self-educated man, who at an early age was apprenticed to the blacksmith trade under Solomon COOK of Perth. He then joined the firm of John Summers and Co., coach builders, where he remained until 1868 when he went to Dongara at the age of 23.
He immediately set himself up as a blacksmith, wheelwright and coach builder, all very important trades in the middle of last century, just as garages and filling stations are today. He also assembled furniture, which was brought out from England in large crates and sold it to the nearby settlers.
Edward W. CLARKSON had prospered so well after eight years that he was able to make arrangements to buy from Mr Joseph CHIVERS 700 acre property "Spring Farm" on the west side of the Irwin River and slightly east of Dongara township.
He successfully conducted farming there until 1894 when he bought from Sir George SHENTON a fine estate known as "Tyford" which consisted of 705 acres.
From then on he gradually increased the property to 1,070 acres and by 1912 it embraced approximately 2,000 acres. Wheat growing was the chief industry at "Tyford" but both "Spring Farm" and "Tyford" were stocked with sheep, cattle and horses with Merino and Leicester the chief sheep breeds. The Irwin River flows through "Tyford" farm. A bull which experts considered to be one of the finest Herefords in Western Australia, was imported from England and was used to breed a good class of Hereford cattle at "Tyford". There were, and still are, some pigs kept on the farm.
The 14-roomed homestead was on "Tyford" farm when it was purchased and about 100 yards from the building there was a three acre orchard. One of the biggest improvements on the farm was the installation of a 23,400 gallon underground tank to conserve water for the homestead.
Edward CLARKSON, on the 27 July 1875 at Irwin married Sarah Ann GRANT, 1850-1927 the daughter of William GRANT 1829-1895 and Mary Ann DANIEL 1828-1895 of "Nhargo", Dongara, and who had come to the swan Colony in the early 1850's.
The couple had four daughters and four sons, the sons all going into partnership with their father.
1. Elizabeth Sarah Clarkson born 26 January 1875 Dongara, Western Australia, died 11 June 1952 at Kelmscott Western Australia and married George David BRAND 1871?1952 at Dongara on the 26 August 1903.
The children of this marriage were:-
Deborah Myrtle BRAND b:1905, Cookerup died 31 March 1981 Bentley m. Victor W BROUN at Beverley WA in 1933.
David Roy (Roy) BRAND b: 28 March 1908 at Cookerup and died 9 March 1970 Katanning, m. Lilian Rose CORBY 1910-1996 at Pingelly in 1936.
Edward Rex BRAND b: 10 December 1910 Cookerup died 7 November 1992 at Beverley. m. Sylvia May LANGE 1915-1988 at Beverley in 1935.
Mina Bessie BRAND b: 27 February 1915 Cookerup died 8 June 1989 Pingelly m. Frank Joseph POWELL 1913-1992 at Beverley in 1937
2. Deborah Mary Clarkson born 1877 Dongara and died 23 May 1965 at Claremont. married James HYDE at Dongara in 1912
3. Robert Wilberforce Clarkson born 26 May 1879 at Dongara died 22 May 1951 at Dongara. married Selina BRAND 1879-1955 at Irwin in 1906
4. Edward Foster Clarkson born 11 October 1882 at Dongara and died 7 October 1956 at Geraldton. married Kate Muriel DOIG 1889-1984 at Wagin on the 15 September 1915
5. Joyce Ella Clarkson born 1884 at Dongara and died 1964 in Perth, Western Australia
6. Joseph William Clarkson born 16 May 1886 in Dongara and died 12 December 1963 in Geraldton. married Myra May DOWNES 1885-1938 at Subiaco in 1910.
The children of this marriage were:-
Norbert Joseph CLARKSON b: 13 June 1910 d: 12 February 1973
Fleta May CLARKSON b: 4 August 1911 Dongara, died 12 April 1995 Myaree WA m. Keith Clement RUSS 1909-1989 at Dongara in 1933
Beryl Edith CLARKSON b: 18 October 1919 d: 23 April 2006 m. Sydney Allan MONEY 1912-1974 at Dongara on 19 March 1940.
Reginald Thomas CLARKSON b: 28 Oct,1921 died 17 January 1971 m. CRIDDLE
7. Thomas Henry Clarkson born 12 February 1888 in Dongara and died 16 June 1962 South Perth, buried at Karrakatta Cemetery
8. Amy Theophila Clarkson born 1891 in Dongara and died 7 August 1980 at Como, Perth. Spinster . Lived with sister Deborah Mary HYDE at Claremont until moved to Nursing Home In Como
Edward Winteringham CLARKSON received his commission of Justice of the Peace in 1901. He was also an active member of both the local Road Board and Irwin Agricultural Society. When the Methodist Church was built in Dongara in 1884 he occupied the office of steward in the church.
Following Edward's death both "Tyford" and "Spring Farm" were taken over by his four sons under the name of the Clarkson Brothers. Both farms were run successfully by them all being married. The youngest of the four, Thomas Henry, lived in the original homestead, with the others living on other parts of the property.
In 1964, only two of the four sisters were living. They are Miss Amy Clarkson and Mrs Debra Hyde and they lived in Claremont. Joseph William the remaining surviving brother at the time was living at "Tyford". "Spring Farm," which was later changed to "Spring-field" was sold. "Tyford" then being worked by one of Joseph's sons, Winston, the elder son of his second marriage.
Background Source taken from : "Clarkson Family State Link Is Back To 1830", article from Geraldton Guardian.
The photograph below is a portrait of the 4 sons of Edward Winteringham Clarkson Robert, Edward, Joseph and Thomas.

on 2011-07-31 08:46:07
janilye - 7th generation, Convict stock. Born in New South Wales now living in Victoria, carrying, with pride 'The Birthstain'.

Hi Janilye,thanks for this wonderful informative post, Im trying very hard to fill in my partners family history. Elizabeth Sarah Clarkson being his 2nd cousin x once removed and Hannah Eliza Leeder being his gt gt aunt. Yor information has been so useful to me. If I can help in anyway perhaps with the Hannan family (my partners mother was Doris Syrilla Leeder m James Franis Hannan) please let me know

Thanks Vicki; I'm not related to any of these people. This is part of a project 'ngairedith (another FTC member) and I are working on. The title is 'Dongara' It came about when we were both discussing Dongara, because we had both spent some time in the town and noticed there was not a lot of information written about the town and it's early settlers. Thank you all the same for your offer I will certainly keep it in mind.

Vicki, I can give you all the LEEDER family up to where Doris married teacher, James Hannan in Victoria. Think I have photos too. Not sure because I'm away from home for another week. Jan