FOSS HUNKINS Case From 1892
So I'd like some input on this FOSS HUNKINS case from 1892
The Charles Hunkins is my great great grandpas brother. To me it sounds like a corrupt case to remove a corrupt sheriff!
i r i il innj utwo "?" ^^'~ /
himself a reputation and name that
would havt placed him among Wisconsin's
patriots. But he
failed to grasp appreciate the oppor
tunity choosing to be
ation nas oeru violated by this act
be more fully considered by my
brethren. It is proper to say that
inhlbit-anM if neither required nor
possible. But there should beasclose
an approximation to exactness as
possible, and this is the utmost limit
for the exercise oE legislative_ discretion.
If, as is this case, there is suca
a wide and bold departure from this
constitutional rule that it caonot
possibly be justified by.the exercise of
any iudgment or discretion, and .hat
evinces an intention on the part ot
the Legislature to utterly ignore and
a . __?_j ?i ?,,IQ ^f 1 he r-nnstitution,
The junior democratic
attempts to make a sensation
f c . _.]_!_- 4
of the
JtwLCU'l'UK' wv
Foss-Hunkins case, recently tried in
justice court here, charging Marshal
Agan with irregular work and exorbitent
fees. Effort is made to prove
the case parallel with theDerse-Smait
case which aroused such popular
indignation here last fall, and which
the organ then heartily approved of,
Dene being a democrat. The cases
are somewhat alike, with a very
important difference. Mr. Derse
"worked up" the Smart case himself.
Ho s,'/ore out a warrant in which he
staled on oath that Richard Smart
robbed the Germans of S6,000. The
whole responsibility of the farce which
resulted so disastrously for Richard
Smart and for Waukesha county,
rests upon his shoulders.
On the other hajid the responsibility
tor the Hunkins case rests, not upon
Marshal Agan, but upon the democratic
district attorney, Alexander
Cook. It there are to be any politics
in the matter let them show their hue
colors. The facts in the case are very
simple and speak for themselves. The
. i i i. _ IV Y .? /"^/^ y-> L-' a
third rate politician. His
well-known abilities as a lawyer are
nothing compared to the glory he
would have won had he earnestly and
sincerely championed the cause of
Justice in the apportionment cases.
Even his political opponents pity
for various
is not com-
SBVEN Chicago Alderman have been
indicted on the charge of receiving
bribes for their votes ' "
franchises and the grist
plete yet; The papers of that city
intimate tbat ?nly umall fishes are
vet in the net. and that no.' halt will
be made until a clean sweep 'is made.
and a cleaner'of "filthy stables," and
is sure to be rewarded lor his stalwart
disregard the rule of I he constitution
n order to promote some other object
han a constitutional apportionment,
hen the conclusion is inevitable that
he Legislature did not use any judgment
or discretion whatever.
-The disparity in the .number ot
nhabitants in the legislative districts
so great that it cannot be overlooked
as mere carelessdiscrepanciesorsiight
errors fn calculation. The differences
are too material, great and glaring,
and deprive too many of the people
of the state of a representation in
.?._ i -~:,,i<,i-i-i,-o t-.n be allowed to
The beautiful new GINGHAMS,
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matter was brought to Mr. Coot's
notice, where upon he delegated D. S.
Tullar to look into it, because the
girl, Annie Foss, had been domestic m
Mr. Tullar's household, and he was
acquainted with her. She swore out
acomplaint charging Charles Hunkins
with seduction under promise of marriage.
The warrant was placed in
Marshal Agan's hands, and his simple
duty was to serve it. Hunkins being
in Minnesota, a requisition from Gov-.
?rnor Peck was necessary, and was
obtained. Agan then went to Minnesota,
found his man, and brought him
back. DuringHuokins' examination
court the girl made an
?uu,.?.?,~ which promptly put an
end to the proceedings and Hunkins
was discharged. The outcome of the
matter was received by Mr. Cook and
Mr. Tullar with surprise and disgust.
The girl hid perhaps not intended to
tell falsehoods but had given che officourse.
_ ...
TuESDAvTMarch 22d is a brigh
day in the history of Wisconsin. Oi
that day an unpartizan Court set th
seal of disaproval upon the dangerous
gerrymander. One man's vote mus
be equal with that of every othe
man's, no matter what his politics
AH honor to the upright, Judges who,
regardless ofpolitical affiliations.have
stood by the rights of the people.
THE Democrat'fails-to tell the public
thit it was a democratic board that
loaded th3villa?e with a 530,000
bonded debt, that runs twenty years.
At the end of that time 830,000 in
interest will have been paid, while a
debt- of $30,000 will yet remain.
Such financering.can only be laid at
democratic doors. ^^^___
tne Legislature, to 'he allowed
pass as mere errors of judgment or
Discretion, and -that they were made
intentionally and wilUully for some
improper purpose or for sortie private
end foreign to constitutional duty ^
and obligation. It, is not an ap- ^
portionment' in any sense o the t
word. It is a direct and palpable
violation of the constitution 1he
breaking up of the lines and bound
arias of counties by the new Assembly
districts must have been intentional.
It was not necessary in a singe
instance, and there is no possible
margin for the exercise of any legislative
discretion. The people have a
commendable pride in their own counties
and have more or less a common
feeling and interest and participate
together in all their county affairs.
? . . _ ? 1_ 4. i- n l-ia^tir
ico yon.
^sEfrfjno rrjoitcLc Lnrful Lla^^MMM*
In fact come in and look all through'our store and inspect our
stock. We are certain you can not fail to be convinced that thisis
the place to get the correct styles at moderate prices.
"blo? l?trial will conTioco jon.
We know it is i
to criticise the |
decisions of the
in justice
OUR earliest, recollections of Hon.
A. Elmore are as he appeared when
Post Master and Merchant alang in
like a dream to observe that he
is once more in the mail service of
Uncle Sam. He was recently appointed
P. M., at Ft. Howard. The Freeman
wishes him a comfortable berth
and a fat salary.
cers only half truths and mis-lead
them. .
" To charge Mr. Cook with any willful
misdeeds in the case would of course
be outside the truth, but the responsibility
for mistakes must be borne as
well as the responsibility for willful
sins. If any official is to blame for
the mistake under consideration, Mr.
Cook is the man.
The organ's attempt to lay the
blame on Marshal Agan is of a piece
with its usual political efforts. It
would be as reasonable to howl for
the punishment of the Wilkins county
sheriff who delivered Hunkins to Mr.
Agan or the railway engineer who
brought him here from Minnesota.
Agan's action was in the strict line* of
his duty as an officer of the paace.
The -warrant was put into his hands
and he had nothing to do but serve it.
Mr. Agan's actions and Mr. Derse's
?tend in precisely the same relationas
does the lever of a machine to th&
?piritofthe mau who invented and..."
The rest of the article is on the site. Type in Hunkins in the search box to get to it.
on 2010-05-09 18:41:07
Leeann Boone-Not Related To Daniel Boone Since 1896!