CAULFIELD War Memorial WWI - R+S

see A names for introduction to the journal:
A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y
any SOLDIER known to have died as a POW is indicated by *
... R ...
* RAW, Walter Whitfield - Lance Sergeant 3527
- born Sep 1895 in Camberwell, Victoria, youngest of 3 to John Thomas RAW (Schoolteacher from Scotland) & Esther Maria RAYSON (3rd of 10 children of Walter RAYSON & Mary TUCKER)
- enlisted from Melbourne, a Student of 'Morley', 15 Shoobra Rd, Elsternwick
- served with 59th Battalion (Infantry) (also 7th Infantry Battalion)
- embarked from Melbourne 11 Oct 1915 on HMAT Nestor
- father, John Raw of 'Waverly' 15 Shoobra Rd Elsternwick then in Dec 1916 to 'Leura' 55 Shoobra Rd, Elsternwick
? REPORTED MISSING on 19 July 1916 in France aged 20
- VC Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial, Fromelles, France
* 5' 9", medium complexion, brown eyes, black hair
RAY, Harold Seymour - Private 1526
- born April 1882 in Seymour, Victoria
- Farmer of Alberton
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 8 may 1915 on HMAT Euripides
- brother, Percy William Ray of Caulfield
- widowed mother, Eleanor Ray of Alberton, Victoria & 'Kismet' Bella Vista St, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 9 Oct 1917 in Belgium aged 25
- buried Zonnebeke near Kay Farm
- Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
* 5' 6?", medium complexion, hazel eyes, black hair
* was admitted to 1st Canadian General Hospital suffering from gunshot wound to his arm on 19 Sep 1916
* in March 1920 brother Percy wrote that both parents were now deceased (mother Eleanor died June 1919)
* eye witness account:
... I knew casualty, he was 5ft 6ins, dark, medium build, 28 years of age, known as Harold. He was a 1st Rfcts. and was batman to Lieut. Baker. Casualty was a Co. runner and was taking a despatch to Co. H.Q. at Daisy Wood, Ypres, and whilst outside Battalion Headquarters a shell landed killing him instantly. I saw his body lying there outside the door of the dug-out. He was carried back by battalion Pioneers to Battalion Burial Grounds at Bellwarde Ridge, Ypres
* in Sep 1922 they wrote to his brother Percy c/o South Gippsland Butter Factory Company, Yarram, that for some time past an exhaustive search had been made over the battle areas in view of recovering the remains but that, unfortunately, the Graves Services failed to locate his resting place
* in July 1924 the authorities wrote to ex L/Cpl 1524, Harold George Gallagher of the 24th saying they had found his ground sheet & some religious emblems with an unnamed soldier and asked if he could shed light on this. On 9 Aug 1923 Harold wrote "Your letter of the 20th July to hand in reference to the late Pte Harold Ray, 1526, of 24th Batt. I might state that he was my pal, we went right through together until the 8th of Oct 1917. In reference to the ground sheet I can safely say that it was mine as I was attached to the Headquarters Lewis Gun Section in 1916 and a part of 1917. I did have my name on it. Well, Pte. Ray was killed on the afternoon of the 8th of Oct. Both he and I with several others went into a pill box to cook some dinner when a shell burst right in the doorway killing Pte Ray and wounding two others. This happened while we were in close supports ready to go over the top at Daisy Wood in the morning. I carried Pte Ray out of the pill box and covered him with my ground sheet. He was buried the next day by Cpl Davis of the 24th Batt. at Zonnebeke about 300 yards from lane near Kay Farm. I might state that Pte Ray was not of the Roman Catholic faith. I can account for those religious emblems found on him. While we were in Egypt we went out to see Mary's Well, also the fig tree alongside the well. Just before you get to them there is a little church, we went inside and while inside they sold us some religious