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Bradley Jessop of Balclutha,

Name: Bradley Craig Jessop
Born: 19/09/2001, Balclutha
Siblings: Sarah Louise Jessop, Michael (Mike) James Jessop, Grace Elizabeth Jessop,
Carla Jane Jessop
Siblings DOB: Sarah 12/09/1998, Mike 23/10/1999, Grace 06/03/2003, Carla 06/03/2003

Parents: Craig Peter Jessop, Rachel Elizabeth Kelland
DOB of parents: Craig 25/10/1969, Rachel 04/04/1971
Birthplace of parents: (Craig) Nelson/Tasman, (Rachel) Rangiora

Grandparents: (Craig) Peter James Jessop and Jennifer May Russ,
(Rachel) Carlisle McCulley Kelland and Joan Chapman

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