Thomas Barber GOLDFINCH + Ann Mary FARLEY + Hannah SMEDLEY - from England to France to Australia<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Thomas Barber GOLDFINCH + Ann Mary FARLEY + Hannah SMEDLEY - from England to France to Australia

Journal by ngairedith

Thomas Barber Goldfinch was born in 1813 in Deal, Kent, England to Thomas Goldfinch and Ann NEWING (his father's first wife)

- his father's 2nd wife was Lucy DARBY, they married in 1815 in Dover
- they had 8 known children, one of them, George Lynch Darby Goldfinch, emigrated to Australia and later moved to New Zealand where in 1850 he married Mary FUTTER in Wellington and had 15 children

Thomas Barber Goldfinch married Ann Mary FARLEY in Dover when he was 21 and she was about 20.
They had 7 (known) children from 1835 to 1845 all born in Calais, Nord-Pas-DE-Calais, France
Ann died the following year at the age of 32.

Thomas remarried 3 years later in France to Hannah Smedley - they had 3 (known) children, the first one Lynch Barber, born in France in 1847 and the last two (that I have), Susannah and Richard, born in Sydney, NSW.

His 2nd wife Hannah had been married befoe to John Plummer
- on the STEADFAST passenger list Thomas and Hannah travelled from Deal, Kent to South Australia arriving 26 March 1849

with them were their children:

George PLUMMER - Thomas's 14 year old stepson, born Nottingham

Henry PLUMMER - Thomas's 7 year old stepson born Bassville France

Thomas Goldfinch - 13 year old son, born Calais France
- Thomas married Mary RYAN in Sydney in 1859

Ann Goldfinch - 11 year old daughter born Calais France

George Goldfinch - 7 years old son born Calais France

Elizabeth Goldfinch - 5 year old daughter born Calais France

Lynch Barber Goldfinch was an infant. He died on board before landing in Sydney.

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on 2010-04-29 18:05:39

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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