Graeme_1942 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Graeme_1942 on Family Tree Circles

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Descendants of John and Tabitha Pearce of Middleton/Port Elliot South Australia

I am researching the descendants and relatives of my great great great grandparents John and Tabitha Pearce who arrived in SA from Cornwall on 16 July 1851 on The City of Manchester and eventually settled at Middleton. Tabitha died 5 July 1891 and is buried at the Port Elliot cemetery. I have located her grave which is an unmarked plot so I plan to have a plaque installed at the site. John lived for 5 more years and is buried at Mundulla SA where he went with his youngest daughter Aves Metcalf and family in 1892. I want to ensure that interested descendants and relatives know about these burial sites.
Graeme Swincer

3 comment(s), latest 4 years, 1 month ago