Hello, We have researched our tree back to FRANCIS TROWELL dob 1764 BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA. Married MARY FANCETT / FANCITT dob 1768 in August 1792. We are trying to trace the male line down to the present day. They had EDWARD dob 1804,GEORGE dob 1806 and JONATHAN dob 1809. GEORGE married BETTY NASH 1834, JONATHAN married SUSANNAH HUDSON 1832.EDWARD married REBECCA NASH dob 1809 in 1828, 12 recorded children as follows. REBECCA 1829 ELIZABETH 1830 MARY 1832 GEORGE THOMAS 1834 ANNE 1836 WALTER 1837 STEPHEN 1839 SOPHIA 1842 EDMUND JOHN 1844 LOUISA 1847 EDWARD 1849 ANN 1851. All we know about EDWARD AND REBECCAS children is that STEPHEN MARRIED ELIZABETH CACKETT in 1862 and had 7 recorded children, he remarried an AGNES NEWMAN IN 1884. The children by his first marriage were SUSANNAH ELIZABETH, EDWARD, ALICE ADA, LOUISA ANN,THOMAS HENRY, STEPHEN JESSE and KATE ELIZABETH. SUSANNAH ELIZABETH had a SON GEORGE who was my Wifes GRANDFATHER. He had two children, GERALD and EUNICE. Back to STEPHEN AND ELIZABETH CACKETTS children we know that STEPHEN JESSE married a DAISY GRICAPISSI in 1929. AS far as we know the family resided in the BOUGHTON MONCHELSEA AREA OF MAIDSTONE IN KENT untill we find SUSANNAH ELIZABETH AND GEORGE living with her sister ALICE ADA in MILL STREET EAST MALLING.

on 2015-10-09 07:32:36
SALLYB52 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2015.