HAWKESTONE Street, Thorndon, Wellington - 1850
the following from NZETC was written about 1928
... Hawkestone Street. Thorndon, is off Molesworth Street and Tinakori Road. This valley was once covered with thick forest, of which only one tree is now left?a kakikatea or white pine, which did not present sufficient attraction to the sawyer in the early stage of the Colony, having escaped the general slaughter. ?It is now preserved for the sake of ornament (1847),? states Brees in his ?Pictorial New Zealand.? ?Live stock, such as fowls, ducks, turkeys and goats, are flourishing exceedingly.?
... the commencement of the Karori Road at Hawkestone Street; the house on the hill to the left was built by Mr. Joah WAKEFIELD, and that at the top of the road was once the residence of Mr. BRANDON. The one with the verandah was built by Mr. WICKSTEED, and on the right of that was the Cadets' College, tenanted by some of the surveying cadets of the company. Mr. St. HILL's house appeared above these, backed by the Tinakori Hills. (Brees', 1847.)
One of the views is taken from Tinakori Road. Maori are seen dragging a large canoe to the harbour: a chief stands in the canoe giving time to the men at the rope. BREEs' cottage is seen at the right.
The names appearing on the Burgess Roll of 1843 as residents are:?
The Government granted a site (section 566) in Hawkestone Street, to the Rev. Dr. VIARD and his successors, for the education of native and half-caste children.
The first official visitors at St. Joseph's Providence? were Messrs. J. JOHNSTON and CLIFFORD.
In 1850 Mr. W. MARSHALL conducted a grammar school on the Crescent, and the 1863 Almanac contains the names of the residents, viz.:?
* Messrs. H. Shaw,
* H. Robinson,
* A. Hughes,
* I. Clark,
* M. Kebble,
* W. Bowler,
* H. St. Hill,
* W. Nicholas,
* M. Holmes
* and Miss Caroll.
The origin of the name appears to be associated with the name of General Hill's ?Hawkestone? Estate (see Hill Street
on 2011-07-11 08:25:45
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.