Hotel Licencees in GISBORNE, Poverty Bay - 1899<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Hotel Licencees in GISBORNE, Poverty Bay - 1899

Journal by ngairedith

some of the new Hotel Licensees in GISBORNE, Poverty Bay that were granted in June 1899 in the Waiapu District by the Licensing Committee

the Committee on that day were:
Mr J. BOOTH S.M. (in the chair)
the members were:
the Solicitors present were:
the Police representatve was Sergeant BLACK

British Empire Hotel, Gisborne - Charles CLARKE

Gisborne Hotel, Gisborne - Henry MARTIN

Kaiteratahi Hotel - Thomas STEELE

Kawakawa Hotel - Reid McCULLOUGH

Ormond Hotel, Kate ODLUM

Pakarae Hotel - John Rutherford SHAW

Record Reign Hotel, Gisborne - Charles NICHOLSON

Royal Oak Hotel, Matawhere - John Hodgson AISLABIE

Rose Hotel, Port Awanui - Charles BUTLER

Royal Hotel, Gisborne - Douglad THOMSON

Tawhiti Hotel, Waipiro - George Mansell Brown OMAN
- born 1864 in Swansea, arrived in 1874 with his step-parents Mr & Mrs HAACHE. He took over the Muriwau Hotel in 1898 and then had the licences of the Waipiro Bay Hotel, Whatatutu Hotel, Coronation Hotel, Wairoa Hotel, British Empire Hotel, Gisborne and Masonic Hotels in Gisborne over a period of 38 years.
- he married Kate WREN in 1892
ther known chldren were:
1893 - 1962 Milton George Clifford Oman
- died in 1962 aged 70
1899 - 1986 Phyllis Elaine Oman
- married Walter David MORLEY (1894-1946) in 1921
1900 - 1974 James Wren Oman
- married Rawinia Wikitoria Rereomaki BENNETT (1900-1976) in 1927
1903 - 1977 Cora Irene Oman
- Cora died in 1977 aged 74

George died in 1936 aged 72
Kate died in 1941 aged 74

Te Peka Hotel - George COTTRELL

Tolaga Bay Hotel - Honora Mary McDOWELL

the Transfer of Licenses 1899

by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-01-18 16:54:38

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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