emblems of the Roman Church. I remember Pte Ray saying to me that he would keep them for luck. I might state that there were three of us bought these emblems, the other being L/Cpl Greenwell of the 24th Batt. He could also account for those emblems being on the late Pte Ray". Five months later, Jan 1924, they replied that the unknown Australian soldier was found in the vicinity of Courcellette, 60 miles distance, but they believed this soldier was buried in the Autumn of 1916, and so it was impossible that he was Pte Ray (although this was an extraordinary coincidence) and asked whether he had another ground sheet in which the unnamed soldier was found'
* on 6 July 1967 an elder brother, Robert Hudson Ray wrote re the Medallion
- soldier not found
REGESTER, William Edward - Private 2025
- memorial has W. E. REGISTER
- born May 1896 in Elsternwick
- a Butcher of 18 Edward St, Elsternwick
- served with 6th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 17 April 1915 on HMAT Hororata
- mother, Mary Ann Regester of same address, also Babra Rd, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 7 Aug 1915 at Gallipoli aged 19
- grave 4, row Ea Courtney's and Steel's Post Cemetery, Anzac Cove, Gallipoli
* 5' 4", medium complexion, grey eyes, brown hair
* reported missing at Anzac 8 Aug 1915. Court of Enquiry held at Erquingham 24 April 1916 declared him as Killed In Action
ROSS, Vernon John Wallace - Lieutenant
- born 21 March 1892 in Auburn, Victoria
- enlisted Melbourne, a Commercial Rep for Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne
- served with 23rd Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 8 Feb 1916 on HMAT Warilda
- father, John Wallace Ross, Whyte St, Somerton, South Australia, then 'Millcraig' 23 Eskdale Rd, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 23 April 1918 in France aged
- Ribemont Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France
* 5' 10", fresh complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair
* 3 weeks in hospital in France for Pleurisy & Bronchitis. Operated on June 1916 for Rhinitis. Invalided to England for debility after Influenza Dec & Jan 1917
... S ...
SCAMMELL, Sidney - Lieutenant/Acting Corporal 1989
- born Bradford On Avon England to Austin & Caroline A. Scammell
- enlisted from Melbourne, Commercial Traveller of Elsternwick
- served with 22nd Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 26 Aug 1915 on HMAT Anchises
- father, Austin Scammell, 75 Downshire Rd, Elsternwick, later 73 Livingstone St, Ivanhoe
- died 3 May 1917 in France aged
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 6?", dark complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair
* evacuated to England with severe gunshot wound (or bomb explosion) to right eye 4 Aug 1916 at Poziers, completely blind for 3 days, gradually improved after 14 Aug
* reported 'Killed in Action before 29 July 1917'
SCOTT, Lambert William - Private 2710
- born May 1893 in Diamond Creek, Victoria to William John & Mary Scott, he attended Yallock Village Settlement School
- a Plasterer of 30 Crimea St, Caulfield
- served with 2nd Pioneer Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 18 Sep 1916 on HMAT Karroo
- mother, Mrs Mary Scott of 16 Farnham St, Newmarket, Victoria, later in Edith St, Ash Grove, and Crimea St, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 5 May 1917 at Bullecourt, France aged 24
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 8?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, fair hair
SCOTT, William Norman Eric - Lieutenant 859
- born 1890 in Melbourne
- Electrical Engineer of 46 Seymour Rd, Elsternwick
- served with 3rd Squadron Australian Flying Corps
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Oct 1914 on HMAT Shropshire with 2nd Field Artillery
- father, Arthur Scott of same address
