Looking for any info on Henry Hilton Appleton, Born 12 December 1874 Adelaide SA. Mother is recorded as Hannah Appleton, nee Hilton and father William Garven Appleton. Problem is that William is recorded to have died 2nd Jan 1874?? <script src="https://be :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Looking for any info on Henry Hilton Appleton, Born 12 December 1874 Adelaide SA. Mother is recorded as Hannah Appleton, nee Hilton and father William Garven Appleton. Problem is that William is recorded to have died 2nd Jan 1874??

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by BGD548 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-07-18 22:53:23

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by tonkin on 2019-07-21 05:21:41

Going by Henry's birth date and father's death date it appears William was not Henry's father. As we know his mother Hannah HILTON had a few more children registered under JONES and they went to New Zealand.

I've searched the Australian records but unable to confirm a death of marriage for Henry under his birth name of Henry Hilton APPLETON.

There was a Henry APPLETON married to Bridget ODONOGHUE in New Zealand in 1901. Bridget died in 1907 aged 28 years. It looks like this Henry APPLETON then married Alice Langdon FLEWELLYN in 1908.

This Henry never gave a second given name of Hilton so hard to say if it's the same Henry APPLETON but worth a mention in your note book.

by janilye on 2019-07-22 12:30:47

The Express and Telegraph Wed 7 Jan 1874

APPLETON.—On the 2nd January, at his
residence, Ackland-street, of consumption,
William Garven Appleton, aged 26 years

by BGD548 on 2019-07-22 20:47:58

Thanks all for this extra bit of info. I have a Hannah Appleton living in Auckland NZ in 1896 and 1902,and a Henry Appleton also in Auckland 1911, 1925.Maybe she brought the three boys ( Henry, Arthur, Robert ) to NZ in the late 1890"s before returning to Australia. Will need to check ships passenger list Cheers

by BGD548 on 2019-10-03 20:32:37

I have followed up on the Henry Appleton in New Zealand who married Bridget. Marriage record states that he was born in Opotiki New Zealand in 1880. Different family. Our Henry was born in Dale Street Adelaide. Need to access more SA records and see if his name shows up anywhere.

by AnnDee on 2019-12-08 10:10:01

Henry Hilton APPLETON was born as you say in Dec 1874. There was also a daughter, Edith Garven APPLETON, born 16 Mar 1873, d 1875 to the same parents. Hannah and William were married 8 Mar 1872 at St Ann Church Aldinga. William was 24 then and Hannah 20. Later a son, Arthur, to Hannah Appleton in 1879 but I have not seen proof of this birth supposedly at sea(from an Ancestry page). Arthur's life was in NZ. Hannah remarried in 1911 to Thomas SHIPWAY and died in SA in 1927. Henry did not die in 1933 in SA because that person was 69/70 and Henry would have been 59. Hope this is some help, was in the middle of another family so it is a bit difficult concentrating.

by BGD548 on 2019-12-08 19:41:13

Hi AnnDee, Thanks for that info, much of which I already have. The Arthur and his younger brother Robert both came to NZ and I have all their details. Their mother was Hannah Appleton and have found that their father was a William Arthur Jones.
I am beginning to think that Jones may have been Henry's father also. I have found a reference to Henry being in South Africa, and have a cert of a death in 1911 in Natal. More to follow up on . Thanks anyway

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