Willis Street WELLINGTON - 1925
some of the HUSTLE & BUSTLE in WILLIS Street, WELLINGTON in 1925
Evening Post, 2 January 1925
... The premises of Mr J. McILRAITH, grocer, of 140 Willis steet, were entered by burglars some time between Wednesday night and this morning, and about ?5 in cash was stolen. The police have the matter in hand
Evening Post, 3 January 1925
... FINE PRINTS and PHOTOGRAPHIC CORK at the S. P. ANDREW Studios, 10 Willis street, Wellington. and Bartlett Studio, Auckland. By Appointment Photographers to His Excellency the Governor-General
Evening Post, 5 January 1925
... CALDWELL - On the 26th December 1924, at the Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs Archie Caldwell, Karori - a daughter
Evening Post, 20 January 1925
... Full Cream Cheddar Cheese matured by special process, in perfect condition. 1s 4d per pound at WARDELL'S, Willis street
Evening Post, 20 January 1925
... BUCHANAN - On the 19th January 1925, to Mr and Mrs Buchanan, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital - a daughter
Evening Post, 21 January 1925
... KLINBERG - On the 21st January, 1925, to Mr and Mrs E. Klinberg, at Willis street Obstetric Hospital - a daughter
Evening Post, 22 January 1925
... Through colliding with a tramcar while riding a motor-cycle down Willis street yesterday evening, a single man, 37 years of age, named THOMAS MURPHY, a wharf labourer, suffered a broken leg. The injured man was removed to the hospital, where his is progressing favourably
Evening Post, 5 February 1925
... The Secretary will be in attendance at the Rooms, Wilton's Buildins, 156 Willis street, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10 to 12.30 & Tuesday Afternoon 2 to 4
All communication strictly confidential. Telephone 770
Evening Post, 6 February 1925
... The wedding was solemnised at St Peter's Church, Willis street, yesterday afternoon of Miss Dorothy PETERS, youngest daughter of Mr J. Peters, Hastings, and Mr James GLOVER, eldest son of Mrs J. Glover, Webb street, Wellington. The Rev. N. A. Stanley officiated. After the ceremony the bride and bridegroom were entertained at Mrs Hath's residence, Hiropi street, Newtown
Evening Post, 23 March 1925
... Miss Constance THEEL, teacher of elocution, who has made a special study of the methods of voice production, will receive pupils at Room 11, 50 Willis street, as advertised
Evening Post, 29 April 1925
... Mt Herbert SEATON, under instructions from Mr M. L. MARIS, will sell by auction, the whole of his stock of diamond rings, watches, clocks, and silver ware on the premises, 27 Willis street, at 1 p.m. on Friday
Evening Post, 1 May 1925
... Large rooms and floor, about 60ft x 30ft, with Small Office; splendid light, heart of city, next Stewart Dawson's. Apply, 11 to 12 or 3 to 4, Room 17, Fletcher's Buildings, Corner Lambton quay and Willis street
Evening Post, 1 May 1925
... who, during his term of office as general secretary of Wellington Y.M.C.A., was responsible for the erection of the building in Willis Street, arrived from Australia per Ulimaroa on Wednesday, after a visit to his aged father in Adelaide. During his visit to Wellington he will speak at a New Zealand Club luncheon, of which he was the founder
Evening Post, 2 May 1925
... Miss PHYLLIS BATES, Studio 68 Willis street. Telephone 870. Private Lessons by Appointment. Fox Trot, Five-Step, Waltz, Tango. MURRAY BLAKES'"BLUES", Paso Doble. Appointments from 10 a.m.
