How can I get a copy of my great uncles death certificate? Thomas Norton, 33 yrs of age, died in San Francisco, CA 1918 @ St. Mary's Hospital. He was a native of Sacramento. His grave is in St. Joseph's cemetery. The headstone is either worn or was al :: Genealogy
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How can I get a copy of my great uncles death certificate? Thomas Norton, 33 yrs of age, died in San Francisco, CA 1918 @ St. Mary's Hospital. He was a native of Sacramento. His grave is in St. Joseph's cemetery. The headstone is either worn or was al

Question by PJaneSmith

always incorrect. It looks like 1913 ... instead of 1918. I have his obituary which supports dates as I know them to be. The powers that be will only accept a death certificate. 1/24/1918 probably the Spanish Flu.

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by PJaneSmith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2022-04-23 06:25:32

PJaneSmith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2016.

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