NICOL Thomas and Mary MOORE<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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NICOL Thomas and Mary MOORE

Journal by tonkin

Information Journal.

Thomas NICOL and Mary MOORE.
Marriage details not located at time of posting.

Mary died 1869 in Victoria Australia.
Age: 42 years.
Parents named as John MOORE and Mabella unknown.

Five children located Victoria Australia for Thomas and Mary.


Louisa NICOL
Born: 1858 North Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: 1892 Fitzroy North, Victoria.
Age: 34 years.

Married: Edward LEES.
Year: 1879.
Place: Victoria.

Edward was Baptised 1846 in Melbourne, Victoria.
Parents named as Samuel LEES and Hannah. Maiden name not recorded.

Edward died 1933 in Fitzroy North, Victoria.
Age: 87 years.
Parents named as Samuel LEES and Hannah SCHOFIELD.

Two children located Victoria for Edward and Louisa.

Linda Louisa LEES
Born: 1886 Fitzroy, Victoria.
Died: 1956 Malvern, Victoria.
Age: 70 years.

Cremated: Springvale Botanical Cemetery, Victoria.
Service date: 30 July 1956.
Cremated remains: Scattered at Springvale Botanical Cemetery.

Married: John Stanley GRIMWOOD.
Year: 1915.
Place: Victoria.

John was born 1882 in Echuca, Victoria.
Parents named as Edwin Lockyear GRIMWOOD and Janet YEATES.

John died 1968 in Hawthorn, Victoria.
Age: 86 years.
Parents named as Edwin GRIMWOOD and Jannette YATES.

Cremated: Springvale Botanical Cemetery, Victoria.
Service date: 07 May 1968.
Cremated remains: Scattered Springvale Botanical Cemetery.

Ivy Beatrice LEES
Born: 1888 Fitzroy North, Victoria.
Died: 1971 Box Hill, Victoria.
Age: 83 years.

Cremated: Springvale Botanical Cemetery, Victoria.
Service date: 02 July 1971.
Cremated remains: Scattered Springvale Botanical Cemetery.


Born: 1860 Melbourne, Victoria.
Died: -

Jeanny NICOL.
Born: 1862 Carlton, Victoria.
Died: 1913 Prahran, Victoria.
Age: 51 years.
Death: Recorded as Jane PUCKEY.

Married: Gustavus John PUCKEY.
Year: 1881.
Place: Victoria.
Jeanny recorded as Jane NICOL marriage records.
See Post: PUCKEY Gustavus married Jane NICOL 1881


Thomas NICOL
Born: 1864 Fitzroy, Victoria.
Died: -


Charlotte NICOL
Born: 1869 Collingwood, Victoria.
Died: -

Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria.
Springvale Botanical Cemetery Records, Victoria.

JN 70614

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by tonkin Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-10-30 06:08:51

tonkin lives in Victoria, Australia.
Please note:
Journals are intended to assist new members locate family lines in Australia and should only be used as a guide for follow up research and record searches as intended. Due to spelling and informant errors appearing in the records, typo errors and my misreading of the records mistakes must be expected. Errors will be corrected when detected or advised.

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