Sylvia May KIMMINS - Toowoomba, Queensland

Sylvia May KIMMINS was the first born of 10 children of:
Edward Phillip KIMMINS (1864-1924) and Sarah Ann Nellie MOORE (1867-1946)
- Edward & Sarah married 6 March 1886 in Brisbane
- (see below for the OBITUARY of Edward)
their children, born in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia were:
1887 - 1930 Sylvia May Kimmins
- Sylvia married * Samuel 'Tom' STINSON
1889 - 1889 Sarah Kimmins
- Born on XMAS DAY Sarah died aged 2 days
- buried Old Toowoomba cemetery
1890 - 1890 Edward Kimmins
- Edward died aged 2 days
- he is buried in Old Toowoomba cemetery
1892 - 1973 Victor Kimmins
- Victor married Ivy Emma Ann HOLDEN (1896-1959) 1916 in Queensland
- he died aged 79 in Toowoomba
1895 - 1981 Frank Edward Kimmins
- Frank married Ethel Agnes HOLLAND (1894-1980) 1921 in Queensland
- he died aged 86 in Toowoomba
1897 - 1968 Edward Gordon Jubilee Kimmins
- Edward married Wilhelmina GEDDES (1898-1994) 1917 in Brisbane
- he died aged 71 in Parkwille, Victoria
1898 - 1970 Eric Maitland Kimmins
- Eric married Frances Thelma SHARRY 1923 in St Patricks, Toowoomba
- served as Q21700 Warrant Officer Class 2 with 25 Battalion
- enlisted from Redbank, Toowoomba. Discharged 3 December 1943
- he died age 70 in Brisbane, buried Pinaroo cemetery
1901 - 1982 Myrtle Veronica Kimmins - TWIN
- Myrtle married Walter Herbert HOLLAND (1905-2001) in 1950
- she died aged 96 in Toowoomba
1901 - 1983 William Oscar Kimmins - TWIN
- William married Cecilia Annie CONNELLY (1904-1994) 1922 in Toowoomba
- he died aged 81 in Toowoomba
1905 - 1966 Leslie Norman Kinnins
- Leslie married Rita Mae CLEINE (1908-1983) 1928 in Queensland
- he died aged 61 in Maryborough.Queensland
* Samuel STINSON was a son of:
Benjamin STINSON (1833-1867) & Mary Ann EVANS (1833-1863) who emigrated from England on the 'ALMA' arriving in Wellington on 15 May 1857 and settled in Carterton, Wairarapa
... Mary Ann died in childbirth in 1863 in Carterton. Benjamin remarried in Carterton as the 4th husband of Jemima OXENHAM
Samuel was a GARDENER - STATION OVERSEER - STATION HAND - LABOURER & a RABBITER at Leichhardt Rabbit Company
He married Sulvia in the Masonic Hall in Toowoomba. He was 51 and she was 24
Sylvia & Samuel had 5 children:
1915 - 2003 Samuel Arthur Stinson
- born Jondowae, Queenslad - died Charleville Queensland
1917 - 1989 Irene May Stinson
- born Charleville, Queensland - died Goodna, Queensland
- never married
1920 - 1992 Edward Leslie/Gordon Stinson
- born Mother's Hospital Toowoomba - died Monto, Queensland
1923 - 2001 Leslie Stinson
- born on a train between Morven & Charleville - died Ipswich, Queensland
1926 - 2006 Doreen Edith Stinson
- born Charleville (mother living Helvetia Park) - died Brisbane Hospital
- never married
- last lived in Mitchelton, Brisbane
- In 1912 Sylvia was living in Toowoomba, 34km west of Aubigny
- In 1915 she was living in Jondawae, 116km north west of Aubigny
- In 1917 she was lving in Charleville, 605kms west of Aubigny
- In 1923 she was living in Morven, 512kms west of Aubigny
- In 1926 she was living in Helvetia Park, 629kms west of Aubigny, near Charleville
- In 1931 she died in Mitchell, 419kms west of Aubigny, Queensland
- she died in 1930 aged 43 in Mitchell, Toowoomba
Samuel died in 1946 aged 86 at the Base Hospital, Charleville, Queensland
the OBITUARY of Edward Phillip KIMMINS was taken from the site:
Ancestors of Trisha
One of the best known residents of Toowoomba, as ex-alderman of the City Council, and a Deputy Mayor, in the person of Mr Edward Phillip Kimmins, passed away at his residence early yesterday afternoon, after a fairly extended illness, at the age of 60 years. For some time past it had been obvious to his intimate friends that the late Mr Kimmins had not enjoyed the best of health, but he was one of those who would not give in until he was compelled to do so. It was as and alderman of the City Council that the deceased was best known, and during the time he was in the Council he endeavoured to do his best for those whom he represented. His experience as a plumber enabled him to accept the position of Chairman of the Waterworks Committee in the Council, to which he did full justice.