Evening Post, 2 May 1925
... Miss BARBARA PUTNAM is removing to New Studio,, 60 Willis Street on Thursday, 14th May. For further particulars address 43, Northland Road
Evening Post, 4 May 1925
... Brought to us for repairs indicate that too many have courted trouble and married disaster by buying low-grade cycles. Rather enjoy your ride in safety and comfort by buying reliabel Cycles at reasonable prices from F. J. W. FEAR AND CO., 63-65 Willis street
Evening Post, 5 May 1925
... Mr and Mrs KEMBLE WELCH (Palmer School Graduates) have opened Offices for the Practice of Chiropractic, Neurocalometer Service. The Neurocalometer accurately locates nerve impingements, which are the cause of disease. Address: 200 Willis Street, Telephone 20-421
Evening Post, 5 May 1925
... SPEAR AND MURRAY LTD., 7 Willis Street, Wellington. Late Optician to the Wellington Hospital and Charitable Aid Board. Telephone 2562
Evening Post, 5 May 1925
... H. E. ANDREWS & H. JACKSON, Dental Surgeons, 132 Willis street, McDonald's Buildings
Evening Post, 6 May 1925
... Willis Street, Wellington UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Terms Moderate. F. H. RENNIE. Telephone 863
Evening Post, 6 May 1925
... Auctioneer, retiring from business, continuation of Auction Sale of Mr M. L. MARIS's stock of Diamond RIngs, Gold and Silver Watches, Electroplate, Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Art Beads, Field glasses, etc., etc., on premises, 27 Willis street, opposite Grand Hotel
Evening Post, 18 May 1925
... OLSON - On the 16th May 1925, at the Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs W. H. Olson - a daughter
Evening Post, 20 May 1925
... ANNUAL BOOK SALE, this Friday, the 22nd instant. A Harvest of bargains for Book Buyers. Valuable works at nominal prices. 71 Willis Street, opposite "Evening Post"
Evening Post, 18 May 1925
... Owing to the unexpected arrival, ex ss Tongaririo, of a parcel of exquisite sample furs. The English representative for Russian Furs has extended his visit for three days more. Fur lovers should see this wonderful display of fur coats, stoles, capes and neckwear. 68 Willis Street. Up passageway leading to Ambassador Cabaret
Evening Post, 21 May 1925
... Great Sale of Evening Goods Now On - Brilliant Satin Marocains, double width, 3s 11d, worth 7s 11d. Real Ostrich Feather Trimmings, all colours, 4s 11d, worth 12s 6d. Magnificant Beaded Tunics, at a third of usual prices. French Evening Hair Bands, at 2s 11d. Beautiful Wide Metal Laces and Sequin Trimmings at half-price. See the windows. QUEREE BROS., 116 Willis Street
Evening Post, 27 May 1925
... TOMORROW'S PROCESSION. For the first time since 1922 the Victoria College students will hold their capping procession to-morrow. The procession will leave the college at 11 a.m., and will proceed via Cuba street, to Manners street, Willis street and Lambton quay to the Government Buildings. It will then return via Lambton quay and Grey street to Post Office square, where it should arrive about 1 p.m. It is expected that the procession will be one worthy of the occasion, and that the skits on public affairs, and the speeches at the Post Office square, where the welcoming of the Governor-General by the Acting Governor-General, will be the main feature, will provide the public with much amusement
Evening Post, 27 May 1925
... At the Magistrate's Court yesterday George Geoffrey SHIRTCLIFFE was fined ?1 10s for turning his car in Willis street
Evening Post, 1 June 1925
... LINLEY-HURLEY - On the 22nd April 1925, at St Peter's Church, Willis street, by the Rev Mr WATSON, Lewis Frederick, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Linley, Wellington, to Ivy mable, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs D. Langley, Collingwood street, Nelson
Evening Post, 19 June 1925
... WEINSTEIN - On the 30th June, 1925, at Willis street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs C. Weinstein - a daughter
Evening Post, 24 June 1925
... DRYDEN-PETTENGELL - On Wednesday, 17th June 1925, at St Peter's Church, Willis street, Wellington, by the Rev. Mr WATSON, Leonard B. Dryden, youngest son of Mrs A. O'SULLIVAN, of Waitara, to Elsie M., youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs F. Pettengell, of Tanera crescent, Brooklyn
Evening Post, 30 June 1925
... CHAMPION-WALLIS - On the 16th June 1925, at St Peter's Church, Willis street, by the Rev T. Feilden TAYLOR. Thomas Keith, eldest son of Mr and Mrs W. H. Champion, of Auckland, to Effie Rosetta, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs T. J. Wallis, of 19 Boston terrace, Wellington
Evening Post, 4 July 1925
