Caldwell Rd, an uphill continuation of McCulloch St in Dromana, was named after Robert Caldwell. Although he lost his properties in the parish of Kangerong through insolvency, he was heavily involved in the area's progress in its early days, such as moves to obtain a pier,the formation of the Kangerong Road Board, and being one of the three trustees for the recreation reserve. I discovered his insolvency while trying to determine the location of 173 acres in the parish of Kangerong occupied by William Henry Blakeley in 1876 and 1877. There is no mention of Dromana in the following or the Victoria Parliament website so this journal is intended to give a more complete picture of this pioneer. I will describe the locations of his properties in the Dromana district and supply material from trove in connection with statements made above. He did not move to Queensland in 1861 as implied by the following. I also intend to mention the Victorian Meat Preserving Co.
Robert Caldwell was born 1815 in Portobello a suburb of Edinburgh, Scotland and he established a business of Caldwell Brothers in Edinburgh. He had been educated in Edinburgh at the New Academy and Queen?s College. He arrived in Melbourne in 1852 and became a partner in Callender, Caldwell & Co., a firm of merchants until ca. 1860. In 1860 he was appointed to the Royal commission for Harbour improvements. He was then involved in various enterprises in Victoria, Queensland and Darwin until 1875, when he purchased the wine business of J.T. Fallon & Sons. He was a successful exhibitor of wines in the Melbourne Exhibition of 1880-1881. He opened up a market in India for colonial wines and was the founder and president of the Australian Wine Association. His firm, known as Caldwell & Co., became Caldwell?s Australian Wine Company Ltd in 1888 after his death. He was the author of The Gold Era of Victoria. A colourfull advert for ?Calldwell?s The Wine of Life? is seen in Figure 4.
In addition he was President of the Chamber of Manufactures 1884-1885 and a director of Hobson?s Bay Railway Co., the Colonial Bank, as well as commissioner of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition in 1886. He was elected the Member of the Legislative Assembly for West Melbourne in October 1859 until July 1861, when he resigned on account of his poor health in Victoria, and he moved to the warmer climate of Queensland. He had married Elizabeth Cooper in 1856 at St. Kilda, Melbourne and they had 3 sons and several daughters. He died on 7 August 1887 at Brisbane, Queensland.
The death of Robert Caldwell is recorded in The Argus (Melbourne) dated 9 August 1887, two days after his death at Brisbane. He was described as of the firm of R. Caldwell and Co., wine merchants, Collins-street west, who held for many years a prominent position in mercantile circles, and who was especially active in recent years in promoting the Australian wine industry. He had caught a severe cold 2 years ago and it settled on his lungs, and he never recovered from it. The business of his firm, during his absence on account of ill health, was conducted by his son Robert Caldwell Junior, who had lately been admitted into it as a partner. In May last, under medical advice, he took a trip to Queensland for the purpose of escaping the severity of the Victorian winter. His death at Brisbane was stated to be due to bronchitis. The firm of Caldwell Brothers in Edinburgh was still in existence, but he had severed his connection with his brother.
He had a short period in Melbourne when he started the Victorian Meat-Preserving Company, of which he was the managing director at the same time as being in the Victorian Parliament; the company was not a success, and he went to Queensland where he took up a station and began sheep breeding. He had a few prosperous seasons followed by his prospects being shattered by the drought and the low price of wool. He gave up pastoral pursuits, returned from Queensland, settled in Warrnambool, Victoria, opened another meat preserving factory, but was not successful in that industry due to a glut of preserved meats, both locally and in England.
He next went to Port Darwin with stores and traded with nearby islands, as well as having a pearl fisheries interest which was very remunerative, but the climate was not to his liking. His next venture was to buy the Lake Albert Vineyard, near Wagga Wagga N.S.W. Unfortunately his obituary was not in a clear dated order, and I suspect that he never entered into the meat preserving business for a second time! His body was returned from Brisbane for burial in the Melbourne General Cemetery.
I acknowledge that I have abstracted information on Robert Caldwell from the Parliament of Victoria?s website.
