Looking for Michael, Pat and Chris Diaz of Toledo, Ohio
My biological name is Anna Terebessy. I was in St. Anthony's Villa in Toledo, Ohio in the mid-70's. I'm am seaching for Michael, Pat and Chris Diaz because they used to come get me for the weekend's while I was there. I miss these people very much, and I need to "Thank" them for letting me be a part of their lives. If anyone knows of these very special people, contact me at: Lisa Fetter 14740 Oak Grove Dr., lot#72, Doylestown, Ohio 330-658-1174 lisa_anna@peoplepc.com or lisa_holderfield@yahoo.com
Have you tried a genealogy chat room for help. You should try this one that I posted URL below for. They have volunteers who will do various types of look ups, give helpful hints or advice. They even hold genealogy "teaching" presentations on all kinds of genealogy topics to help us become better researchers. I would suggest trying it out.