Dorro on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Journals and Posts

Looking for Hewitt in NZ

I want to contact my cousin, Douglas Hewitt, in New Zealand. He visited my family at Dipton around 1960, and I would like to contact him. He was born around 1935, so time is running out.

Looking for Elizabeth Wild Batchelor

Elizabeth Wild Batchelor is in the 1841 England census as 9yrs old, living with Henry Blatch and his wife Sarah, nee Batchelor.In 1847/8 they all immigrated to New Zealand, on the same ship, but Elizabeth is listed seperatly, as a servant. In 1848 she married William Monson, had 2 children and died in 1862.
It has been suggested, she was Sarahs illegitemate daughter, but the name Wild comes from Henrys mother.
How can I find where she came from? I'm running out of options.

12 comment(s), latest 12 years, 6 months ago

Cox in NY

I'm looking for any info on descendants of James and Janet, nee Lawrence,who were married in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1923, and went to New York shortly after. Thanks

Looking for MACCLURE in NZ

Looking for William MACCLURE, arrived in Port Chalmers, Otago on Christian MaCausland, and married Margaret Dinsmore, in 1879.

PRICE family in NZ

I am looking for family of Henry and Emily (Hunter) Price who emigrated to New Zealand in 1863 on 'Lancashire Witch'They arrived at Lyttleton.

looking for MACCLURE of New Zealand

William MACCLURE arrived in Port Chalmers, NZ on board ''Christian McAusland'' in1871. He married Margaret Dinsmore around 1877. From there, the story is hazy, but they both died in Wellington. Any help would be great

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago

Looking for Lawrence around the Dunedin, NZ area

My grandfather, William Lawrence, emigrated to Port Chalmers on the 'Oamaru' in 1879. He married Christina Johnson and they had a son and 4 daughters. She died and grandfather married Helen Mills, my grandmother.
I am having trouble finding the first family, and also what happened to some of the other family.
Any advice, please.

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 10 months ago