McKENZIE?CALDWELL.--On the 2nd July, at "Bramber," Middle Brighton, by the Rev.Chas. Ross, of Darlington, the Rev.D.McKenzie, Clifton Hill, to Elizabeth, widow of the late Robert Caldwell, wine merchant, Melbourne.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 1 August 1903 p 9 Family Notices)
Crown allotment 4 of section 3,parish of Kangerong, consisted of 297 acres 2 roods and 29 perches. Known as "Dromana Hill",it was bounded on the west by the wedge-shaped town common (later the gravel reserve, )with frontages to Boundary Rd and a now-closed road (indicated by the boundary between the quarry land and Arthurs Seat State Park at the bottom of Melway 159 J-K12.) The Boundary Rd frontage can be shown by extending the quarry land boundaries northward; roughly between Nos.273 and 205.
Crown allotment 10B, no section, consisting of 172 acres 1 rood and 36 perches was granted on 30-1-1868. Bounded on the east by Sheehan's Rd (the original south end of White Hill Rd until Wiseman's Deviation was made)it had frontages to Tumbywood Rd of 728 metres and Arthurs Seat Rd of 207 metres. The western boundary is indicated by extending the eastern boundary of the Holmes Rd Reserve (Melway 190 G2) to the north and south boundaries.
THIS DAY. DROMANA. Sale by Public Auction of Two Valuable Properties in the Parish of Kangerong.
RESIDENCE, VINEYARD, ORCHARD, and 297a. 2r. 29p. And FARMING BLOCK of 172a. lr. 36p.
In the Insolvent Estate ot Robert Caldwell. By Order of R. E. Jacomb, Esq., Official Assignee For Positive and Absolute Sale.
Terms-One-fourth Cash, Balance 6, 12, and l8 Months, bearing 8 per Cent Interest.
ALFRED BLISS has been favoured witb instructions from R. E Jacomb, Esq., official assignee to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at 82 Collins-street west, on Monday, January 30, at two o'clock,
Tho following landed properties, viz -
Lot 1.-297a. 2r. 29p., parish of Kangerong, fenced in with three-rail fence and subdivided.
Improvements,-Eight room wooden house and cellar, partly plastered, verandah in front, tank and several permanent springs. Large quantity saleable timber. 10 acres of orchard, partly pipe drained. About 10 acres of vineyard, six years planted. About two acres of vegetable and flower garden, shrubs of all kinds.
This is tho property that Mr. Caldwell has disbursed upwards of ?4000 upon to make into a sea side family
residence and vineyard. It is situate three-quarters of a mile from Dromana Jetty, and is admitted to be
one of the most beautiful sites in Dromana, and for healthy atmosphere and sea air not to be surpassed.
Lot 2 -172a. lr. 36p., part of Section 10, parish of Kangerong, fenced in with three rail fence. Permanent water-holes and running spring. Rich chocolate soil. Surrounded by farms. About two miles and a half from Dromana Jetty.
Mr. Watkin, of the Dromana Hotel, will direct intending purchasers to the properties. These two lots are for absolute sale by order of the official assignee. Title perfect. Terms-One-fourth cash, balance 6, 12, and l8 months, bearing eight per. cent. interest. Sale takes place at 82 Collins-street west, on Monday, January 30 at two o'clock. (P.2, Argus, 30-1-1871.)
The 297 acre property, known as "Dromana-Hill" had been extensively advertised at the start of 1867 and in 1868 but had failed to sell.
(By auction on 8th April, if not sold privately).
This is one of the most healthy and picturesque summer residences. The property consists of over 460 acres, 297 of which are within 10 minutes' walk of the jetty, and 160 on the mountain, all fenced in and subdivided.
Tho following are some of the special features of this estate :
1. The climate is exceedingly equal, and free from hot or cold winds.
2. The beach for sea bathing Is unsurpassed.
3. The vineyard and orchard are now bearing largely, and will yield a handsome return.
4. Tho vegetable-garden can be irrigated by the natural fall of the creek; tho reserve of water could be
greatly increased.
5. The success of the orange trees proves the mildness of the climate.
6. About 100 acres are of rich chocolate soil, the remainder is good loam.
7. Abundance of fine granite can be had on the estate, and could be easily shipped to Melbourne at the jetty.
8. Several permanent wells of good water are on the property, and a small stream runs through it.
9. A coach runs daily, and a steamboat weekly, brings it within a few hours of Melbourne.
10. The Jetty is one of tho finest in tho bay.
Apply, for further information and for order to view tho property, to Mr. CALDWELL, 32 Queen-street : or to Mr.BYRNE, Collins-street.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 2 February 1867 p 8 Advertising)
Beautiful Property for Absolute Sale.
