burials at OMAKA Cemetery 1890-1899

OMAKA CEMETERY (now closed) consists of three individual cemeteries and is the final resting place for some influential personalities from Marlborough's past. This historic cemetery, with graves dating back to settlement in the Wairau basin, has predominantly burial memorials (ie, very few ash memorials) spread throughout the various divisions, which include Catholic, Paupers', RSA, Children's, separate enclosures and beams.
Burials 1890-1899 in Marlborough cemeteries of HAVELOCK - OMAKA - PICTON (most are burial dates)
NOTE A number of burials on the database do not have first names or have initials only. Each person here was researched individually using BDM and local newspaper articles of the day to find who the person was. Every care was taken and some are obviously correct, but others may not be the person actually buried so care is required
. . A . .
• ALESWORTH, Arper Arthur, 5 July 1894 aged 72 - Picton
+ BDM has aged 82 (birth year of 1812)
+ 12 Sep 1889 Arper Alesworth (commonly known as John White), of Picton, for consideration of his valuable services in carrying mails in a time of great danger - recommended that a pension of £10 be granted to him (equivalent in 2012 to $1826 or $35 a week)
+ 30 Sep 1892 Arper Alesworth of Picton, aged 77 (birth year of 1817), who states that as a member of the Mounted Police, he carried the mails between Wellington and Manawatu from 1856 to 1861, is petitioning for a land grant
• ALEXANDER, James, 20 Jan 1897 aged 39/40 - Picton
• ANNEAR, Edith, 4 April 1898 aged 5 - Picton
+ born 26 July 1892, 1 of 14 children of John Hayes ANNEAR & Elizabeth Jane RENOWDEN
• ATKINSON, Mabel Iris, 26 May 1894 aged 6 - Picton
+ 29 May 1894 The Great Reaper has been busy amongst us of late, and among his 'flowers' has, we (Picton Press) are sorry to say, gathered in little Mabel Atkinson, a bright engaging child of 6, the youngest daughter of Mrs W. Atkins, and grandchild of Mr T. Younger, our respected Town Clerk. She passed away on Friday evening last at 7 o'clock, having been suffering acutely for some days from bronchitis, to which she was very subject. Mrs Atkinson has had such a heavy load of trouble to bear these last few years, that the sympathies of all will go out strongly to her in this additional sorrow that has befallen her
• AUBRY, Edward, 24 March 1897 aged 7 - Picton
+ BDM has 1898 aged 7
+ Edward was a twin with Jane Aubry. They were born 13 March 1891, therefore he died 1898. Jane died aged 8 hours but not found buried here. They were 2 of at least 11 children of William Holland (1846-1926) & Kitty (1850-1917) AUBRY
. . B . .
• BAILLIE, Adelaide 6 Jan 1891 aged 55 - Picton
• BAILLIE, William James 'Willy', 13 Oct 1898 aged 26 - Picton
+ 13 Sep 1898 A bank clerk named William James Baillie shot himself at Waitara this morning, The name of deceased, who belonged to the South Island, was brought up in connection with recent divorce proceedings in the Supreme Court. An inquest will be held this afternoon
+ 17 Oct 1898 the Inquest
+ At the inquest on Mr W. J. Baillie, at Waitara, it was proved that he had been very despondent because of his name having been associated with a recent divorce case. Those who are in a position to know say that he was perfectly innocent in the matter and that naturally being of a sensitive nature he keenly felt the injustice of his name being dragged into the affair. Baillie was a steady, straightforward young fellow, who performed his duties in the bank to the satisfaction of his superiors, and it is a crying shame that a life of promise should have ended in such tragic fashion because of the tongue of slander
+ 20 October 1898 The funeral of the late Mr W. J. Baillie took place yesterday afternoon in Picton (the body having arrived by steamer on Tuesday), the Revs A. H. Sedgwick and John Dart conducting the service. Holy Trinity Church was draped in black, and flags on the Edwin Fox, fire brigade station, the hotels, was well as the town flag on Victoria Domain were flying at half-mast. A large case full of beautiful wreaths and crosses arrived from Waitara and New Plymouth, from bank officials and private friends. There were also wreaths from the Bank of New Zealand at Blenheim and Picton, the Picton Cricket Club and the Waitohi Football Club, and from almost every house in the place. Six of the Picton cricketers were pall-bearers, and the town generally followed the hearse, out of respect for the whole family. The Rev A. H. Sedgwick's address at the grave was a most touching one, and hardly anyone left the graveyard without felling better for it. He said he felt he must say a few words on the subject. The case was one of the saddest he had known. He knew the whole case and had read the poor young fellow's last words to his father. He had also read the testimonials from all parts of the country to his honor and probity and he felt that if any man present could show as good a record for his twenty-six years they need have no fear of being adversely judged
