the site of ALAN WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY - settlers UK to NZ<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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the site of ALAN WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY - settlers UK to NZ

Journal by ngairedith

Whilst doing some research for Wairarapa settlers I came across the site of Alan Williams which has many Wairarapa settlers/pioneers
- this is a very large site so it can take a little time to load

some of the places in England they come from:
Blackwater Middlesex, Harby Leicestershire, Chatham Kent, Coity Parish Newcastle, Great Torrington Devon, Kidderminster Worcestershire, Llangwm Pembrokeshire, Bethnal Green. Middlesex, St. Brides Minor, Leighton Buzzard. Bedfordshire, Fosdyke. Lincolnshire, Peckleton. Leicester, Hackney Road London, Harrison St Marylebone, St. Peter's Monks Eleigh, High Littleton Somerset, Staple Cottages Davington Faversham Kent, and in Lincolshire: Algarkirk, Sirbeck, Sutterton

to settle in the south pacific places of:
Australia, Dargaville, Thames, Wairoa, Christchurch, Kawakawa, Wellington, Palmerston North, and some of the Wairarapa places of: Whareama, Greytown, Stratford, Pongaroa, Morrison Bush, Alfredton, Western Lake Featherston, Akitio, Tinui, Te Ore Ore, Masterton, Tiraumea,

Unfortunately the original link to the Alan Williams Family History site no longer works (2018)

