GARBUTT Joseph and Ann FIRTH

Information Journal.
Joseph GARBUTT and Ann FIRTH.
Marriage details not located at time of posting.
Joseph died 1897 in Melbourne East, Victoria.
Age: 66 years.
Parents named as Joseph GARBUTT and Jane CARTER.
Ann died 1894 in Carlton, Victoria.
Age: 66 years.
Parents named as Thomas FIRTH and Frances TEMPLE.
Five children located Victoria Australia for Joseph and Ann.
Born: 1859 North Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: 1908 Hotham West, Victoria.
Age: 48 years.
Buried: Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery, Victoria.
Area: Church of England.
Section: B.
Grave number: 909.
Service date: 17 May 1908.
Married: William Thomas COWL.
Year: 1879.
Place: Victoria.
William was born 09 August 1853, Launceston, Tasmania.
Parents named as William COWL and Hannah DICKERSON.
William died 1926 in Melbourne East, Victoria.
Age: 73 years.
Parents named as William COWL and Hanna DICKERSON.
Buried: Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery, Victoria.
Area: Church of England.
Section: B.
Grave number: 909.
Service date: 29 October 1926.
Born: 1861 Carlton, Victoria.
Died: 1862 Melbourne, Victoria.
Age: 09 months.
Born: 1865 Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: 1901 Footscray, Victoria.
Age: 37 years.
Death: Recorded as Eliza STEARMAN.
Father named as Joseph GARBEET. Mother unknown.
Married: William Loader STEARMAN.
Year: 1883.
Place: Victoria.
William was born 1854 in Sandhurst, Victoria.
Parents named as Charles STEARMAN and Maria LOADER.
William Loader STEARMAN married Virtue FARROW in 1896.
Was he still married to Eliza at the time?
Thomas Henry GARBUTT.
Born: 1869 Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: 1943 Carlton, Victoria.
Age: 75 years.
Married: Lucy Maude SMITH.
Year: 1893.
Place: Victoria.
Lucy was born 1873 in Ballarat East, Victoria.
Parents named as William SMITH and Lucy MILLER.
Lucy died 1944 in Melbourne, Victoria.
Age: 71 years.
Parents named as William SMITH and Lucy MILLER.
Priscilla GARBUTT.
Born: 1872 Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: 1913 Melbourne East, Victoria.
Age: 41 years.
Married: John Edward HOPE.
Year: 1892.
Place: Victoria.
John was born 1872 in Sandhurst, Victoria.
Parents named as John Edward HOPE and Catherine BROWN.
John died 1914 in Heidelberg, Victoria.
Age: 41 years.
Parents named as John William HOPE and Catherine BROWN.
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria.
Registry of Births, Tasmania.
Coburg Pine Ridge Cemetery Records, Victoria.
Also See:
GARBUTT marriages 1869-1914 Victoria Australia
GARBUTT marriages 1915-1950 Victoria Australia
GARBUTT Richard and Sarah PARSONS
JN 70556

on 2019-10-02 21:46:25
tonkin lives in Victoria, Australia.
Please note:
Journals are intended to assist new members locate family lines in Australia and should only be used as a guide for follow up research and record searches as intended. Due to spelling and informant errors appearing in the records, typo errors and my misreading of the records mistakes must be expected. Errors will be corrected when detected or advised.