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Looking for SIMPSON of Northumberland, England

Ralph Brady SIMPSON, his wife Barbara Steel SIMPSON ms IRVINE [could be IRVIN or IRVING], and family John, Ralph, Jane, Andrew, Barbara and Richard came to New Zealand on board the 'Indiana' which left Gravesend on 06 August 1858 and arrived in Lyttelton, New Zealand on 23 November 1858.

Would dearly love to find some information on this family prior to their departure for New Zealand in 1858.

Ralph's father, William, worked for HM Customs in Northumberland and his mother was Jane ms BRADY

Barbara was born c 1816 to John Hennel IRVIN/E and Jane IRVIN/E ms HILL. For some reason the IGI had John as John Hannll IRVIN on his marriage to Jane HILL and the date was 21 November 1801, it now has the spelling Hannall and the date 12 July 1801. John IRVIN may have been in the Royal Navy.

I have quite a bit of information on this family since their arrival in New Zealand.

Thank you.


4 comment(s), latest 11 years, 11 months ago