Looking for parents of Jane "Adeline" Danforth

My great-great grandmother was Jane "Adeline" Danforth, who married Sherman Fairchild in 1840. I am unable to connect her to her parents and family. Jane's death certificate says that she was born in Massachusetts, and the date would have been around 1818. She died at the age of 42 and is buried in Pike Township, Fulton County, Ohio in the Winemeg Cemetery with other members of her family. She had a baby, and a few months later she died of a lung disease at the age of 42 in 1860. Her first born child was Marshall Fairchild born in 1840. Marshall was born in Buffalo, NY. Marshall was in the Civil War and his death certificate says that his mother was born in MA and that her maiden name was Danforth. Her grandson was named Claude Danforth Fairchild so this must be correct. Her son Ezra Noble Fairchild was the father of Claude Danforth Fairchild.
Jane had nine children. Her children were: Marshall, Nancy Jane, Daniel, Charles, Ezra Noble, William, Ella Viola (married a Richardson in Gratiot, Michigan), Adelia, and David. A daughter Ruth died in childhood.
Jane Adeline was Sherman's second wife. His first wife was Nancy Chase, who married him in the 1st Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Oswego, New York. After Jane Adeline died, Sherman married Elizabeth Hitchcock in the same Presbyterian Church in NY. There is no record of Jane A and Sherman being married there. They may have been married in MA or OH.

on 2013-02-16 14:33:43
marirose has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2013.