Richard Andrew ROLSTON + Alice WHILEY - Ohau, Levin<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Richard Andrew ROLSTON + Alice WHILEY - Ohau, Levin

Journal by ngairedith

- was born in Portadown, County Armagh, Ireland
- he arrived in New Zealand as an 18 year old, on the PLEIADES which left London 29 Aug 1874, arriving in Lyttelton 16 Dec 1874
- (his name is spelt RALSTON on the passenger list)
- he spent 11 years in the South Island Contracting and on Railway Construction then in 1885 he moved up to the Wairarapa town of Martinborough and worked there for 3 years before moving up to Muhunoa East where he cleared the dense bush to make his home ...
the above was taken from the page Kete Horowhenua which is part of a bio written by their 3rd child, William Henry Rolston, in 1968 when he was 80 (click link for more & photo

ALICE WHILEY (1870-1946)
- was born in Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt
- the 4th of 10 children of Robert WHILEY & Ann COLLIS


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1891 - 1955 Samuel Rolston
- born 9 November 1891
- married Olive Geraldine SAINT in 1912
- lived 243 Weraroa road Levin
- died 14 Feb 1955 aged 63
- buried Plot 50, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery

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1893 - 1951 Robert David Rolston
- born 10 August 1893, a twin with William
- married Eva Caroline Ellen HARVEY in 1916
- lived in Levin
- died 16 June 1951 aged 57
- buried Plot 18, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery

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1893 - 1981 William Henry Rolston
- born 10 August 1893, a twin with Robert
- married May Elizabeth SAINT in 1920
- last lived in Lindsay road, Levin
- died 19 May 1981 aged 87
- buried Plot 16, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery

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1894 - 1960 Elizabeth Maud Rolston
- born 23 August 1894
- married Ralph Little Douglas STEPTOE (1897-1961) in 1920
- Ralph was born in Queensland, Australia
30 June 1920 At the Century Hall, Levin, on June 30, 1920, by the Rev. H. Curran, Ralph Little Douglas, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. Steptoe, of Wellington, to Elizabeth Maud, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. A. Rolston, of Ohau
- Ralph served in WWI as Gunner 58038 with the NZEF, 37th Reinforcements New Zealand Field Artillery. His next of kin was his mother, Jane Steptoe of Queen's Park, Wellington
- last lived 15 Dudley street, Levin
- died 14 Sep 1960
- buried Plot 51, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery
RALPH died 14 Oct 1961 aged 64, buried with Elizabeth

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1896 - 1897 Annie Rolston
- born 1 May 1896, twin with Sarah
- last lived Manakau, Horowhenua
- died 7 April 1897 aged 11 months
- buried Plot 3, General Old cemetery, Manakau, South road Levin

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1896 - 1896 Sarah Rolston
- born 1 May 1896, twin with Annie
- last lived Manakau, Horowhenua
- died 27 May 1896 aged 4 weeks
- buried Plot 4 General Old cemetery, Manakau, Levin

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1897 - 1978 Richard John Rolston
- born 24 August 1897
- married Mary Jane STEPTOE in 1924
- last lived 34 St Anne Street, Levin
- died 1 Aug 1978 aged 80
- buried Plot 63, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery

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1899 - 1977 James George Rolston
- born 15 April 1899
- married Gwendoline Leah Hinemoa SAINT in 1923
- last lived Horowhenua Hospital, Levin
- died 5 Nov 1977 aged 78
- buried Plot 65, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery
GWENDOLINE died 28 Feb 1981 aged 80, buried with James

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1902 - 1959 Andrew Penwill Rolston
- born 15 March 1902
- married Hilda Alexandra WOOLLETT (1901-1982) in 1923
- last lived 26 Wilton street, Levin
- died 24 February 1959 aged 57
- buried Plot 61, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery
HILDA died 18 Aug 1982 aged 81, buried with Andrew

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1905 - 1976 Ernest Frederick Rolston
- born 30 May 1905
- married Thelma Trixie LAING (1909-1995) in 1929
- last lived 113 Kawiu road, Levin
- died 14 July 1976 aged 71
- buried Plot 31, Row 14 at Old Levin cemetery
THELMA died 2 Sep 1995 aged 86, buried with Ernest

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1906 - 1971 Alice Rachel May Rolston
- born 27 October 1906
- married Leslie Gordon BISMARK (1901-1971) in 1927
- last lived Highbury Drive, Levin
- died 24 June 1971 aged 64
- buried Plot 18, Row 50 at Old Levin cemetery
LESLIE died 19 May 1971 aged 69 & buried with Alice

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1908 - 1997 Sarah Annie Marjorie Rolston
- born 22 November 1908
- married Douglas Hamilton BLACK (1911-1978)
- last lived RD 8, Umuraoroa, Dannevirke
- died 5 March 1997 aged 88
- buried Plot 162, Block A at The Avenue cemetery, Levin
DOUGLAS died 30 Dec 1978 aged 67, buried with Sarah

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1911 - 1992 Frank Dynes Rolston
- born 18 October 1911
- died 20 March 1992 aged 80
- nothing else known

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on 2012-08-07 06:13:22

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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