I am looking for family history of John Arthur Hay(1889-1957)who, with brother Frank W H Hay (1893-1976)owned and operated Sherlock and Hay Pty Ltd timber merchants in Frankston, Victoria,Aust. I can't find his parents or if a Sherlock was in the business :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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I am looking for family history of John Arthur Hay(1889-1957)who, with brother Frank W H Hay (1893-1976)owned and operated Sherlock and Hay Pty Ltd timber merchants in Frankston, Victoria,Aust. I can't find his parents or if a Sherlock was in the business

Query by jen51

I know in 1913 he married Jesse Alice Baxter whose mother was a Sherlock. and Sherlock and Hay was established in about 1919 but was a Sherlock involved it he business?
any information on JA Hay would be gratefully received.

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by jen51 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2024-02-20 00:25:09

jen51 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2024.

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by Crawford on 2024-03-02 08:52:54

Hello jen51,
According to Victoria BDM.
John Arthur Hay died in Frankston in 1957, he was born in Oakley. His mother is listed as Annie Street and his father is John Hay.
Also Frederick William Hay (your Frank) with the same parents died in 1976 in Frankston, born in Oakley.

John Hay and Ann/Annie Street married in 1878 in Victoria.
They had 4 children born in Vic
Mary North Hay - 1879, Emer (possibly Emerald?)
James Alexander Hay - 1888, Oakley
John Arthur Hay - 1890, Oakley
Frederick William Hay - 1893, Oakley

There seems to be a large gap between the birth of Mary and then James so there may be other children born somewhere else - NSW perhaps?

Anne Hay died in Frankston in 1924 aged 67 years. Her parents are Rachel Box and James Street.

Hope this helps.
Regards, R.

by jen51 on 2024-03-13 06:49:38

Thank you so much for the above info.
I need to look into the Sherlock side now.

by Crawford on 2024-03-16 07:27:50

Hello again jen51,
Here is the family connection between the Hay and Sherlock families.
Jeanette Mclellan and Samuel Sherlock had 8 children.
Andrew b. 1860
Samuel b. 1861
Alexander John b. 1864
John Benjamin b. 1865
Mary b. 1868
Sarah b. 1870
Janet b. 1873
Agnes b. 1875

Mary Sherlock b. 1868 married George William Baxter. Their daughter married John Arthur Hay on 20 Feb 1913.

Mary Sherlock's older brother Samuel Sherlock b. 1861, d April 1937 married Sophia Deborah Olley in 1885. They had 5 children.
Albert Leslie Sherlock b. 1885
Robert Andrew Sherlock b.1887 (Robert is the connection to Sherlock and Hay Pty Ltd) He married Fanny Amelia Saunders in 1921.
Jessie Christina Sherlock b.1889, d. April 1937. (unmarried)
Olive Bertha Sherlock b. 1891. She married Charles James Pentland-Watson in 1916
Elsie Sophia May Sherlock b. 1894, d. 1894 aged 4 months.

The following article confirms the connection.
Frankston Pioneer Passes DEATH OF MAJOR S. SHERLOCK