• BENNETT, Robert, 9 Jan 1893 aged 69 - Picton
• BLANCHE, James, 22 Nov 1893 aged 14 - Picton
+ 21 Nov 1893 A boy named James Blanche has been drowned at Waikaway, near Picton., He was engaged carting firewood from Waikawa bush reserve for Mr J. Heins, and it is supposed that when on the road home with a load, he went into a waterhole for a bathe and being siezed with cramp, drowned. Mr Heinsm who followed the lad sometime after, noticed the horse and dray standing on the road, and the boys' clothes alongside. Upon making a search he found the body of the unfortunate lad at the bottom of a clear pool near the sopt. The deceased, who was only 14 years of age, was the only son of Mr J. Blanche, bootmaker, and great sympathy will be felt for the parents in their bereavement
• BLAYMIRES, Hannah, 18 June 1898 aged 80 - Picton
+ 20 June 1898 Another pioneer settler, in the person of Mrs Hannah Blaymires, has just passed away. Mrs Blaymires, who was in her 81st year, and one of the oldest residents of Picton, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs A. T. Card, last night, the immediate cause being bronchitis. Deceased, who arrived in Picton in 1859, has led a useful and unselfish life, devoting herself to others, and was greatly respected by all classes of the community. We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives,
• BLIZZARD, Charles, 1 June 1890 aged 70 - Picton
+ 3 June 1890 Another old identity in the person of Mr C. Blizzard died at his residence, Wairau-road, early on Sunday morning, at the age of 70. The deceased gentleman, who was a native of Old Newton, Suffolk, England, landed in Nelson 33 years ago, with his wife and family. He has resided in Marlborough 30 years, the greater part of the time being spent in Picton, where he carried on a black-smithing business for many years, it being ultimately managed by his son, Mr J. Blizzard. He leaves a widow, three sons, two daughters, and several grandchildren to mourn his decease
• BLIZZARD, Mary Ann 24 Sep 1890 aged 73 - Picton
+ nee BARFIELD, married Charles above, Christmas Eve 1846 in Langham, Suffolk, England. They had 4 children, then sailed on the John Masterman, arriving into Nelson 8 Feb 1857. They had another son in NZ, Edgard Howard Blizzard (1860-1933)
• BORCK, Lauritz Ferdinand, 28 Jan 1894 aged 29 - Havelock
++ database has BORK
+ born Lauritz Christopher Ferdinand in 1864 to Lauritz Christensen BORCK & Henrika Elisabeth Maria SCHWASS
+ 16 Feb 1894 In Chambers this morning on the motion of Mr McCallum, probate of the will of the late Lauritz Ferdinand Borck, of Maori Bay, Pelorus Sound, was granted to George Proctor Godsiff and John Gould, both of Pelorus Sound, settlers, by Mr Registrar Allen, acting in the absence of the judge, the other executor, Mr Charles Borck, having previously renounced
• BRAGGE, Hannah, 9 Nov 1891 aged 47 - Picton
• BRENNAN, James, 1 Jan 1892 aged - Omaka
++ nothing found for James. There was a James Brennan born 4 Nov 1891 to John & Ann Brennan of Blenheim, no death found for this James so possibly one and the same. Possibly his mother next
• BRENNAN, Ann, 28 June 1899 aged aged 47 - Omaka
+ on 26 June 1899, at Percy Street, Blenheim, Ann, wife of John Brennan, aged 47 years
• BROWN, Henry Walker, 23 Sep 1898 aged 77 - Picton
• BROWNLEE, John, 3 Aug 1899 aged 5 - Havelock
+ third son of Robert BROWNLEE & Iverlina Elizabeth Pickering 'Ivy' PICKERING, John was wearing a flannelette nightgown which caught on fire
+ some of his siblings
+ a brother, Robert Brownlee died in Gallipoli + Robert Brownlee jnr with his army mates about 1914
+ a sister, Kathleen Margaret attended Iona College in 1914 as a First-Day pupil
• BUICK, Louis, 31 May 1899 aged - Havelock
++ nothing found
. . C . .
