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Overton, Mathias of Scotland to North carolina died in Vigo County Indiana

Posted 12/20/2019

I am Looking for the parents of Mathias Overton. Accorging to the 1830 Indiana Census he was born between 1790-1800. His Son Riley wrote and published a Bio Sketch in the St Clair County Missouri History Book. The birth dates of Mathias's children are not accurate through out thier life. As in this bio sketch he stated he was born in Vego Co. Indiana in 1837 but his father died in 1835 Vigo Co. Indiana, Riley was probably born around 1831, he stated he was 4 yrs old when his father died. Below is the Bio written by Riley.

St Clair County Missouri Biographies

Riley Overton, farmer and stock raiser, was born in Vego County, Indiana, in 1837. His father, Matthias Overton, was a native of Scotland, but left that country when he was ten years of age, coming to the United States and locating in Switzerland County, North Carolina. After residing there a few years he moved to Indiana. In 1822 he married Miss Nancy Whaley, of North Carolina, and to them were born eight children. When Riley was but four years old his lather died, and he continued to live with his mother until he was thirteen, then binding himself out to work until his seventeenth year. This contract expiring, he worked at different places for a time, and was then married to Miss Leona Wright Gunn, a daughter of John Gunn, of Vego County, Indiana. They have had three sons and three daughters: Mary E., Ella F., Edgar R., William R., Harriet C., and Arthur H., politically Mr. Overton is a Republican. He is one of the prominent farmers of this township; and now owns 319 acres of valuable land, under fence and well improved, upon which is a good vineyard, residence and outbuildings. -- History of St. Clair Co., Missouri, 1883

I can only identify 6 of Mathias's children and there are two other names that are either the other 2 children or Mathias Brothers or Nephews.

I am interested in connecting and sharing information with any family members connected to this family.

Contact me at

1 comment(s), latest 4 years, 5 months ago