Major Samuel Sherlock, a pioneer of Frankston, died at his home, Elou era, High street, Frankston, on Tuesday, aged 75 years. His death mark-ed, the passing of one of Frankston's most respected citizens. For many years he was engaged in business in the township, where he conducted a grocery and hay and corn store in the premises now occupied by Mr. C. W. Morris. He retired from business 32 years ago. Before relinquishing the business he qualified as a veterinary surgeon, in which capacity he served during the Boer War. While on active ser-vice he distinguished himself by treating wounded men on the field during a battle. On the night of June 12, 1901, Dr. Palmer, who was attending the wounded, was killed.. Although on duty only as a veterinary surgeon, Major (then captain) Sherlock served throughout the night in the doctor's stead, dressing wounds aid giving such aid as he could to the suffering soldiers. After his return from the Boer War he continued in his profession until the Great War broke out. In 1914 he was serving in the training camp at Seymour, where he was crushed beneath a horse, which fell on him. Several of his ribs were broken, and he suffered other serious injuries. For some time his recovery seemed unlikely. Although a sound constitution enabled him to regain his health, his injuries debarred him from serving overseas. From his youth he took an active part in almost every movement for the advancement of the district. A fine athlete, he was one of the leading pedestrians of the Peninsula. He was the first president of the Frankston Athletic Club, and held that position for many years. About 10 years ago he was elected a life member of the club. His love of horses attracted him to the Frankston Agricultural Association, of which he was a foundation member and one of its first vice-presidents. He was a competitor at the first show held by the association. His interest in the annual Frankston show never flagged. Year after year he acted as the association's honorary veterinary surgeon. When the association extended its kennel section in 1931 he readily "undertook the arduous task of veterinary surgeon for that section, and even this year examined the 200 or more dogs exhibited at the show. Football was his pet sport. At almost every match played on the Frankston' ground he was the first to pass through the gates. It was the custom of the Frankston Football Club to grant him the privilege of buying No. 1 member's ticket each season. His elder son, the Rev. A. L. Sherlock, was a brilliant player whose prowess in the field is still remembered by those who played in or sup-ported football on the Peninsula early in the present century. An honorary justice of the peace, he. often took his seat on the bench at the Frankston Court. Although impartial in his decisions, he could still sympathise with some of those who had to suffer for their misdeeds. A tale is told of an occasion when he was called upon to try a man who was charged with having been drunk. After hearing the evidence he had no option but. to find the man guilty. and to impose a fine--but he paid the fine himself.', The story is authentic, and perhaps\,tells more of his character than anything else that could be written. For 17 years he was a member of the Frankston and Hastings Shire Council, during which time he was never apposed` e `was shire relesident three times during his term as a councillor. As a member of the Methodist Church he worked in church circles with the same zeal that characterised all his undertakings. Until his death he was a steward of the Frankston Methodist Church. He was a member of the original Frankston Masonic Lodge, of which only two members are known to be now living. When the new Frank-ston Masonic Lodge was formed he became a-foundation member, and retained his membership until his death-: He was also a member of the Frankston branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites. He leaves a widow, two sons (the Rev. A, L. Sherlock, of Preston; and Mr. R. A. Sherlock, of the firm of Sherlock and Hay Ply. Ltd.), and one daughter (Mrs. C. Pentland Wat-son, wife of the manager of the Abbotsford branch of the State Savings Bank). His younger daughter (Miss Jessie Sherlock) died only three weeks ago. Burial took place yesterday in the Frankston cemetery, the funeral cortege being one of the largest ever seen in the district. The pall-bearers were Crs. F. H. Wells, G. A. May, W. J. Oates, E. Rudduck (Dro-mana), Messrs. W. H. O'Grady, Ben Wilson (Dromana), Thomas Ritchie (Mornington), and W. S. Cook (Mornington). The casket was car-ried by Messrs. F. W. Bartlett, H. P. Barber; C. Cooper and N. Olley (Wangaratta). A service was conducted at the home by the Rev. H. C. Trebilco, assisted by the Rev. C. Angwin. The burial service was conducted by the Rev. S. C. Flockart of Burwood, and the Rev. S. Albon read the lesson. An address on the life and Christian work of Major Sherlock was deliver-ed by the Rev. D. J. Flockhart, of Canterbury, an intimate friend for 55 years. The special Masonic burial service was read by Wor. Bro .G. Keast assisted by Wor. Bro. W. C. Gilbert. The graveside service of the Independent Order of Rechabites was read by Bro. F. H.. Wells, Past Chief Ruler. On behalf of returned soldiers, Mr. T. Marshall dropped a red poppy into the grave as a token of remembrance.

Frankston and Somerville Standard (Vic. : 1921 - 1939), Friday 30 April 1937, page 1

by jen51 on 2024-03-16 10:04:29

Thank you so much for the above info.
I need to look into the Sherlock side now.

by jen51 on 2024-03-16 10:11:03

Thank you so much. You can see I am a novice at this. I do appreciate your assistance.

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