• CAMPBELL, John Alexander, 28 Nov 1892 aged 34 - Picton
• CAMPBELL, Peter, 5 June 1895 1895 aged 75 - Picton
• CARD, Gordon Leslie, 9 Aug 1894 aged 1 - Picton
+ base born to Lucy Mary Card who married Thomas Young MONTAGUE in 1905
• CARR, William Ellery 27 Feb 1894 aged 36 - Picton
+ 27 Feb 1894 An accident occurred to-day between 11 and 12 in the Davis and Carr sluicing claim. Two of the company's tributors, William E. Carr and Frank Henderson were working in the tail race, when suddenly without warning a large block of the hill containing many hundreds of tons of stone and dirt slipped on to them, completely burying Carr and pinning Henderson to the wall. The latter was soon taken out, luckily escaping with a few bruises. Carr, who was a large shareholder, and the founder of the company, was warned by his mate, Henderson, and it is supposed he ran under the fall. All the miners came promptly to assist, but after two hours work further slips occurred and the water was then turned on. Fully 16 feet of stuff still cover the unfortunate man, whose untimely death is almost a certainty
• CLEGHORN, unnamed, 20 Jan 1893 - Omaka
+ 19 Jan 1893 CLEGHORN - January 19th 1893, at Maxwell Road, the wife of George Cleghorn of a son, who survived his birth only a few hours
+ son of Dr Cleghorn and his 3rd wife Helen Browning
• CLEMENS, Amelia Brew, 10 June 1899 aged 25 - Picton
+ daughter of Edward William CLEMENS & Mary Ann JONES
• CLINCH, Arthur, 2 Nov 1894 aged 4 months - Picton
++ database has 2 Nov aged 5 years. + Arthur was born 20 July 1894 to John CLINCH & Elizabeth ANDREW. He died 20 Nov 1894 aged exactly 4 months
• CLINCH, Leonard, 26 Nov 1894 aged 4.11 - Picton
+ on 26 Nov 1894 at Picton, Leonard, second son of Mr J. Clinch, aged 4 years and 11 months. ++ database has 2 Nov. + Leonard was born 7 Jan 1890 to John CLINCH & Elizabeth ANDREW
• CLINCH, Richard John, 3 Nov 1894 aged 4 - Picton
++ BDM has aged 3. + Richard was born 3 May 1891 to John CLINCH & Elizabeth ANDREW, so he was 3.6
• CRAGG, Mary Ellen, 26 June 1898 aged 24 - Picton
+ 27 June 1898 The wife of Mr W. Cragg, of Masterton, died yesterday, and the body is to be taken to Picton for interment
+ Mary Ellen was born in Picton 22 Feb 1874 to John HART & his 2nd wife Ellen McLEAN of Waimea West, Nelson + a granddaughter of Abraham HART (1806-1886) & Lucy CLEWFLOW (1818-1888) of Picton
+ Mary Ellen HART married William Edmund Cragg (1865-?) in 1895 & had a son, William Edmund Cragg in 1896. William (husband), was a son of Titus CRAGG (1830-1869) & Sussannah PROCTOR (1831-1904) of Lancashire-Ballarat-Picton
+ William Edmund next married Edith BURLING & named one of their sons, Timothy Titus Cragg
. . D . .
