List of persons qualified to serve as Jurors for WELLINGTON, NZ in 1843 - surnames starting "M"<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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List of persons qualified to serve as Jurors for WELLINGTON, NZ in 1843 - surnames starting "M"

Journal by ngairedith

A list of surnames starting with 'M' of settlers who were qualified to serve as Jurors for the District of Port Nicholson, (Wellington) New Zealand, on the 10th February 1843
This puts the ancestor you may be looking for at that place at that time
Please visit any highlighted names and if you can help me add any information to that family it would be appreciated

MABEY - Charles, River Road - farmer
MABEY - Job, do., - farmer
MACE - George, Lambton Quay - storekeeper
MacKAY - Alexander, do., - watchmaker
MacINTOSH - Alexander, Willis Street - carter
MANN - John, Porirua Road - labourer
MANNERING - John, Te Aro Flat - mason
MANSON - Magnus, do., - shoemaker
MANSON - Magnus jnr, River Hutt - farmer
MANSON - James, Te Aro Flat - labourer
MANSON - Robert, do., - labourer
MARRIOTT - James, do., - optician
MARSHALL - David, Bolton Street - labourer
MARTIN - Firmin Victor, Willis Street - settler
MARTIN - James, Sydney Street - wheelwright
MARTIN - John, Te Aro Flat - carter
MASON - William, Willis Street - labourer
MASON - Samuel, do., - carter
MASON - William, Thorndon Flat - smith
MASON - William Frederick, do., - smith
MASON - Frederick, Murphy Street - seaman
MASON - Henry, Wellington Terrace - cabinetmaker
MASTERS - Arthur, River Hutt - labourer
MASTERS - Joseph, Te Aro Flat - cooper
MATHEWS - Charles, Thorndob Quay - shoemaker
MAXTON - Samuel, Te Aro Flat - baker
MAY - James, do., brewer
McBETH - John, Willis Street - storekeeper
McBETH - James, Lambton Quay - storekeeper
McCLATCHIE - George, River Hutt - labourer
McDONALD - Alexander, Lombard Street - banker
McDONALD - Dona, do., Kawarra - settler
McDOWELL - William, Petoni - labourer
McEWEN - David, River Hutt - sawyer
McEWEN - James, Thorndon Quay - shoemaker
McHARDY - David, River Hutt - sawyer
McHARDY - John, do., - baker
McINNIS - Laughlan, Kaiwarra Road - labourer
McKAIN - John Ward, Kaiwarra Sawmill - tailor
McKAIN - James Buchanan, Thorndon Flat - shoemaker
McKAIN - William, do., - labourer
McKENZIE - Thomas, Kaiwarra Road - labourer
McKENZIE - Thomas, Ghuznee Street - printer
McKILLOP - James, River Hutt - labourer
McLACHLAN - Dugald, Thorndon Quay - labourer
McLAGGAN - John, Wellington Terrace - labourer
McLEAN - Alexander, Hawkestone Street - cabinetmaker
McNALLY - James, Lambton Quat - butcher
McQUARRY - John, Kaiwarra Road - carpenter
MEDHURST - Charles, Nairn Street - labourer
MEECH - Henry, Thorbdon Quay - shipwright
MEMBURY - William, Ohariu Road - labourer
MEXTED - George, Porirua Road - labourer
MILGATE - Thomas, River Hutt - labourer
MILLARD - George, Murphy Street - shoemaker
MILLER - William, Lambton Quay - labourer
MILLS - Charles, do., - carpenter
MILLS - Charles, Willis Street - shipwright
MILLS - William, River Hutt - labourer
MILLS - Alexander, do., - sawyer
MILNER - Richard, Te Aro Flat - labourer
MINIFIE - John, Lambton Quay - painter
MINIFIE - Thomas, do., - painter
MINIFIE - Josias, do., - painter
MITCHELL - James, Te Aro Flat - seaman
MITCHELL - John, do., - brickmaker
MITCHELL - William, do., - labourer
MITCHELL - James, do., - labourer
MITCHELL - James, Porirua Road - labourer
MOCATTA - Solomon, Thorndon Flat - merchant
MONK - John George, Porirua Road - labourer
MOODY - William, Lambton Quay - clerk
MOORE - George, do., - storekeeper
MORGAN - Samuel, Ohariu Road - shoemaker
MORRISON - Hugh, Te Aro - dairyman
MUDFORD - John, Thorndon Quay - sailmaker
MUDFORD - John jnr, do., - sailmaker
MUDFORD - George, do., - seaman
MUDGWAY - Richard, Te Aro Flat - labourer
MUDGWAY - George, Upland Farm - labourer
MUDGWAY - Stephen, River Hutt - labourer
MUDGWAY - Charles, do., - labourer
MUIR - James, Te Aro Flat - printer
MURCH - Philip, Manners Street - baker
MURRAY - John, Karori - sawyer
MURRAY - Alexander, do., - sawyer

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by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2008-09-14 03:37:36

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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