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catharine mcleod nee mclean and angus mcleod 1859

still in the doldrums about this couple from Achiltibuie who it was said went to NZ in 1859 with her brother Donald and his wife Isabella.

angus and catharine mcleod of achiltibuie ross shire

angus mcleod b1829,altandu married catharine mclean, achiltibuie b1833 in 1855.It has been written they went to nz in 1859 with two children,following catharine's brother donald and his wife isabella in the same year.
for the life of me,I still cannot find a trace of them,angus and catharine, either here in scotland or in nz.
I like to think,maybe it is possible they went to north america.!

three brother left ross shire Scotland in the twenties,john,donald and Hugh,donald and john lived and died around the invercargill area of the south island of nz.Hugh went to the top of the south island in a place called Blenhiem and farmed for many years

For some odd reason or other, i would love to know why he is buried up at the church of St John the Baptist,Waimate North,The Bay of Islands.

5 comment(s), latest 11 years, 5 months ago