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Mary Ann Oldfield

Query by ann cook

I have the three Oldfield sisters in Tasmania Harriet, Mary Ann and Maria
Harriet and Maria can be traced but Mary Ann has proven to be more difficult.
She married John Joseph McEnnulty then married a John Joseph McSoley after McEnnulty died.
I have been unable to find her or either of her husbands resting places.
Is there anyone out there that knows something of this family.
I do have all her children to McEnnulty but I have been told she had two children with McSoley.
These children I have been unable to find.
It has been suggested that they may have been put into a home as she would have been unable to care for them

Surnames: McEnnulty McSoley Oldfield
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by ann cook Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-08-24 07:34:10

ann cook , from tasmania, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2007. is researching the following names: WREN, FREESTONE, FRUSTON and 6 other(s).

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by tonkin on 2013-08-24 20:51:49

Hi Ann.

I noticed Mary Ann OLDFIED was 29 years old when she married MCENNULTY in 1859. This would make Mary about 47 years old when she married MCSOLEY (or MACSOLEY) in 1877. Mary's age at marriage may explain why there are no children recorded to them, but I could be wrong.

There was a John Joseph MCSOLEY (or MACSOLEY) and Mary RHODES having children in Tasmania around 1880 so maybe someone has confused the two Mary's.


by ann cook on 2013-08-25 02:38:09

Not sure will need to look further into that one.
There was supposed to be two children girl Mary Ann - boy John Joseph (Hill) McSoley
Later known as Hill not McSoley died in Queenstown
Not sure who his mother was.
I am hoping to find where the McEnnultys are buried.
Waiting on a gentleman to come back in around 5 weeks that has the church register to Perth's Church of England Cemetery.

by ann cook on 2013-08-25 02:57:47

Gender: Male
Marriage/Relationship: 1877 - LONGFORD,Tasmania ( MCENNULTY, MARY ANN

MCSOLEY, JOHN JOSEPH Mary Ann's son with McSoley
Gender: Male
Birth 1878 - LAUNCESTON,Tasmania

MCSOLEY ROSANNA 1874 - looks like she is from the first marriage

MCSOLEY MARY ANN 1880 - Mary Ann's daughter with McSoley

by tonkin on 2013-08-25 03:48:29

You may find these births intersting.

Name: Rosanna MACSOLEY. (Note spelling)
Born: 26 September 1874, Tasmania.
Father: John MACSOLEY.
Mother: Mary RHODES.

Name: John Joseph MCSOLEY.
Born: 29 January 1878, Tasmania.
Father: John MCSOLEY.
Mother: Mary RHODES.

Name: Mary Ann MCSOLEY.
Born: 04 March 1880, Tasmania.
Father: John Joseph MCSOLEY.
Mother: Mary RHODES.

These appear to be the three births you mention above, the only problem is the mother is recorded as Mary RHODES and not Mary OLDFIELD.

by ann cook on 2013-08-25 04:56:35

Does that come from another site or records?
I wonder if someone doesnt know that he married Mary Ann McEnnulty 1877

by tonkin on 2013-08-25 05:21:18

The above birth details come from the Tasmanian birth records and can easily be confirmed.

I'm well aware the records can be wrong at times but when the mother is named Mary RHODES 'three times' I expect it will be correct.

May I ask where you obtained you information from?

by tonkin on 2013-08-25 05:42:16

These are the reference numbers for the above three births if required.

Rosanna MACSOLEY born 1874. Ref #756.

John Joseph MCSOLEY born 1878. Ref #3179.

Mary Ann MCSOLEY born: 1880. Ref #234.

by tonkin on 2013-08-25 06:16:07

You may wish to check the following details with your information.

MARRIAGE. Ref #539.

Groom: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Age: 32 years.

Bride: Mary Ann OLDFIELD.
Age: 29 years.

Date married: 31 October 1859.
Place: Tasmania.

MARRIAGE. Ref #621.

Groom: John Joseph MACSOLEY. (Note spelling)
Age: Adult.

Bride: Mary Ann MCENNULTY.
Age: Adult.

Date married: 10 January 1877.
Place: Tasmania.

DEATH. Ref #275.
Name: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Died: 03 September 1872, Tasmania.
Age: 45 years.

Note the birth date for Rosanna MACSOLEY (1874) and the marriage date (1877) for John Joseph MACSOLEY and Mary Ann MCENNULTY.

As you can see this John Joseph MACSOLEY/MCSOLEY and Mary RHODES had one child before, and two children after Mary Ann MCENNULTY and John Joseph MACSOLEY were married in 1877.

Something is very wrong here.

by tonkin on 2013-08-25 06:29:12

Forgot to mention that this Rosanna MACSOLEY born in 1874 could not possibly be from Mary OLDFIELDs first marriage because her husband John MCENNULTY died in 1872, two years before Rosanna was born.

by ann cook on 2013-08-25 07:03:00

This looks like it has gone a generation back to Grandparents with the same name.

MCSOLEY, ROSANNA Was only 16 yrs when she married.

Birth 1852 - HOBART,Tasmania

1868 - HOBART,Tasmania ( WARREN, WILLIAM L )

189558 HURLY MARY 1820


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