Schallock from Pommerania<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Schallock from Pommerania

Journal by schallock

My name is Burkhard Schallock from Berlin Germany.
I personally do not know of relatives that have left to USA, but I wont to give some village names of Pommerania, where Schallocks were living:
- Rottmanshagen (the "Rittergut" was owned by Family von Maltzahn)here Mr. Schallock was manager of the large state owned farm VEG from 1946 -1949. One F. Schallock returned from war prison camp in 1948. A Mrs Schallock handed over an archive of the village in 1983.

My grand grandfather Otto Schallock was a teacher in Radekow, my grandfather was a teacher in Radekow and my father Dietrich Schallock grew up in Radekow. There are other Schallocks living in Potsdam and in Magdeburg; 5 families in Berlin and my Brother Dietmar Schallock in Blomberg.

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on 2008-02-13 17:58:35

schallock has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008. is researching the following names: SCHALLOCK.

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