... YEATTS-WEBSTER - On the 1st July 1925, at St Peter's Church, Willis street, by the Rev. P. A. STANLEY, Robert Charles, only son of Mr R. C. Yeatts, of Wellington, to Vera May, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Webster, of 4 Crosby terrace, Wellington
Evening Post, 6 July 1925
... James ROGERS, a waterside worker, 66 years of age, died suddenly at 218 Willis street, at 4.30 am., yesterday. He took ill shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday morning, and medical assistance was summoned, but Rogers expired within a few minutes. An inquest will be held at 9.15a.m. to-morrow
Evening Post, 10 July 1925
... Dr (PETER) HAMILTON ROBERTSON. Very general and sincere regret will be expressed at the death of Dr Hamilton Robertson, of Hataitai, which took place from meningitis this morning, following a few weeks illness. Dr Robertson, who was a son of an eminent authority in Glasgow on mental diseases, and was a brother of Dr Alex. Robertson, of Willis street, was about 49 years of age, and had a distinguished career. He served with the Scottish Red Cross Hospital in the South African War. He held appointments in the Glasgow Maternity and Fever Hospitals, and in the Sussex General Hospital, and was a Fellow of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons at Glasgow. For five and a half years prior to the Great War he held the post of assistant to the Regius Professor of Surgery, Sir William Macewen, his duties in that capacity consisting of teaching large classes of students in systematic, clinical, and operative surgery by lectures and demonstrations; also in assisting at the operations in the University Clinique at the Western Infirmary. In addition he held the post of extra-dispensary surgeon to the Victoria Infirmary for seven years and that of extra-dispensary to the Royal Infirmary for six years. He had a varied career during the war, serving as a surgeon at the Battle of Loos and later as a surgical specialist. After the war he settled in Hataitai, where he soon built up a large practice, and won for himself a host of friends. He also did good work on the surgical staff of the Wellington Hospital. Dr Robertson leaves a widow, with whom much sympathy will be felt
Evening Post, 12 July 1925
... SPENCER - On the 9th July 1925, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs W. Spencer (nee Eley BASSETT), of Ngaio - a daughter; both well
Evening Post, 30 July 1925
... Messrs. VINE and Co., auctioneers, will sell pianos and and oak and rimu furniture at their mart, 107 Customhouse quay at 2 o'clock to-morrow. On Saturday morning, at 10 o'lock, they will offer office furniture, counters, a Ford motor-car, on the premises, 77 Willis street
Evening Post, 21 August 1925
... The fire brigade received a call last night at 11. o'clock to an outbreak of fire in the Albert Hotel, Willis street. The cause of the fire was a gas heater, and damage was done to the sitting room
Evening Post, 22 August 1925
... During last night five large plate-glass windows in Messrs WALLACE and GIBSON's shop in Willis street were cut, apparently with a diamond. The discovery was made when the window-cleaner commenced work this morning. The panes damaged are marked in several places with vertical scratches, and some of them are valued at ?50
Evening Post, 11 August 1925
... The chief feature of to-morrow's programme, and probably what will prove to be the most spectacular event of the whole visit, will be a route march by 2,000 sailors through the city streets. The men will be drawn from the various ships, and the march will commence at 10 a.m. The line of route will be Bunny street, Lambton Quay, Willis Street, Upper Willis Street, Vivian Street, Cuba Street, Jervois Quay, Customhouse Quay and Waterloo Quay, back to the ship. His excellency the Governor-General (Sir Charles FERGUSSON) and Admiral COONTZ will take the salute from the steps of Parliament Buildings
Evening Post, 22 August 1925
... SCHAAB - on the 13th August 1925, at the Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs M. J. Schaab, Kilbirnie - the gift of a son
Evening Post, 22 August 1925
... ANGEL - on the 22nd August 1925, at Willis Street Private Hospital, to Mr and Mrs Angel, Northland - a son
Evening Post, 7 September 1925
... First and Second Prize-winners are requested to be Photographed as early as possible at the Official Photographers to the Wellington Competitions Society. - The P. H. JAUNCEY Studios, 50 Willis street
Evening Post, 7 September 1925
... If you wish to obtain that finish and artistic touch to your wedding, order your bouquets from Miss MURRAY, Vice-Regal Florists, 35 Willis Street
