John McNulty

Is there anyone out there that has any info on these Mcnultys from Mayo Co
They were tried Ireland and held in Kilmainham Prison Dublin
John jnr and Anthony arrived in Australia aboard the Convict Ship Pekoe 1840
Not sure if John snr was sent because of his age.
Is there anywhere that I can check if John jnr had his family with him.
Also where would his family have gone when they arrived.
There seems to be a lot of McNultys out there but cannot tie in with the McNultys that I am looking for.
Surname: MCNULTY; First name: JOHN JNR;
Sex: M; Age: 33; Place of trial: County Mayo; Date of trial: 11/03/1840; Description of
crime: Administering unlawful oaths; Sentence: Transportation life commuted to 7 yrs;
Record reference code: TR 3, p 132;
Comments: See also Anthony McNulty and John McNulty (Snr)
Surname: MCNULTY; First name: ANTHONY;
Sex: M; Age: 35; Place of trial: County Mayo; Date of trial: 11/03/1840; Description of
crime: Administering unlawful oaths; Sentence: Life commuted to transportation 7 yrs;
Record reference code: TR 3, p 132;
Comments: See also John McNulty and John McNulty Jnr
Surname: MCNULTY; First name: JOHN;
Sex: M; Age: 78; Place of trial: County Mayo; Date of trial: 11/03/1840; Description of
crime: Administering unlawful oaths; Sentence: Transportation life commuted to 2 yrs
Record reference code: TR 3, p 132;
Comments: See also Anthony McNulty and John McNulty Jnr. Convict's name struck
through from Register.

look on this site, names listed as McNutty, prisoners only
Could not find them on this which is the main site for convicts transportation I know of.

On the Australia, List of Convicts with Particulars, 1788-1842 for Anthony Mcnulty it states Anthony is the brother in law of convict 149. 149 is listed as John McNulty occ stonemason, Anthony's occ labourer.
It also states John is married and has 3 sons and 1 daughter. Anthony married 1 daughter. Not sure if means they were on the ship with them
on the above site Anthony is listed as a rebel WD - Whiteboy not sure what is means.
found something:
The Whiteboys were a secret Irish agrarian organisation in 18th-century Ireland which took vigilante action to defend tenants’ land rights to subsistence farming.
The group earned the moniker ‘Whiteboys’ due to their custom of wearing white smocks during their nightly raids. Some Irish immigrants who settled in the rural United States carried their rebellious spirit with them across the Atlantic, as a result of which ‘Whiteboy’ became a generic term for ‘rebel’ outside the cities.
Back in Ireland, the Whiteboys usually referred to at the time as Levellers by the authorities, and by themselves as "Queen Sive Oultagh's children", "fairies", “followers of Johanna Meskill" or "Sheila Meskill", all symbolic figures supposed to lead the movement.
The Whiteboys sought to address rack-rents, tithe collection, excessive priests' dues, evictions, and other oppressive acts by landowners. Landlords and tithe collectors were their primary targets. The ‘boys ran a slick operation, priding themselves on extensive forward-planning and regular assemblies. Absolute loyalty was mandatory, and the Whiteboys were the first organisation to invest the custom of swearing oaths with tremendous practical and symbolic importance.
There is more on this site.

Does not say where he was living when he received his freedom.
Certificate of freedom.
Name: Anthony McNulty
Age: 43
Birth Year: 1804
Native Place: County Mayo, Ireland
Arrival Year: 1840
Vessel: Pekoe
Certificate Date: 13 May 1847

Does not say where he was living when he received his freedom. On the bottom corner there is written Wingipello and 30 and start of what looks like a Street which I cannot read. might be worth following up.
Certificate of freedom.
Name: John McNulty
Age: 40
Birth Year: 1807
Native Place: County Mayo, Ireland
Arrival Year: 1840
Vessel: Pekoe
Certificate Date: 23 Apr 1847

I think the above should be Wingello NSW

Do a Keyname search in NSW State Records
Births, Deaths and Marriages search
Medical Journal for the Pekoe