To Merchants, Retired Gentlemen, and Guardians.
GEMMELL, TUCKETT, and Co. have received in-
structions to SELL by AUCTION, on tho
ground, on Frida}, 0th Mnrch, at one o'clock,
The beautiful property know n as
Dromana hill,
Arthur's Seat.
Together with tho Btock, including
Horses, cows. Brittany bull, Shetland pony, Ac
Also. - '
Stosk of colonial wjno, vintages 1866 and 1807.
For particulars see " Australasian."
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Monday 24 February 1868 p 3 Advertising)
Messrs. Caldwell and Lyall, M.L.A.'s, waited upon Mr. Francis, for the purpose of asking him to cause to be placed on the Estimates the sum of ?2,000, for the construction of a jetty at Dromana.
Mr. FRANCIS, in reply, said that as there was no municipality at Dromana, the people of the district should endeavour to subscribe a sum of money, and then go to the Government to get it supplemented. He thought the best plan for the deputation to adopt would be to postpone the application, as at present it was the intention of the Government to stop many of the public works, there not being sufficient money to carry them on.
The deputation then withdrew.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 7 December 1859 p 5 Article)
The following could not be fixed on trove and I have only corrected a part. It might make readers appreciate how much work is required to present a readable article etc.
Mr. CALDWELL said he could not allow the motion to go to the vote without some remark as his name had been introduced in connoxhwith it on a former occasion. He believed that the present was a really hard case, for the persons living at Dromana were principally lime burners, wood-cutters, and fishermen, and they had been promised what on all hands was acknowledged to be necessary. So necessary was it oonsidered by the late Government, that they had promised to put a sum on the Estimates for the present year. ?30,000 hod been derived from the sale of land in the district, and all tho money which had been expended in any shape amounted to only 11,000 pounds, therefore there was a large margin left.
For the Gipps Land district ?000 had boon vot a few nights ago, and it would be found thal larger sum was expended thero than was rcceiv from tho sale of land. There were peculiar advantages in the Dromana district. For instance tho Government got all their best timber there for sleepers, piles, and telegraph posts; in fact 26,000 tons of produce were annually shipped from the place. The whole of the traffic was done by men wading up to the neck in water, there being not the least pier accommodation. He should support tho motion. -if'a * t . ' 1 .; ; (Bottom of Column 4, P.6,Argus, 19-6-1861.)
(The lime burners were mainly operating west of Boneo Rd and John Campbell, a former Dromana resident, supposedly erected the first Rye Pier in 1860. The beach road was so bad that a pier at Dromana would not have been much good for them, especially since it would be another five years until Ned Williams cut a road around Anthony's Nose and the lime burners would have had to wait for low tide and travel around this obstacle on the beach sand. It wouldn't have been of much benefit for fishermen either because if vessels bound for Melbourne were delayed by contrary conditions, as they often were, their catches would have rotted. Being a skilful politician, Robert did not bother to point out these facts.)
Fruit Trees for China
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Friday 9 October 1936 p 5 Article
... Fruit Trees for China SOMERVILLE, Thursday. shipment A shipment or fruit trees has been sent to China by Messrs. Caldwell Bros., St Johns Nurseries, Somerville. This is claimed to be the first shipment of its kind to be sent from Victoria to China.
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 31 July 1861 p 8 Article
... TO the ELECTORS of WEST MELBOURNE Gentlemen, CALDWELL I have to announce to you that I shall not at present offer myself for re-election. ROBERT CALDWELL Dromana, July 29. .
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 10 March 1864 p 4 Family Notices
... BIRTHS. CALDWELL.-On the 4th inst., at Dromana-hill, Dromana, the wife of Robert Caldwell, Esq., of a daughter.
CALDWELL Maria Douglas Birth
mother: Lizzy nee COOPER father: Robert
place of birth :KANG (Kangerong), 1864, 2028/1864
Most other children between 1857 and 1870 were born at St Kilda with one each at Northcote,Mornington and Melbourne.
APPOIHTMENTS.-School Committees.
