Patten, Maine families to 1930. Let's start with MORRILL family, PEAVEY family, ROGERS family.

Am researching the genealogy/relationships of all inhabitants of Patten, Crystal, Mount Chase, Crystal, Hersey, Moro, and Stacyville. Be glad to TRADE info with you -- "reciprocate".
Let's start with 3 major enigmas.
Is there a definite relationship between the Morrills of Patten and Abraham Morrill of Salisbury MA. Possibly so, but I cant trace before Gen 1 (John of Kittery, d. 1661).
Was the first Paul PEAVEY of Patten (b. Farmington NH) really the son of Paul of Farmington, the son of Anthony of Farmington. Does the frequent "Exeter" residence of some early Patten Peaveys always refer to Exeter NH and never Exeter ME?
Any information about the glorious ROGERS family, before Dr. Luther's appearance in Patten?
I'm getting paranoid about these questions, wondering if the "blanks" weren't intentional.

on 2012-01-01 17:50:22
shakerdom has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2012.