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Looking for BRADSHAWS of Manchester U.K.

I now have this family back to 1881 when Joseph Cecil (Snr) and wife Emily Jane Slinger appear on the 1881 census at Manchester.I know the names and dates of their children.(First born 1892)I have this birth.cert.Joseph Cecil(Jnr) born 27/1/1892.Other children following.

The BRICK WALL is Joseph Cecil Snr.Born.1856(artist and property owner)

George Arthur Bradshaw b.14/5/1932 son of Joseph Cecil Jnr. was my first husband.
He emigrated to N.Z. which is where I met him.
His father's name was Joseph and his mother's name Mary Walkden.
There were other siblings.Lillianne,Brian and Joseph(twins)
As far as I know they were born in Manchester.
Both the parents died young and George and Lillianne were bought up by an Uncle Arthur(he was a bank manager in Barnsley)
The twins were bought up by Aunt Lilian
That's all I know of their history apart from the fact that George had a Salford solicitor who sold some old houses for him.(I think the houses came to him via his father.

SOLVED; The mystery of Joseph Cecil has been solved.He is the son of George Bradshaw and Mary(Champion)Now have this family back several generations and possibly back to 1000-1200