Jean Baptiste DeLaChaumette

Daniel and Marie Aucouturier De La Chaumette's son left France, went to England where he married his 2nd wife, Elizabeth H. Bougeois, daughter of John Bougeois and unknown wife. They relocated to Martinique, French West Indies. They had 4 sons, Antione and John were born in London, England. Samuel and Daniel were born in Martinique, French West Indies. After Marie's death, Antione in charge of the plantation and brought John, Samuel and Daniel to the Virginia colony in search of his brother, Arnoul(Arnell De La Chaumette)Shewmake, only to find he had died almost 20 years. In passing through Westmoreland Co., VA, he found Mark Hardouin, his brother-in-law, a Norman Emigrant, who owned and inn (or tavern) in Stafford Co., VA near Germantown trail crossed Elks Run. It was through Mark Hardin, in 1723, Jean bought some choice bottom land along Elk Run from the biggest landowner in the area, William Allen of Overwharton Parish in the County of Stafford. The deed is recorded in Stafford Co., VA, deed book. He bought 200 acres of land, which was an indication the John Shumate I, (as we will hereafter call him), was more than moderately wealthy. It is believed John 1, died around 1728, just before ar after his son, John II married Judith Bailey. It has been said John I was killed by a blow in the head by a highwayman wielding the large door key of Marc Hardouin's tavern. When the tavern was demolished some years later, the workmen pulled up the treadle of one of the steps, there was Spanish money galore. No will for John I, has been found, which may indicate to us that he had not anticipated his death to be near. However, it is possible that he had made a will, the Stafford Co., Will Books for the years between 1709-1729 are missing. (Extract from The Shumate Family by Theodor-Friedrich von Stauffenberg)