Evening Post, 7 September 1925
... "Nodinit" - Grey and white hair can be restored to its natural colour by the application of this wonderful restorer. It improves the growth of the hair, and completely removes dandruff. Price 4s per bottle. Sole agents: STAMFORD and Co., Ltd., 68 Willis street. Permanent waving, Eugene machine. Our operators recommended by Mr EUGENE himself. Half head ?4 10s. Telephone 21-220
Evening Post, 7 September 1925
... THIRTY YEARS AGO we commenced business in Willis street. We determined to purchase only good materials, put in first-class Workmanship, and sell at a reasonable price. Our ideals remain the same, and our unrivalled tailoring experience is still at your service. We have no front shop. Our Show-rooms are on the First Floor, Macarthy's Buildings, 50 Willis street. MORRISON AND PENNEY
Evening Post, 12 September 1925
... HEENAN - On the 11th September, 1925, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs J. W. Heenan - a son
Evening Post, 12 September 1925
... LAKE - On the 10th September, 1925, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs George William Lake, of 26 William Street, Wadestown - a son; both well
Evening Post, 2 October 1925
... WATTS - On the 1st October, 1925, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs E. H. Watts, of Ngaio - a son
Evening Post, 7 October 1925
... A Labour Party demonstration will be held in the Empress Theatre, Willis street, on Sunday evening next, commencing at 8. Labour candidates for Parliament, assisted by others, will address the meeting
Evening Post, 13 October 1925
... FOX - On the 11th October 1925, at the Willis Street Private Hospital, to Mr and Mrs W. M. G. Fox - a daughter
Evening Post, 13 October 1925
... JONES - On the 11th October 1925, at Willis Street Hospital, to Mr and Mrs C. W. Jones, junr. - a daughter
Evening Post, 15 October 1925
... At an inquest held yesterday afternoon by the Coroner (Mr W. G. RIDDELL, S.M.) on Elspeth McPherson WALLINGTON, a married woman, aged 26, who died suddenly on the morning of 13th October at 255 Willis street, evidence was given by Dr LYNCH that death was due to heart failure. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned
Evening Post, 16 October 1925
... A. M. WILSON & Co., (late J. & A. Wilson). Funeral Furnishers, 263 Willis Street, Tel. 21-949
Evening Post, 26 October 1925
... A minor mishap, with a smashed plate-glass window as its most serious result occurred in Boulcott street at 2.15 this afternoon. A motor-cyclist with an occupied sidecar, lost control of his machine as he was approaching the Willis street-manners street intersection, his foot-brake being rendered inactive through a mechanical defect, and the machine ran across the footpath ten yards from the Willis street corner. The front wheel crashed through a newly installed plate-glass window in the shop frontage recently made in Boulcott street. Neither machine nor occupants suffered any injury
Evening Post, 30 October 1925
... Samuel George FRANKLIN, 25 years of age, and residing at 22 Rimu road, Kelburn, was knocked down by a tramcar while crossing Willis street at 2.25 o'clock this afternoon. He sustained cuts about the head and face, for which he received treatment at a nearby chemist's shop and was afterwards able to proceed to his home
Evening Post, 31 October 1925
... WYATT - On the 29th October, 1926, at the Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, to Mr and Mrs H. Wyatt - a daughter
Evening Post, 13 November 1925
... BLAKE-HOPKIRK - On the 21st October, 1925, at St John's Presbyterian Church, Willis street, by Rev Dr GIBB, Douglas C. E. Blake, second son of Mr and Mrs E. M. Blake, Kent terrace, Wellington, to Sibyl E. Hopkirk, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm. Hopkirk, Majoribanks street, Wellington
Evening Post, 17 November 1925
... Another deal in Wellington City property took place last week, Messrs. FINCH and WEBSTER, land and estate agents, having arranged the sale of the Empire Hotel, Willis street, at a price between ?75,000 and ?80,000. The building, which is of three stories, has a frontage of 72ft to Willis street and of 75ft to Victoria street
in 2013, ?75,000-?80,000 is equivalent to $6,995,000-$7,460,000
Evening Post, 21 November 1925
... MILLER - On the 19th November 1925, at Willis Street Obstetric Hospital, the wife of M. B. Miller - a daugher
Evening Post, 10 December 1925
... Messrs C. DICKINSON and Co., 68 Willis street, advertise a sale of crockery and furniture at their rooms, 68 Willis st., to-morrow, at 2 o'clock.
Willis Street in 1925
on 2013-10-26 00:27:10
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.