allycat on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Category: Country: ENGLAND

ENGLAND: Cornwall Transcriptions of Methodist and other Non-conformist Registers

Dear Members, Hi. It looks like this website is a user-pay site, but I suppose if you have explored all avenues, and you really need the information, then you will find help here:-

Cornwall Legacy

ENGLAND and WALES Registration Certificate Tutorials

England and Wales Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificate Information:-

Barbara's Registration Webpage

ENGLAND: GENUKI needs your help...

Dear Members, for those of you that don't know, GENUKI stands for 'GENealogical Information Service for the UK & Ireland'. And they need your help.

GENUKI Wishful Thinking

Q. Do you have your own Local History site?
Q. Do you have any information on schooling prior to the 20th Century?
Q. What are some good books on your town/city/village?
Q. Do you have any old ancestral wills?

If you'd like to help out this worthwhile cause, please click on the link below after first having read all of the instructions.

Contributing Information

Beginners at genealogy?

Order your New Starters Kit CD here:-

Tall Trees Family History in Australia AND overseas

1 comment(s), latest 15 years, 3 months ago