• DART, William, 2 Aug 1894 aged 75 - Picton
+ 6 Aug 1894 Mr William Dart, an old Picton resident, who arrived in the colony about 30 years ago, passed away on Thursday morning
• DARVILL, Kate Lydia 'Katie', 2 Dec 1893 aged 28 - Picton
+ 5 Dec 1893 The news of Mrs W. Darvill's sudden and early death in the Picton Hospital, cast quite a gloom over the township on Saturday morning, and Mr Darvill has received expressions of heartfelt sympathy from all quarters. The deceased lady was known and respected by all classes alike, high and low, rich and poor, and her memory, both in her public and private life, will long have an abiding place in the hearts of the Cullen's Creek miners. The funeral having been arranged for two o'clock this afternoon, there was a complete cessation of work this morning, the miners from up the creek dropping in by twos and threes from quite an early hour. The three coaches and other conveyances started for the Grove at half-past ten and were filled to overflowing. Many walked, and the Torea was compelled to make two trips. Over 100 were taken from Cullensville, Mahakipawa, and the Grove. The funeral left for the Picton Cemetery shortly after 3 p.m., and the cortege was the largest seen in the port for many years. Placed on the coffin were a number of tasetfully arranged wreaths. The burial service was conducted by the Rev Mr Allsworth with due expression
+ Katie was Kate Lydia EWINGTON from Masterton. She married William Darvill in 1883. They had 6 children. William & the children moved to Masterton. Their son, William Daniel Darvill (1884-1951) played representative rugby for Wairarapa
• DAVENPORT, Winifred Myrtle, 11 May 1895 aged 6 months - Omaka
• DAVIES, John, 19 Oct 1891 aged 70 - Havelock
• DAVIS-GOFF, Charles Edward, 18 Jan 1899 aged 28 - Picton
+ database has Geoff Charles Edward. BDM has Charles Edward
+ he was born Charles Edward in 1870 to Charles Edward DAVIS-GOFF & Elizabeth BRYDON. He married Theresa Agnes FRANCE in 1892. He (and his horse) were killed by lightning in a very heavy, 'terrific' thunderstorm at Renwicktown which extended to Wellington. The horse he was leading was paralysed. He left 4 children
• DRYDEN, Walter Edward Crang, 29 Oct 1893 aged 2 - Picton
+ 4th of 5 children of Arthur William DRYDEN & Alice BORSDEN who lived for a time in Waikawa + grandson of Simon Dryden (1824-1913) an old settler of Picton who died of a heart attack on the tram in Wellington
. . E . .
• EDEN, Mrs George, 22 Oct 1897 aged 42 - Picton
+ this was Mary Ann Eden nee HARMAN who married George Eden in 1873 & had 13 children
+ 23 Oct 1897 EDEN - On October 20th, at Picton, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of George Eden, daughter of Mrs Alfred James Harman, Brightwater, Nelson, in her 43rd year
+ Mary's 13th child was born (& died) 20 Aug 1897 & buried in the plot beside her (but that info not on database)
• EYLES Charles, 5 April 1886 aged 65 - Omaka
++ Charles is not on the database. He was found whilst researching his daughter, Cecilia Higgins/Eyles & her husband Robert Henry Witt whose son Clarence Norman (and probably 1 other) are buried here (see Witt below). His life story, at his link, is a complicated and fascinating read
• EYLES Jessie, 17 Sep 1895 aged 8 - Omaka
+ born in Grovetown on 30 June 1887, 4th of 8 children of Walter Nugent EYLES & Mary THOMAS (Walter was a son of Charles Eyles above)
. . F . .,
• FIELD, ? 20 Sep 1899 aged ? - Omaka
++ the closest Field deaths to Sep 1899 were: in April, Basil Babier Field aged 15 months, or, in November, Monte Amasa Field aged 9 months
• FITCH, Louis William, 22 July 1890 aged 62 - Picton
+ BDM has Lionel William. The only reference found on him was from a court case held in Timaru 17 June 1885 ... Lionel William Fitch: "I am a boatman at Picton. I was a sawyer once at Waimate. I knew Saunders the ferryman. I Know his wife. I knew them in 1862"...