Jamieson School - Bear Rapiport, J.P., H.A. Berger, J.P., Thomas Smallman, Alexander McLean, James Cole Webb, George Harrison, R.N., Alfred Goulding, Julius Kaeppel, Wm. Green Power, Peter Gleeson,Rev. Frederick Smith; Albion School Joseph Solomon, Alfred Newman ; Dromana School - Robert Caldwell;etc.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 1 February 1866 p 6 Article)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Monday 8 December 1862 p 6 Article
... KANGERONG ROAD DISTRICT. (COMMUNICATED.) A meeting of landholders and householders in the newly-formed road district of Kangerong, in the county of Mornington, having been convened for ... Mr. Caldwell said it was not necessary that the chairman should be either a land- holder or
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 21 July 1863 p 8 Advertising
... inclusive. ROBERT CALDWELL, Esq., J.P. - Sir.- His Excellency the Governor having proclaimed by notice in the Government Gazette the Road District, of Kangerong, we, the undersigned land- id ... p.m., for the purpose above stated. ROBERT CALDWELL, J P. 17th July. 1863.
Public notice is hereby given, that an ELECTION for one member of the above Board will be held at the office of the Board on Thursday, the 10th day of August, 1865, in room of Mr. John Creighton. (CRICHTON!)
Candidates to be nominated in accordance with the provisions of the 84th and 85th clauses of the Local
Government Act, No. 176.
And I hereby appoint Mr. Richard Watkin to receive candidates' nomination papers and deposits.
ROBERT CALDWELL, Returning Officer.
In accordance with the above notice, I will receive,at my residence, the Dromana Hotel, candidates' nomination papers and deposits, until 3 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, the 2nd day of August, 1865.
Road Board Office, Dromana, July 26,1865.
KANGERONG ROAD DISTRICT -Notice is hereby given that an ELECTION for two AUDITORS for the above board will be held at the office of tho board, on Thursday, tho 1st March, 1866, at 12 o'clock noon.
ROBERT CALDWELL, Chairman, Road Board Office, Dromana Hotel, February 21, 1866.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 24 February 1866 p 7 Advertising)
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 16 September 1863 p 5 Article))
To be a committee of management of the land reserved for a public park at Dromana, viz --Godfrey Howitt, Esq., M.D. ; Robert Caldwell, Esq., J.P. ; William Grace, Esq ;Joseph Brooks Burrell, Esq.; and Edward Latrobe Bateman, Esq.
(See Burrell below. William Grace was granted Gracefield, 249 acres on the east side of Caldwell Rd, and with Robert Caldwell and Henry Everest Adams was a pioneer of wine production in the area. The Gracefield Hotel, on the site of the original part of the Rye Hotel, was built on William Grace's grants by his son in law, Patrick Sullivan. Godfrey Howitt was granted all the land between Boneo Rd and the coast in the parish of Fingal from the (Old)Cape Schanck Rd junction to the Cape Schanck turn off. Edward Latrobe Bateman was a cousin of Governor Latrobe and an architect who is believed to have designed Anderson's "Barragunda" and "Heronswood." He received the grant for the triangular 9A Fingal at Melway 253 B8.)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Monday 18 May 1863 p 6 Article
Joseph Brooks Burrell, Robert Caldwell, and James Ford, to be the trustees of the cemetery at Dromana.
(Burrell had taken over Andrew McCrae's Arthur's Seat Run in 1851. James Ford, transported for damaging machinery during the Industrial Revolution, pioneered and named Portsea and later received grants for the Wannaeue Estate, part of which is now the Rosebud Country Club.)
APPOINTMENTS.-To be added to the roll of magistrates for the colony of Victoria :
....... Robert Caldwell, Esq. (J.P. for Melbourne), Dromana ; etc.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 22 June 1867 p 7 Article)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Wednesday 11 September 1867 p 4 Article
... Robert Caldwell, of Dromana, stating that large quantities of very fine mussels had been found in that neighbourhood ; and Mr. Caldwell suggested that if logs of wood were placed in the shallow water ..
Melbourne, October, 13.
Mr. Caldwell, the squatter, has filed his schedule, - with liabilities stated at ?7,000, and assets ?3,000. The causes of bankruptcy have been losses in pastoral pursuits in Queensland. He was formerly a member of the Assembly, and is now Manager for the Victorian Meat-Preserving Company.
(South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Friday 14 October 1870 p 5 Article)
I had a feeling that the company's works were at Maribyrnong or Ascot Vale West but it was actually in Melbourne; no wonder they called it Smellbourne!
