New Zealand COLONIZATION SOCIETES - 1840<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Journal by ngairedith

the original is from Hutt City Libraries Online Heritage Collection

- any name capials are mine for easier research -


... The disposition to promote the colonization of New Zealand is really something extraordinary. It proceeds doubtless from a well-founded conviction of the suitableness of New Zealand as an emigration field. Moreover, it is not confined to the metropolis, but in various parts of the United Kingdom has given birth to various societies, established not with a view to profit, but simply to promote the colonization of New Zealand on sound and practical principles.
We shall here enumerate such of these companies and associations as we have notice of:?

I - The Plymouth Company of New Zealand. A company under this title has been formed for the counties of Cornwall and Devon, which bids fair to be productive of good re- suits. We say this, because Plymouth, taken as the representative of Cornwall and Devon, is well known in the history of coloniza tion. It is indeed the birth-place of the colonizing spirit?a spirit which the worthy people of those counties seem determined to prove to be not yet extinguished. Who has not heard of the Plymouth Pilgrims! ? of that manly and energetic band who achieved the "heroic work" of planting a New England in the desert? The present race seems determined not to fall below the ancient spirit, as our advertising columns will show. The Plymouth, will co-operate with the New Zealand Company and we doubt not their proceedings will be advantageous to themselves and beneficial to the public. We shall, most likely, have further particulars in time for our next number.

II. The New Zealand Committee for the West of Scotland, next demands our notice. Scotland has the reputation of being able to furnish a class of emigrants almost unexam pled for steadiness and laboriousness, as new country settlers. We ourselves have seen them in some of our colonies, and can bear testimony to their sterling colonizing qualifications. Under these circumstances, we rejoice in the co-operation of the West of Scotland Committee, the more especially as it contains names which are a sufficient guarantee for its honesty as well as its vi gour of purpose. The Secretary is Mr. JOHN CRAWFORD, from whose lecture a short extract is given in another place. We re gret the report is not more full.

III. A Paisley New Zealand Emigration Society has been established by several persons of respectability aud influence. The officers "appointed to frame memorials and otherwise promote the objects of the Society," are PETER MOIR, Esq., President, JAMES REA, Esq., Secretary, who, together with WALTER PEACOCK, and JOHN CROMBIE, Esquires, make up the Committee.

IV. A Scots' New Zealand Land Company has been announced at Perth. Several meetings have been held and, we believe, the Directors nominated; but our information being inadequate, we can only state that PATRICK MATTHEW, Esq., of Gour-die-hill, by Errol, Perthshire, and Mr. Win. GORRIE, Atholl-place, Perth, are authorised to receive post-paid communications.

V. The New Zealand Committee of Ireland. ? At Dublin, a public meeting was held on the 2nd of November, which was attended by a large number of men distinguished alike for their superior intelligence, their character and their influence. At this meeting the following resolutions were passed:?
* 1st. That in the present stale of Ireland, it is highly expedient to promote emigration, as a means of relieving the destitution of the labouring people, and of improving the condition of all classes of society.
* 2nd. That, in the opinion of this meeting, it is unjustifiable to induce intending emigrants to take up their abode in the midst of the vice and immorality which notoriously prevail in the penal colonies; but that such persons should be encouraged to settle in countries where they will be likely, not only to thrive in fortune, but to lead good lives, and bring up their children in virtuous habits.
* 3rd. That New Zealand appears to offer all the requisite advantages of a desirable emigration-field; and that this meeting approves of the system of colonization pursued by the New Zealand Company of London.
* 4th. That a committee in Dublin be appointed, to be called the New-Zealand Committee of Ireland, to correspond with, and further the objects of the Company in London, and to receive applications from all persons in Ireland, desirous of proceeding to, or obtaining information respecting the New Zealand settlements. The committee to consist of the following gentlemen, with power to add to their numbers, viz.,
* The Lord Mayor
* The Lord Archbishop of Dublin
* The Provost of Trinity College
* The Rev. Dr. DICKENSON
* The O'CONNOR Don, M.P.
* Cornelius O'BRIEN, M.P.
* George HOYTE, Esq. Alderman
* Patrick H. FITZGERALS, Esq.
* Joseph KINCAIRD, Esq.
* Sec., J. BATTERSBY, Esq.

The Committee is now in active operation and the names of which it is composed, afford a sufficient guarantee that it will be conducted in a manner conducive to the welfare of the persons about to emigrate.
Such are the several associations now lending their aid to the colonization of New Zealand, and from the general interest which prevails on the subject throughout the country, there is every pro-bility that other societies will be formed in the ensuing spring

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on 2011-06-05 19:13:33

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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