- KILLED IN ACTION 2 Dec 1917 in Bailleul, France aged 27
- Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord), France]
* 5' 8", fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair
* eye witness account:
... Lieutenant Scott left the ground with Captain H. H. Storrer, his pilot, on the morning of 2.12.17. A strong wind was blowing at the time, and as Captain Storrer turned the machine to avoid a line of trees, a gust of wind turned the machine upside down and it fell on a stone wall on the edge of the town of Bailleul. Both officers were buried in the Bailleul Military Cemetery
* graduated as observer in the Australian Flying Corps & appointed 2nd Lieutenant 23 Jun 1917. Attached to 69th Squadron A.F.C. from wireless and observers school Brookland 8 July 1917, proceeded to France 26 Aug 1917
* Crash site of the Royal Aircraft Factory R.E.8 biplane of 3 Squadron, Australian Flying Corps, which killed pilot Captain Henry Haig Storrer and observer Lieutenant William Norman Eric Scott, Bailleul, France, December 1917
* 3 Squadron personnel who died WWI & WWII
SELL, Frank - Private 709
- born May 1896 at Middle Park, Victoria to W. J. Sell
- a Caterer of 131 Union St, Windsor, Melbourne
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915 on HMAT Euripides
- sister, Violet Sell of same address (only sister)
- KILLED IN ACTION 22 Aug 1916 in France aged 20.3
- buried 3? miles NW of Albert, Poziers
- plot 4, row K, grave 16 Pozieres British Cemetery Ovillers-La Boisselle, France
* 5' 7?", medium complexion, grey eyes, black hair
* oldest brother was Frederick Ralph Sell at Toorak. His sister Violet was Mrs Walter Gerschwitz of 'Alva', Horace St, Malvern in 1920 (moved from 'Arevsel', Kelburn St, Caulfield) & was the next of kin for his badge. Walter Gerschwitz was born in South Australia to Friedrich Wilhelm Gerschwitz & Elizabeth 'Lilly' Campbell. Letters sent to Frank's father, W. J. Sell at 45 Fortescue St, Spring Hill, Brisbane in 1923 were returned
NOTE Frank's brother Frederick was still living in 1916 and, despite the authorities asking his sister Violet if there were older brothers, she insisted she was next of kin
The Argus 7 Dec 1933 Frederick Ralph Sell of Grandview Grove, Armadale, formerly of Toorak whose estate was sequestrated in 1927, applied to Judge Lukin in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday for discharge from bankruptcy. It was stated, on behalf of Bell, that he had paid 7/- in the ?1 to his creditors In composition. The application was granted
SHELDON, Frederick Lawrence - Private 387 (Bugler)
- born Oct 1895 at Sandhurst Rd, Eaglehawk, Victoria, 10th of 10 children of
Elijah SHELDON (1842-1910) & Mary Ann McDOWELL (?-1936, died Wallsend NSW), attended State School Eaglehawk. Won a Scholarship at Technical College, Bendigo School
- a Farm Hand of Bendigo & Clerk of Carlton, Melbourne
- served with 14th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 22 Dec 1914 on HMAT Ulysses
- sister, nurse Caroline Hannah Sheldon, Town Hall, Bendigo
- KILLED IN ACTION 30 April 1915 at Dardanelles, Gallipoli aged 19.6
- Courtney's and Steel's Post Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5' 7", fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair
* his father died in Bendigo when he was 15 Bendigo Advertiser, 16 Dec 1910 SHELDON ? On 15th December, at his residence, Job's Gully, Elijah, beloved husband of Mary Ann Sheldon, in his 69th year. A pioneer of 1852
* 10 Sep 1914 I, as the guardian of my brother Frederick Lawrence Sheldon, hereby consent to his enlistment for Active Service abroad. On behalf of Mrs M. A. Sheldon, 36 Neal St, Carlton. (signed Caroline Sheldon). Caroline died in Caulfield in 1934 aged 62
* 24 April 1915 In the event of my death I give the whole of my property and effecs to my mother, Mrs M. A. Sheldon, 218 (or 28) Lygon Street, Carlton, Melbourne.