Tho origin of the company is interesting and properly dates from the time that Mr R. Caldwell, the present managing partner met Mr. R. M'Cracken, the present practical manager. The attention of the former (once a prominent member of the Legislative Assembly in Queensland, and subsequently engaged in squatting pursuits had for some time been directed towards meat preserving and in Mr. M'Cracken he found one who had long been practically acquainted with the work,(in Tasmania) etc.
Premises- a long range of two-storey bluestone buildings in Gallagher's-lane running off Bourke street west, just behind the old Rose of Australia Hotel, and still occupied by tho company-were taken, and work begun.
(Extracts from article:P.6, Argus, 20-4-1870.)
Soon after, the company moved to Stony Creek.
stony creek victorian meat preserving company pier
The Victorian Meat Preserving Company occupied this site from the (1860's????????) until 1880. Despite the fact that no archaeological evidence exists, it is probable that ...
They say that burning off fat is the result of hectic activity but in this case hectic activity was the result of "burning off" fat, for Robert and his employees.
The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881) Wednesday 10 May 1871 p 4 Article
Crown allotment 2, section 2, Kangerong was granted to W.Caldwell, who may have been related to Robert. Consisting of 167 acres, with 400 metre frontages to the Nepean Highway and Boundary Rd,it is bisected by Shergold's Lane. Its western and eastern boundaries can be plotted on Melway by measuring 2cm either side of Shergold's Lane (18mm on maps in Superpages.)
I presume the grantee was W.R.Caldwell whose daughter's birth notice follows.
Family Notices
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 25 January 1866 p 4 Family Notices
... Caldwell, Dromana, of a daughter.
J.Caldwell, 34A, Balnarring, granted on 11-2-1876, consisting of 131 acres 3 roods 7 perches and situated at the south east corner of Stanleys and Merricks Rds. Being east of Red Hill Rd, this land would have been in the east riding of the shire of Flinders and Kangerong.
The Flinders and Kangerong Road Boards amalgamated and constituted the shire of Flinders and Kangerong. In the following August in '75 all the members were disbanded; four candidates were nominated for three in the west riding and he (John Cain)was successful and has never been opposed since. His colleagues were Messrs W.B. Ford and Robert Anderson, the latter held the seat till three years ago(John Barker jun, S. Tuck, and Geo.Henderson centre riding), (David Mairs, Caldwell and Robert Wighton east riding).
Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Thursday 11 October 1900 Edition: MORNING. p 3 Article)
Extract from my THE SHIRE OF FLINDERS journal.
CALDWELL John. 1875-6 Grantees in the parish of Kangerong bore the same surname and Caldwell Rd in Dromana recalls this. J.Caldwell was the grantee of 34A (on 11-2-1876) and 35A Balnarring, which fronted the east side of Merricks Rd between Stanleys Rd and Mornington-Flinders Rd (Melway 192 F 6-8 roughly.) As all the Kangerong Caldwells had left, this was probably John, making him an east riding councillor.
Oops,my memory is better than my eyesight! 35A Balnarring of 94 acres and 24 perches and granted on 14-4-1875, was south of 34A with a northern boundary of 581 acres and a southern frontage to Frankston-Flinders Rd of 170 metres. John's frontage to the east side of Merricks Rd stretched from Stanleys Rd to Frankston-Flinders Rd.
CALDWELL.--On the 31st ult., at Balnarring, James Caldwell, brother of the late John Caldwell, native of Beith, Ayrshire Scotland, aged 66 years.
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Thursday 9 June 1892 p 1 Family Notices)
CALDWELL-INGRAM.-On the 26th Inst, at 8 Westgarth-street, Fitzroy, by James Taylor, Baptist minister, Mr. John Caldwell, of Balnarring, to Miss Violet Ingram.
(This would seem to indicate that John was not the Somerville pioneer.)
CALDWELL- On the 10th inst, at his residence,Balnarring, after a short illness, John Caldwell, native of Beath, Ayrshire, aged 67. A colonist of 38 years.
( The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Saturday 27 December 1890 p 1 Family Notices)
The orchard owned and occupied by Messrs.J. Caldwell and Sons is situated about two and a half miles from the railway station, and stands on the summit of a steep hill, comprising in all about 146 acres.The area however used for cultivation purposes is only 30 acres, the remainder being used for grazing stock, etc.
