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Still Searching (Wagner)

Journal by Randy_Wagner

Hello, Just thought I;d let you all know that I'm still looking for any info. on my Wagner Line. It has been a hard road trying to find what I need on David to finish my family tree on the Wagner side.
So many road blocks and can't get any gates to open.So far I have traced this line back to my GreatGranfather in 1858 about the time of his birth, We are pretty sure he was born in Ohio, but what town or county , is yet to be found. We can move forward to 1958 the year I was born, but to go back from 1858 has been a major search. It is said that his parents were born in Pa, but where.
What we do know about David Wagner is that he married Ada/Ida Hanks abt. 1880 and that they resided in Crawford Couny or Venango County in Pa. In the Area of Oil City, Titusville and surrounding areas,
and that they had 7 or 8 children. Their son Otis Henry Wagner is my grandfather and I am the son of his Youngest Kenneth H. Wagner.
Granpa Otis married Maude Cornell in 1907 she was the daughter of Iva M. Cornell. And they to lived in Crawford and Venango Counties.
So if anyone might know these families Pleases contact me or just leave a message
Thank You
Randy Wagner

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by Randy_Wagner Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-04-05 11:36:45

Randy_Wagner , from Greenville Pennsylvania, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Mar 2009. is researching the following names: WAGNER, CORNELL, HANKS and 14 other(s).

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by vkjm on 2009-04-21 18:23:50

My greatgrandfather was George Wagner HE lived in Bergholtz, Ohio. He was married to a lady named Effie , not my grandmothers mother . Idont know too much. My moms mother was Hazel married to Frank Daugherty . They were coal miners

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