* In 1915 his mother, Mary Ann Sheldon, was living at 349 North St, Albury, NSW then 4 Buckley St, Caulfield. She later moved (for a short time) to 609 Edmund St, Beaconsfield, Fremantle, West Australia, for health reasons (today that street only goes to #160). In 1923 mail sent to her at 119 Osborne St, South Yarra was returned. In 1922 she was back in WA, visiting her married daughter at corner Marmion & Dalgety St, East Fremantle. In 1928 she was at Sweetman St, Red Hill, Brisbane. Died 1936 in Wallsend, NSW
* his cousin Mervyn Alfred McDowell, Private 6930A with the 21st, was killed in action 8 Aug 1918 in France
* siblings of Frederick Lawrence Sheldon:
1872 - 1934 Caroline Hannah Sheldon
- died in Caulfield
1873 - Alice Elizabeth Sheldon
- married William James Maher in 1889
1876 - 1926 Henry George Sheldon
- born in Nerring, Victoria, died in Wallsend, New South Wales
1878 - 1879 Arthur Daniel Sheldon
- born & died at Eaglehawk
1881 - 1973 Edward Arthur Sheldon
- died at Kyneton
1882 - ? Catherine Sheldon
- born at Eaglehawk
1884 - ? Charles Alfred
- born at Eaglehawk
1886 - 1887 Francis William Sheldon
- born & died at Eaglehawk
1892 - 1976 Marion Margaret Sheldon
- born in Geelong, married Fritz H CRAMER, died in Albury, NSW
1895 - 1915 Frederick Lawrence Sheldon
- born at Eaglehawk, Killed In Action at Dardanelles
SHEPARD, Norman Hearne - Sergeant Major 570
- born Sep 1894 in Elsternwick, Caulfield, 3rd of 6 known children of George Richmond SHEPARD (1865-1958 born Melbourne) & Harriet Elizabeth STAINS (1864-1943 born Albany WA), attended State School, Caulfield
- an Engineer, Fitter-Turner of 'Beddgelert', Gleneira Rd, Elsternwick
- enlisted from Langwarrin, Victoria
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915 on HMAT Euripides
- father, George R. Shepard of same address
- KILLED IN ACTION 9 Oct 1917 in Daisy Wood, near Belgium aged 23
- Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
* 5' 7", fair complexion, grey eyes, light brown hair
* brother Owen George Shephard (1897-1957), served as Private 9234 with the Dermatological Hospital at 3rd Casualty Clearing Station
* awarded the Military Medal for bravery in field
The Argus, 10 Aug 1927 STAINS - On the 7th August, at the residence of her daughter (Mrs George R. Shepard), 244 Gleneira road, Elsternwick, Mary, relict of the late Sydney Stains, and loving grandmother of Allie, Essie, Norman (deceased), Owen, Vera, and Syd, aged 93 years (Interred privately)
NOTE their home, 'Beddgelert', at Elsternwick was probably named after George Richmond Shepard's mother (Ellen Jane nee Evans 1841-1902) birth town of Beddgelert, Merionethshire, Wales
SIDDALL, Norman - Lieutenant
- memorial has N. SIDALL
- born 1891 in Elsternwick to James & Kate Siddall
- attended Caulfield Grannar School
- lived 17 Allison Rd., Elsternwick
- served with 4th Battery 2nd Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- next of kin was his mother at 17 Allison Rd., Elsternwick. Later moved to 'Corona' St George's Rd., Elsternwick
- KILLED IN ACTION 29 May 1915 in Gallipoli aged 23
- Plot 1, Row J, Grave 6, Beach Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey
SINCLAIR, Robert Hector - Private 1398
- Regimental number from Nominal Roll 1281
- Robert was a Tuckpointer
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry), 2nd Reinforcements
- next of kin was brother, Arthur Sinclair, Waratah Avenue, Glen Huntley
- KILLED ACTION 25 April 1915 in Gallipoli aged 35
- Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* Nephew: Gunner 14693, Arthur Walter SINCLAIR, Field Artillery Brigade 14, Reinforcment 2, returned to Australia, 5 April 1918
SKILLER, Charles Henry - Private 4188
- served with 23rd Battalion (Infantry)
- died 3 May 1917 in France aged
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
this soldier to be added
SKUSE, Alexander Roy - Private 2724
- served with 59th Battalion (Infantry)
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 11 March 1917 in France
- Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France
this soldier to be added
SMITH, Frederick Norman - Private 886
- Frederick was a Wood machinist of Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield
- served with 5 Infantry Battalion (October 1914)
- embarked from Melbourne 21 Oct 1914 on HMAT Orvieto
- father, H. J. Smith, 'Willingham' Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 22 April 1917 in France aged 24
- Red Cross Corner Cemetery, Beugny, France
bio for this soldier to be added
SMITH, Harry Crombie Newton - Private 2694
- born Dec 1894 in Malvern
- a Labourer/Farmer of " St Heliers" Eskdale Rd, Caulfield
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 15 Sep 1915 on SS Makarini