• FLEMING, John, 20 April 1898 aged 61 - Omaka
• FOOTE, Robert Benjamin, 30 Dec 1897 aged 87 - Havelock
+ from Wilson's Bay - Mr. Robert Benjamin Foote was born in the North of Scotland, where he was educated, and learned tailoring. He went to Australia at an early age, and shortly afterwards came to New Zealand, and spent a few years at pit-sawing in the Auckland province. Mr. Foote then went to Taranaki, where he took part in the Maori war, as an officer. In 1864, he removed to Nelson, and after working for many years at pit-sawing in various parts of the province, he settled in the Marlborough Sounds, where he farmed during the remaining years of his life. Mr. Foote lived until he was nearly ninety years of age, when he died at Mahua, in the Pelorus Sound, leaving six sons and four daughters
+ Robert married Thirza Rickard WILLS (1826-1892) 16 June 1851
• FRANCE, John, 29 April 1896 aged 66 - Picton
• FRANCE, William Harvey, 27 May 1895 aged 28 - Picton
+ On 27 May 1895 at Picton, William Harvey, eldest and beloved son of John and Mary France, aged 28 years. R.I.P.
+ son of John FRANCE & Mary Ann FOX
• FREDERICKS, Charles Ernest, 26 Jan 1890 aged 6 - Picton
+ born 24 April 1884, 10th of 14 children of Francis FREDERICKS & Mary Elizabeth SIMMONS, Charles was 5.6. BDM has aged 5
• FREETH, John, 1 Nov 1895 aged 11 weeks - Picton
++ both these children were
the 9th & 12th of 14 children of George FREETH & Sarah Ann BREWERTON
? FREETH, Laura, 10 Jan 1890 aged 3 weeks - Picton
• FULLER, Ann, 21 May 1890 aged 93 - Picton
+ BDM has aged 87
+ Marlborough Express 22 May 1890 At 10 minutes past 9 last evening at the residence of her son-in-law Mr William Cooke, storekeeper High-street, there passed peacefully away Mrs Ann Fuller, at the very advanced age of 93. Deceased had suffered from internal pains at various times lately, but there was apparently nothing seriously the matter with her, and her blithe spirit and strong vitality kept her remarkably hearty. She was being treated as a convalescent, and last evening she was talking to Mrs Cooke and a friend, of getting up and going out to-day, and actually about eight o'clock she took supper and conversed cheerfully with those about her. Just about 9 o'clock Mrs Cooke observed a sudden change in her mother's face and the doctor was sent for. On his arrival a very few minutes after, she was found to have passed away insensibly, from a paralytic seizure. Deceased was born in 1797 in Tipperary (Ireland) and was married when a young woman to Mr Fuller, a farmer of Croydon (England). With him, and their son, Mr Fuller of Picton, she went to America, and lived in New York State and Canada successively. In the latter country the other two surviving children (Mrs Cooke of Blenheim, and Mrs Esson of Picton, were born). In 1854 her husband having died, deceased came to Melbourne and thence to Nelson. After a residence there she left for Picton, where she settled down to store keeping, and was long known and regarded by the Maori and whalers who frequented the port. She was the first white woman in Picton. Her other children had died from cholera in New York and she had been at the time of her death, 43 years a widow. Deceased was a woman of remarkably strong intelligence and her conversation was extremely interesting, there being no evidence whatever of senile decay, physical or mental, and she bore about with her (what few people at her time of life possess) an unbroken record of her past history. Her death, though sudden, could not be considered as a surprise. Deceased was a member of the Church of England, to which her family had belonged.