Prior to his retirement from the Council, and during the dry spell of last year, teh late Mr Kimmins was untiring in his efforts to ensure for the ratepayers and residents of the city an adequate and constant supply of water for domestic and other purposes.
Apart from his knowledge of water, deceased was a man who kept himself well versed with problems of the day. He was a keen debater on almost any topic, and the views he expressed on any subject, which he brought forward in the Council commanded the general attention ot the aldermen.
The late Mr Kimmins was born in Brisbane, and came to Toowoomba at a fairly early age. At the outset of his career, he envinced an interest in plumbing, and, joining the staff of Mr E Smart, who at one time occupied a seat in the State Parliment, he worked his way up until finally he held the position of foreman.
The late Mr Kimmins had been associated with Mr Smart for 23 years, and finally he decided to launch out in busines on his own account. This he did in premises nearly opposite the Post Office in 1909, and during the intervening years up to the present time he had worked up a connection which affords constant employment to a good number of employees. In pre-war days he had as many as 16 hands on his payroll. During the greater part of the time that he had been in business, the late Mr Kimmins had received the invaluable assistance and support of his eldest son, Mr Victor Kimmins, who really of late years has been acting in the capacity of manager.
Deceased, who married Miss S. A. Moore of Poplar, London, was a prominent Freemason, and at the time of his demise held the rank of Past Master in the English Lodge, after having gone through all the chairs.
The late Mr Kimmins was also a keen supporter of the Friendly Society movement, being connected with the Protestant Alliance Lodge of Queensland, of which on one occasion he was Grand Master. At the recent conference of the Society held in Toowoomba special reference was made to the prominent part deceased had taken in its welfare.
The late Mr Kimmins also took a keen interest in fire brigade matters, and long before the days of the present engines he held the position of deputy superintendant for upwards of 20 years. He took part in fighting some of the biggest conflagrations in those days, and his advice and assistance always proved invaluable.
Of later years he held a seat on the Fire Brigade Board, as one of the Council`s representatives, and anything he considered necessary in the interest of the firemen was advocated by him. For some time past he had held a position on the Tarampa Shire Council, where his knowledge of local aurthority affairs generally proved most useful.
Recently on his behalf his son, Fireman F Kimmins, received a meritorious service medal indicative of more than 20 years` association with the fire brigade.
The deceased, who until recently was a member of the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce, has left a widow, and a grown up family. The sons are: Messrs Victor, Frank, Edward, Eric, William, and Leslie, and the girls, Mrs S STINSON, of Morven, and Miss Myrtle Kimmins, of Toowoomba.
Immediately upon the receipt of the news of his demise the flag at the Town Hall was flown at half-mast.
The Assistant Home Secretary, Mr F. T. Brennan, last night remarked that he was very sorry to hear of the death of Mr Kimmins, who had always shown that he had the welfare of Toowoomba at heart, and in numerous ways had rendered valuable assistance in securing the advancement of the city.
The funeral will leave his late residence, Victor Street, this afternoon, at 3 o`clock, for the Toowoomba cemetery.
photo of SYLVIA MAY KIMMINS was taken from the site Sylvia May KIMMINS

on 2012-01-12 04:49:37
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.