- mother, Florence Helene Smith of same address, also of 9 Bond St, Caulfield, also of South Yarra, also of Upper Hawthorn
- DIED OF ILLNESS 9 June 1917 in UK aged
- Cambridge City Cemetery, United Kingdom
* 5' 8?", fresh complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair
STANLEY, James William - Private 90
- born 1892, Port Melbourne to Thomas STANLEY (1859-1926) & Francis 'Fanny' Eveline SMITH (1865-1918)
- A salesman of 141 Pickles St, Port Melbourne
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915 on HMAT Euripides
- Fanny Stanley, of same address, thence 19 Derby Crescent East Caulfield, till her death on 30 May 1918
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 6 Oct 1915 in Egypt aged 23
- Alexandria (Chatby) Military and War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
* 5' 4" dark complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
* The 24th Battalion was raised in a hurry. The original intent was to raise the fourth battalion of the 6th Brigade from the ?outer states?, but a surplus of recruits at Broadmeadows Camp in Victoria lead to a decision being made to raise it there. The battalion was formed during the first week of May 1915, and sailed from Melbourne at the end of that week. Training shortfalls were made up in Egypt in July and August, and on 4 September 1915 the Battalion went ashore at Gallipoli. It spent the next 16 weeks sharing duty in the Lone Pine trenches with the 23rd Battalion. The fighting at Lone Pine was so dangerous and exhausting that battalions rotated every day. While the bulk of the battalion was at Gallipoli, a small party of 52, trained as packhorse handlers, served with the British force in Salonika. The Battalion was reunited in Egypt in early 1916 and proceeded to France in March. It took part in its first major offensive around Pozi?res and Mouquet Farm in July and August 1916. The Battalion got little rest during the bleak winter of 1916-17 alternating between the front and labouring tasks. When patrolling no-man?s land the men of the 24th adopted a unique form of snow camouflage - large white nighties bought in Amiens
* At the time of Fanny's death, James's father was in South Africa, returning in
1920, adding as next of kin: c/o daughter, Mrs Alice Grace Rendall Hardwicke St, Deepdene, Victoria
The Argus, 31 May 1918 STANLEY ? On the 30th May, at the residence of her son-in-law Mr C Rendall, Derby Crescent, East Caulfield Fannie, loving wife of Thomas Stanley Johannesburg, South Africa. Loved mother of Alice, the late James William, and John, died 51 years. No flowers by request. Patient sufferer at rest
STANTON, Fredrick Bertram - Captain
- born Sep 1893, to William Frederick STANTON (1867-1951) & Annie HUNTER
- a Bank Clerk of Stawell, Victoria
- served with 14th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 15 Sep 1915 on SS Makarini
- father, Captain William Frederick Stanton, Main St, Stawell then 'Croxteth' 5 Kooyoong Rd, Caulfield. (In 1916 he was at the Military Camp in Bendigo)
- KILLED IN ACTION 11 April 1917 at Bullecourt France aged
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 6', fair complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair
* brother Eric John(athon) Stanton served as Lieutenant & lived in Elsternwick and Caulfield
more to be added
STAPLETON, Albert George - Private 146
- born 10 May 1888 in Dublin, Ireland to William & Eliza Stapleton of 4 Wharton Terrace, Portobello
- a Student of Byron St, East Caulfield
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 21 Oct 1914 on HMAT Orvieto
- mother, Mrs I. Jarvis, of Byron St Caulfield (later changed to Byron St Glen Huntly by the Postal Authorities), she later moved to 'Langside' South Preston
- KILLED IN ACTION 25 April 1915 at Gallipoli Peninsula aged 27
- Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5' 9?", medium complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
STEEL, George Thomas - Private 1771
- born in Melbourne
- a Carpenter of Belzise Avenue, Murrumbeena
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 16 July 1915 on HMAT Demosthenes
- brother Charles Steel is Next of Kin
- Elizabeth Amos, same address
- KILLED IN ACTION 27 July 1916 in France aged 27
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 4?", medium complexion, brown eyes, black hair
* reported Missing In Action 5 Aug 1916. After Court of Enquiry 25 Sep 1916 he was recorded as Killed in Action 27 July 1916
* on 10 Feb 1917 Elizabeth Amos wrote that she was next og kin and had changed her address to Red Bluff St., Black Rock
more to be added
TENT CAMP, Egypt 1915-1916
from the site Museum Victoria
see James William Stanley

on 2013-03-02 20:23:09
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.