+ her daughters were: Mary Ann (1843-1929) who married William Melvin Brown Esson in 1869 & Sarah Jane (1845-1931) who married William Cooke in 1873
• FULLER, Violet Flora, 4 June 1891 aged 3 - Picton
+ 1 of 7 children of John Alexander FULLER (1864-1921) & Alice Julia LEWES
• FULTON, Donald, 30 Jan 1893 aged 32 - Omaka
+ On 28 Jan 1893 at Hillersden, Donald, second son of Charles and Christina Fulton; aged 32 years. Deeply regretted. General regret was expressed at the news of his untimely end
• FURNESS, Marjorie 'Madge', 23 Feb 1895 aged 11 months - Omaka
+ BDM also has age unknown
+ Marlborough Express 22 Feb 1895 FURNESS - At Dillon Street, Blenheim, on the 21st instant, Madge Furness; aged 11 months
+ she was the 5th of 6 children of Smith James FURNESS & Emily Eva HOUGH, proprietor of the BLENHEIM EXPRESS (or Marlborough Express)
. . G . .
• GALE, Mary, 28 July 1891 - Omaka
++ database has Samuel
+ on 27 July 1891 GALE - at Renwick old Road, Mary, beloved wife of Samuel Gale, aged 38 years
• GARD, Eleanor Hellins, 3 Feb 1891 aged 28 - Picton
+ on 2 Feb 1891 Eleanor Hellins Gard, third daughter of J. R. Gard, Rougemont, Picton. It is with feelings of regret that we record the death of Miss Eleanor Gard, third daughter of Mr J. R. Gard, which took place at the family residence, 'Rougemont' yesterday morning. Though not confined to her bed, the deceased young lady had not been in the best of health for some time past, but no serious results were feared until a few days ago. She was well liked amongst a wide circle of friends and we beg to tender Mr and Mrs Gard and family our heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement
+ born in Auckland, 1 of 5 daughters of Joseph Rowe GARD & Jane Stuart GRANGE. Joseph was a Postmaster and in 1865 was the Chief Postmaster of Picton (see next)
+ The funeral of the late Miss Eleanor Hellins Gard took place at Picton, and was very largely attended to. The service both at the Church and the grave, was conducted by the Rev Mr Aitken; and the choir, with Miss Greensill as organist, rendered the hymns Nos 254 and 438 in the Ancient and Modern Hymn book. The beautiful solo "O rest in the Lord" was also tastefully sung by Mrs W. Atkinson, The chief mourners were Mr Gard, the father, and Messrs J. Conolly and J. Mowar, brothers-in-law of deceased; amid the bearers were Messrs J. and W, Duncan, H. M. Haslett, F. Connolly, E. Chaytor and H. Baillie, all of whom carried wreaths, while the coffin was covered with a profusion of beautiful wreaths and crosses, which were afterwards tastefully arranged over and around the grave when filling in
• GARD, Joseph Rowe, 24 April 1894 aged 75 - Picton
+ BDM has 24 April 1896
+ early settler on the banks of the Mahurangi River at the end of Duck Creek road
+ From the Sydney Morning Herald, 3 May 1858 On the 31st March, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. R. McKinney, Mr Joseph Rowe Gard, Exe Creek, late of Exeter, England, to Jane Stuart, only daughter of Captain H. Grange, Harbour View, Mahurangi, New Zealand, and late of Ayr, Scotland.