Unlike the majority of orchardists in the district the Messrs Caldwell are not adepts in horticultural. Prior to their removal to Somerville five years ago, they had no knowledge whatever of this particular industry, having being compelled to resort to it as a means of livelihood owing to a reversal of fortune,and they owe what knowledge they at present possess to the kindness of their neighbours. Since their residence in the district they have been very active in matters connected with the welfare of the place, and were amongst the promoters of the shows recently held at Somerville, the eldest son being secretary of the Somerville Fruit
growers' Association. The orchard is rather overstocked, owing to the trees being originally planted too close which has had a prejudicial effect upon them, and caused them to be rather stunted in their growth, but the Messrs. Caldwell are gradually thinning them out. Notwithstanding this, the fruit grown is of a superior quality, some splendid specimens being shown at the local shows, at which they were large prize-takers. As an instance of the quantity of fruit grown, during the first year 4,200 cases of fruit were sent away, exclusive of which about 90 cases of Early Margarets were given to the pigs.
This year, however, the yield was not nearly so large, the most noticeable falling off being in the Five Crown
apple, trees usually bearing from 10 cases downwards only bearing an average a little over half a case. Out of
a whole row of this particular kind of fruit only one and a half cases were obtained. Prices have also been correspondingly low this season. Two seasons ago as high a price as 15s per case was obtained for the Rome Beauty apple, but at present the price ranges from about 4s 6d up to 6s per case. The former was the highest price obtained during the season. The yield of some varieties of apples have, however, been just as good as ever, notably the Italian Red, 11 cases being got off one tree. It is the custom of the Messrs. Caldwell
to put burnt ashes around the foot of the trees in the place of manure, which they find has the effect of giving the fruit a rich bright color. The ashes are not specially burnt for the purpose,but are taken from the logs which have been burnt in the paddock, as well as those from household use. This does not apply to all of the trees, only a few being treated in this manner. The fruit held over when packed is placed in racks specially built for the purpose in the fruit room, then covered over with cloths, the fruit being picked
over from time to time in order to allow of any that may have become bruised being sorted out. At present
the firm have 100 cases of Stone Pippin in stock, besides which they have between 200 and 900 cases of apples of other varieties, including the Shepherd's Perfection, Light Aromatic, Rome Beauty, Italian Red, Cleopatra,
Nicker Jack and others, all of which are in splendid condition and of good quality, the Shepherd's Perfection being of a beautiful colour, more so than usual, owing, as the Messrs. Caldwell aver, to the use of the ashes above described. A small plot of ground is planted out with young shoots, which when ready will he transplanted into the orchard.
Mr. Caldwell, senior, and his two sons, do all the work connected with the orchard. By the courtesy of Mr.
J. M. Caldwell our representative was accorded a peep at the collection of preserves shows by Mrs. J. M. Cald-
well at the local show, for which she gained the first prize two years in succession. At present the collection
numbers nearly 100 varieties, all of which are ranged on shelves in the pantry two and three deep. Our repre-
sentative was informed that it was the intention of Mrs. J. M.Caldwell not to compete at the next show, but possibly before the time arrives that lady may be prevailed upon to once more enter the lists.
(Mornington Standard (Vic. : 1889 - 1908) Thursday 2 July 1896 Edition: MORNING p 3 Article)
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 26 December 1899 p 1 Family Notices
... and M. K. Ballantyne, late of Brighton, Victoria. CALDWELL.-On the 25th December, at the r ... -street, Abbotsford, Ellen Carley Caldwell, the beloved mother of J. M. Caldwell, of Somerville, and sister of Margaret Manson, Jane Harper, and Penelope Shegog, aged 83 years
CALDWELL.-On September 25, at St.John's, Somerville. Elizabeth Northey, relict of the late John Manson Caldwell,and loving mother of James and Benjamin, in her 94th year. (Interred at Frankston on September 26.)
(The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) Tuesday 28 September 1943 p 2 Family Notices)

on 2013-08-22 22:32:11
Itellya is researching local history on the Mornington Peninsula and is willing to help family historians with information about the area between Somerville and Blairgowrie. He has extensive information about Henry Gomm of Somerville, Joseph Porta (Victoria's first bellows manufacturer) and Captain Adams of Rosebud.