Abchurch , Adam , Adams , Adlem , Albinson , Allan , Allen , Allerd , Almond , Amazona , Amees , Amor , Anderson , Andrews , Ann , Annis , AP - Gronow , Apps , Arnold , Arnup , Arone , Arthand , Ashby , Ashford , Ashley , Ashman , Ashton , Ashworth , Askew , Atherdon , Atherton , Atkins , Atkinson , Austin , Avery , Aviea , Ayling , Ayton , Bacon , Badcock , Bagge , Bailey , Baker , Balduck , Baldwin , Ball , Ballard , Bandy , Bangley , Bannister , Barker , Barnes , Barnham , Barnsdale , Baron , Barr , Barrett , Barrow , Barrs , Bartels , Barter , Barton , Baskett , Bass , Bateman , Bates , Baw , Bayliss , Beal , Beare , Beastall , Beaumont , Beavan , Bebbington , Beck , Beer , Bell , Benmore , Bennet , Bennett , Benson , Berry-Potter , Bertie , Berwick , Bessant , Best , Bevan , Beynon , Bidlake , Bigg , Bignell , Bilton , Binks , Bird , Black , Blackborow , Blackley , Bland , Blankestyn , Blasden , Blizzard , Bloore , Blundell , Blunden , Boag , Bockett , Boggis , Bolding , Bolton , Bond , Bonnick , Boon , Boreham , Borley , Bouchard , Bovey , Bowditch , Bowhill , Bowyer , Boyling , Boyman , Bradford , Bradley , Branch , Brasted , Breach , Brett , Brewer , Brewster , Brice , Brickwood , Bridges , Brierley , Briers , Briggs , Britten , Brock , Brodie , Brook , Brooker , Brookman , Brooks , Broomhead , Broughton , Brown , Browning , Browns , Bruse , Buckner , Budd , Budden , Bugg , Buick , Bull , Bullett , Bulley , Bulstrode , Bunn , Bunyan , Burdett , Burford , Burgess , Burkett , Burling , Burls , Burns , Burrell , Burton , Busby , Bushel , Butcher , Butler , Buttler , Buxton , Bygrave , Bysouth , Cabble , Cabezas , Cairns , Callow , Cameron , Campbell , Candelent , Candy , Capewell , Carey , Caroll , Carradice , Carter , Caseley , Cashin , Cassidy , Casson , Cattey , Causton , Cave , Cavell , Cavner , Chadwick , Chalkley , Challoner , Chambers , Chandler , Chaplin , Chapman , Chappell , Charles , Charlton , Chase , Cheeseman , Chesney-Green , Chessell , Chester , Childs , Chiltern , Chinnery , Chisholm , Chittock , Choyce , Churchill , Clack , Clancy , Claridge , Claringbold , Clark , Clarke , Cleare , Clift , Cloude , Clowton , Clutterbuck , Coates , Cobbald , Cock , Cockling , Coe , Cohen , Cole , Coleburn , Colegate , Coles , Collard , Collins , Collis , Collishaw , Compton , Condon , Connor , Constable , Contor , Cook , Cooper , Cope , Copland , Corbin , Corden , Corley , Corr , Cory , Cosens , Cottrell , Coulson , Cousins , Coveney , Cox , Coy , Cozens , Cracknell , Cragen , Crane , Crawley , Creswell , Criddon , Cripes , Crisp , Cross , Crossley , Crouch , Croxson , Cruickshank , Cruickshanks , Crutchlow , Cull , Cummings , Curnall , Curran , Curtis , Cuthbert , Cutter , Dadd , Dakin , Dale , Dales , Daly , Damian , Dando , Daniel , Darling , Davenport , Davey , David , Davidson , Davies , Davis , Dawe , Dawson , Day , Dayment , Dean , Dear , Deary , Death , Demaid , Dempsey , Densley , Dent , Derry , Diamond , Dickens , Dickson , Diesny , Dighton , Dillon , Diprofe , Ditton , Dixon , Dockerty , Dodd , Doel , Donald , Donaldson , Donnelly , Doree , Double , Douch , Dowding , Downer , Downes , Downs , Drake , Drew , Driscoll , Dryer , Duffey , Duffin , Dulieu , Duncan , Dunford , Dunn , Durrant , Earl , East , Eastrick , Edgley , Edmonds , Edmunds , Edward , Edwards , Elfes , Elford , Elliott , Ellis , Emlyn , Emma , Emmett , Ennis , Errington , Esten , Evans , Eve , Everett , Everitt , Excell , Eyres , Fagg , Fairbrass , Falconer , Farley , Farmer , Farrell , Faulkner , Feast , Fender , Fernley , Fewkes , Fidler , Field , Fielden , Fielder , Filtness , Finch , Findley , Fish , Fisher , Fitgerald , Fittal , Fitzsayer , Fleming , Flemming , Fletcher , Florish , Flowers , Foote , Fort , Foster , Foulkes , Fowler , Fox , Foxwell , Frances , Francis , Frazer , Freeman , Friend , Fry , Fryer , Fuller , Funnell , Gaddard , Gaffney , Gage , Gall , Gallott , Gane , Gannard , Gardiner , Gardner , Garland , Garner , Garred , Garrett , Garrod , Gaskell , Gates , Gazzard , Gent , George , Gernon , Gibbs , Gibby , Gibson , Gilbert , Gilchrist , Gilham , Gilmartin , Gilroy , Gilson , Girlie , Gladwell , Goddard , Goddridge , Godfrey , Gognette , Gold , Golding , Gooch , Goodier , Gooding , Goodwin , Gorey , Gorman , Gould , Gower , Graham , Grammer , Grange , Gray , Greeks , Green , Greenbank , Greenfield , Greenham , Greenland , Gregory , Grenon , Greslon , Griffith , Griffiths , Grimes , Grimwood , Gronow , Groom , Gunn , Gurney , Gutteridge , Haggis , Hain , Halfhead , Hall , Halliday , Hammerston , Hammond , Hancock , Handley , Hanford , Hankin , Hanna , Hanney , Hapgood , Happey , Harcourt , Harding , Hardingham , Hardridge , Hardy , Hare , Harkness , Harman , Harmer , Harries , Harris , Harrison , Harrodine , Harry , Hart , Hartwell , Harvey , Hatch , Hatchman , Hatherley , Hatton , Hawes , Hawkins , Hayes , Hayter , Hayward , Heale , Heatheringstone , Heenan , Henham , Henneys , Herbert , Herring , Hewitt , Heycock , Hicks , Higgins , High , Hill , Hilliard , Hills , Hilton , Himbury , Hiscox , Holbrook , Holes , Holliwell , Holloway , Holmes , Holt , Hook , Hooper , Hopkins , Horler , Hornsby , Horton , Howard , Howell , Howes , Howison , Hoy , Hubber , Hughes , Humphrey , Humphreys , Hunt , Hunter , Huntley , Hurst , Huskinson , Hutchins , Hutchinson , Ingram , Irish , Isaac , Israel , Ivory , Jackman , Jackson , James , Jamieson , Jarrett , Jeans , Jeff , Jefferies , Jenkin , Jenkins , Jenner , Jennings , Jestico , Jewess , Jewitt , Jobbins , Joblin , John , Johnson , Jones , Jordan , Joyce , Juniper , Karsten , Kay , Keble , Keen , Kellam , Kelly , Kelsey , Kenchington , Kenny , Kent , Kerr , Ketner , Killingback , Kimble , King , Kingston , Kirk , Kirkpatrick , Kivell , Knapp , Knight , Knock , Knott , Knowles , Kura , Kurby , Laffan , Laflin , Lake , Lamden , Lane , Langdon , Langham , Langley , Langworthy , Larkin , Larsen , Last , Lawrence , Lawrie , Laws , Lawson , Lea , Leach , Leany , Ledwidge , Lee , Leightfield , Leisser , Lemmon , Lenton , Leonard , Lepper , Letch , Lever , Lewis , Lightfoot , Lilly , Limber , Limbury , Linch , Lintott , Litchfield , Little , Littlefield , Llewellyn , Llewhelin , LLiue , Lloyd - Hughes , Lloyd , Locke , Locks , Long , Loose , Lougher , Lucas , Luft , Lunn , Luttman , Lydster , Lyle , Lynch , Lyndon , MacDermott , MacKay , Macmillan , Madden , Maguire , Maher , Maidwell , Mallandain , Manchee , Manning , Mapp , Margaret , Margurite , Marlow , Marok , Marriot , Marriott , Marsh , Marshall , Martell , Martin , Matthews , May , Mc Carthy , McCarthy , McCarty , McCrae , McCrimmon , McDonald , McEwan , McGaffin , McGlashon , McGrath , McKay , McKellow , McKenzie , McParland , McPherson , McQueen , Meach , Meacham , Mead , Meads , Mears , Mellors , Mendes , Mendham , Meredith , Mickelborough , Micklewright , Middleton , Middlewright , Mildren , Miles , Miller , Mills , Mita , Mitam , Momford , Montrell , Moon , Mooney , Moore , Morgan , Morison , Morley , Morphew , Morris , Morrish , Morrison , Mortimore , Morton , Moseley , Moses , Mott , Mouland , Mount , Mountain , Mowbray , Mudd , Mudge , Muir , Mulley , Munt , Murie , Murphy , Napier , Nazeruk , Neale , Neild , Neville , Newman , Newport , Newton , Nice , Nicholls , Nicholson , Nioa , Nisbet , Nix , Norman , Norris , Northam , Norton , Nott , Novack , Nye , Oakley , Obern , O'Brian , Ogden , Ogilivie , O'Keefe , Oliff , Oliphant , Oliver , O'Loughlin , Orme , Orton , Osborne , Ovendon , Over , Overton , Packham , Page , Paget , Pallett , Palmer , Pammenter , Parfitt , Parkins , Parkinson , Partridge , Passfield (Pasterfield) , Passfield , Patient , Patman , Patrick , Paxton , Payn , Payne , Pearce , Pearson , Peckham , Pedersen , Pell , Pemberton , Penson , Pentecost , Perkins , Perrin , Perry , Peters , Pether , Peto , Pettitt , Phelps , Philip , Phillips , Philpott , Pickering , Pickett , Pickford , Picton , Pidding , Pidgley , Piercy , Pike-Barnes , Pilbem , Planting , Pocock , Polglase , Pollock , Pool , Portsmouth , Postlewaight , Potter , Pottle , Poulton , Powell , Powley , Poynter , Pratt , Prew , Price , Priestley , Prince , Pritchard , Proctor , Protheroe , Pull , Pullen , Punchard , Pung , Punge , Purnell , Quinn , Quinnell , Quirolo , Raffin , Raithby , Ramplin , Randall , Rapps , Ratless , Rawlinson , Rayner , Raynor , Rayson , Read , Ready , Reay , Redsull , Reed , Reeder , Rees , Reeve , Rennex , Revil , Reynell , Rhymer , Rice , Rich , Richards , Richardson , Rickards , Rickets , Riddell , Riding , Ridley , Ridmore , Rielly , Rigby , Riley , Ringrose , Risley , Ritchie , Roadnight , Robbins , Roberson , Roberts , Robertson , Robinson , Robson , Rochester , Rodgers , Roediger , Rogers , Rohrs , Rooke , Roper , Rose , Ross , Rossett , Rothwell , Rouarke , Rowe , Rowley , Royal , Ruffell , Rumming , Russell , Sach , Sage , Sago , Sales , Salter , Sandy , Sanger , Sansom , Sargeant , Sargent , Sarson , Saunders , Savage , Saville , Saye , Scanlan , Scarff , Scarlett , Scherer , Schilling , Schmidt , Schmitz , Scotcher , Scott , Scrimshaw , Scrivenor , Searle , Seaton , Seery , Selden , Sewell , Sexton , Seymour , Shailer , Shapter , Sharpe , Sharples , Shawe , Sheen , Sheffield , Shepherd , Sheppard , Sherwood , Shetcliffe , Shewbridge , Shore , Short , Shorter , Shrimpton , Shutler , Silver , Silvester , Simmonds , Simpson , Sims , Sinnock , Skinner , Slade , Smark , Smark-Turner , Smee , Smiles , Smillie , Smith , Smithe , Smithers , Smithson , Snowden , Snuggs , Solley , Solloway , Somerville , Spain , Spanswick , Sparks , Sparshott , Spencer , Spicer , Spiers , Spinks , Spooner , Spreen , Springett , Spry , Spurling , Squires , Squirrell , Stacey , Stagg , Stainer , Stalley , Staneland , Stanley , Stanwell , Stapley , Stark , Starke , Stavrakis , Stay , Stead , Steavenson , Steer , Stemmit , Stenberg , Stephens , Stevens , Steward , Stewart , Stickler , Stiff , Stojanovic , Stokes , Stone , Street , Strivens , Stromeyer , Strongitharm , Stroud , Stubbs , Sullivan , Surrey , Suter , Sutherland , Sutton , Swaby , Swaine , Swan , Sweeney , Swinton , Syer , Symington , Taggart , Tailor , Tandy , Tanner , Tarpey , Taylor , Terrell , Terry , Tew , Thomas , Thompson , Thorn , Thorne , Thornton , Thorpe , Tibboth , Tibbs , Till , Tittle , Tole , Tompkins , Tompsett , Tower , Towle , Tranter , Treharne , Trengove , Tribe , Trickey , Tucker , Tudor , Tudor-Coulson , Tugwell , Turner , Unstead , Upton , Usher , Vaile , Vaines , Vandersteen , Vater , Vaughan , Veazey , Venables , Vennall , Vickers , Vile , Vincent , Vogt , Vowles , Vynall , Wade , Waerea , Waghorn , Waghorne , Wagstaff , Waldie , Walford , Wall , Wallace , Waller , Walwyn , Wanstall , Ward , Ware , Warford , Warman , Warr , Warren , Waterhouse , Waterman , Waterson , Watson , Watt , Watts , Weain , Weaver , Webb , Webber , Websdale , Webster , Weedon , Weeks , Wells , Wenham , Wesley , West , Westlake , Weston , Westwood , Wheat , Wheaton , Whitbread , White , Whitehead , Whiter , Whiting , Whitmore , Whittaker , Wicks , Widdowson , Wiggins , Wilcocke , Wilcox , Wildeblood , Wilkie , Wilkins , Wilkinson , Williams , Willis , Wills , Wilshire , Wilson , Wincels , Windsor , Winstone , Winterford , Winteringham , Winters , Wiskin , Witcomb , Witiker , Witton , Wood , Woodard , Woodcock , Woodhams , Woodman , Woods , Woolley , Worley , Worsley , Wright , Wrintmoor , Wyatt , Wyett , Yarnall , Yeo , Yeoman , Young

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on 2011-01-03 05:43:49

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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