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Looking for Bayonet -Bulerin Ancestors

I am looking for the ancestors of my great grandmother, ISABEL
BAYONET-BULERIN. She was born in about 1847 and lived and died in
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico.
I suspect her father may have come to Puerto Rico in the early
1800,s, from Venezuela, after the Real Cedula de Gracia was issued
to allow Spaniards and foreigners to emigrate to Puerto Rico.

Looking for Bayonet -Bulerin Ancestors

I am looking for the ancestors of my great grandmother, ISABEL
BAYONET-BULERIN. She was born in about 1847 and lived and died in
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico.
I suspect her father may have come to Puerto Rico in the early
1800,s, from Venezuela, after the Real Cedula de Gracia was issued
to allow Spaniards and foreigners to emigrate to Puerto Rico.

Looking for Bayonet -Bulerin Ancestors

I am looking for the ancestors of my great grandmother, ISABEL
BAYONET-BULERIN. She was born in about 1847 and lived and died in
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico.
I suspect her father may have come to Puerto Rico in the early
1800,s, from Venezuela, after the Real Cedula de Gracia was issued
to allow Spaniards and foreigners to emigrate to Puerto Rico.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 7 months ago