Percy Edward Partridge <script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Percy Edward Partridge

Query by sylvap

Born 1911 Auckland New Zealand
Father Richard William Partridge
Mother May Partridge( nee Fail)

Surnames: NONE
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by sylvap Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2016-09-30 05:17:28

sylvap has been a Family Tree Circles member since Sep 2016.

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by Crawford on 2016-09-30 23:50:36

Hi there,
Percy Edward Partridge died in Whangarei, NZ 9 March 1968. Buried at Onerahi Cemetery.
Have a look at Archway NZ site - probate of his will was granted in 1968 in Whangarei. He was a builder.

I've had a look at Archway for Percy's father, Richard William Partridge. I found Richard's WW1 records. Incidently, Richard served for NZ in the Sth Africa War as well as WW1. These records give Richard's DoB, next of kin and the names of his two boys.
I guess you must be trying to fill in the gaps for these two boys? Richard was widowed by the time he enlisted in 1914,so what happened to the boys?
Regards, R.

by sylvap on 2019-10-13 09:56:55

Apologies. Have been very lax in checking this site.
Richard remarried and had 2 other sons by his second marriage, one of whom was my husband’s father and the other disappeared sometime in the 50s, possibly to UK.
We couldn’t trace( though haven’t tried very hard) Percy Edward’s sibling.

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