Lookng for grand Parents maggie picou and R. cox lousianna

I have been searching for info on my grand parents. The parents of my father Roosevelt A Cox born in Louisianna 1937. My grand mother passed away in 1985 and her death records have her as Maggie Pinkston of Lousianna. Now the problem I am having is my father says her name was margaurite pinkston and her maden name was picou.
I am also having a problem connecting with my dads father's information. I dont have my grand fathers first name only the initals R. or A. Cox. He also passed away in louisianna around 1986 or 87. My grand fathers brother my great uncle Robert is the closest information I have on my grand father. My uncle robert lived in lousianna until he passed around 2002. He had two adopted indian children. he had and oil field in lousianna and he once shot at some one for being on his property. So If I can find his family maybe they can tell me about my grand father.