Bambi2020 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

Bambi2020 on Family Tree Circles

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A book titled "a forest of blanches " written by William good. 100 copies made for the 1988 family reunion in Raymond terrace nsw .

I would like to find a hard copy of this book to purchase for my family, my Nans side of the family are mostly blanches so would be a great family treasure to pass down. I'd be so grateful even it were just a PDF to download so I could print myself.

2 comment(s), latest 3 years, 4 months ago

My grandmother's real father Margaret Elaine young nee aitken. Mother Cathleen or Kathleen (Katherine) Elizabeth McCann and Father John jock aitken

My grandmother's brothers PETER, JOHN, RONALD, and CLAM AITKEN herself MARGARET ELAINE AITKEN. I'm looking for their birth father as I'm told JOHN JOCK AITKEN wasn't the actual birth father, mothers name KATHLEEN or CATHLEEN or CATHERINE ELIZABETH MCCANN They lived in Mayfield, walanbah, waukivory, Maclean, failford or darawank, Raymond terrace and port Stephens.i can't find out anything about this I have searched for 12 months.

8 comment(s), latest 4 years, 2 months ago