• GASKILL, Henry Alexander, 10 June 1891 aged 27 - Havelock
+ 23 April 1891 Mr H. A. Gaskill, of Pelorus Guardian, is laid up in Blenheim with what is believed to be typhoid fever
• GEAR, Francis, 28 May 1890 aged 73 - Picton
• GIBBS, Alex Littlejohn, 5 Oct 1897 aged 17 - Picton
+ on 5 Oct 1897 on board the Edwin Fox, Picton Harbor; Alex Littlejohn, beloved son of John and Rachael Gibb; aged 17 years and 6 months. The funeral will leave the Picton Wharf for the cemetery at 2.30 p.m. to-morrow (Wednesday)
• GILCHRIST, Isabella, 9 Jan 1893 aged 79 - Picton
+ BDM has 19 July
• GILL, John William, 26 Sep 1894 aged 26 - Omaka
• GIRLING, William Baker, 9 March 1898 aged 65 - Omaka
+ BDM has 19 March
• GODFREY, Charles Alfred, 12 Jan 1898 aged 44 - Picton
+ on 12 Jan 1898, at Picton, after a long and severe illness, Charles Alfred Godfrey, eldest son of the late John Godfrey; aged 44 years
+ Other Plot Members
Alfred James Godfrey (1858-1936)
Bridget Annie Godfrey (1856-1912)
Jessie Godfrey (1903-1925)
Jessie Frazer Godfrey (1862-1942, nee Joyce)
John Godfrey (1823-1891)
Myrtle Annie Joyce Mills (1898-1977)
* nee Godfrey, daughter of Alfred James Godfrey & Jessie Frazer Joyce married D'Arcy Cecil Lloyd Mills in 1924
• GODFREY, Herbert, 6 Nov 1896 aged 46 - Picton
+ We regret to have to record the death of Mr Herbert Godfrey, travelling representative of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company Limited, which took place early this morning at Picton. Deceased, who was suffering from an internal complaint, only took to his bed on 22nd October. He was manager of Leefield station for several years, and on leaving there took up the Okakuri run in Queen Charlotte Sound, and afterwards sold out to take charge of the New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency Company's store in Picton. In July last he was promoted to the position of travelling representative for the company. He was held in high esteem by his many friends, and his wife and three young children will have much sympathy in their bereavement
+ Herbert married Caroline Jane Adams in 1886 and they had Emma Constance, Herbert Noel, Leslie Alexander & Marjory Stevens (1893-1893) Godfrey
• GODFREY, John, 6 July 1891 aged 68 - Picton
+ John Godfrey, of Picton, well-known in Marlborough as a settler of 38 years standing, breathed his last at his residence, Picton. The deceased gentleman for many years took a prominent part in local politics, being more especially active in assisting to obtain separation of the present Marlborough Provincial District from the then Nelson district. Perhaps throughout Marlborough no more self-reliant or independent man lived than the late John Godfrey. Of late years he occupied most of his spare time in the advocacy of Singe Tax as laid down by Henry George, and few men in the colony so thoroughly understood the principles of "Progress and Poverty" as did the deceased. Painstaking almost to a fault in his explanation and advocacy of this cause he never lost an opportunity of acquiring adherents where possible. The deceased was the son of the late Dr Godfrey, the patenteer of the medicine known as "Godfrey's Cordial" (a mixture of morphine and treacle given to children)
* John was the great, grandfather of Janet Frame (whose mother had been a maid for Katherine Mansfield's family). He is buried near Arthur and Mary Beauchamp, also read Katherine Mansfield Walk
* also see Mothers Helper and with his brother Henry came to the Wairau and cast in the lot as settlers in the New Zealand early days. Subsequently Mr John Godfrey settled in Picton where he continued to live till the day of his death. Mrs Godfrey, who survives her husband, had four children to him, all of whom are settled in Marlborough, and will receive widespread sympathy in their bereavement
* also see Godfrey's Cordial written in 1850
• GREENSILL, James Samuel, 17 Jan 1895 aged 61 - Picton
+ Mr J. S. Greensill, brother of Mr J. A. R. Greensill, died at Picton the other day. Deceased belonged to the Royal Kentish Artillery and saw active service during the Crimean War, being at Balaklava, and Sebastapol
* also see notes at end
• GREENSILL, Rose, 24 Oct 1890 aged 29 - Picton
+ On 24 Oct 1890, at Brookly, Picton, Rose, the beloved wife of J. A. R. Greensill, and third daughter of Mr Justice Conolly of Remuera, Auckland. aged 29 years
+ It is with regret that we have to announce the death last night of Mrs J. A. R. Greensill, of Picton, youngest daughter of Mr Justice Conolly, at the early age of 29. The deceased lady had been a sufferer for some time, but it was only after her confinement about a fortnight ago that the symptoms of a pulmonary disease became apparent, and from that time the gradual weakening that has been apparent left but little hope of her recovery, and her death last night was therefore hardly a surprise. She leaves behind many relatives and friends to mourn her decease, and two little ones to comfort the bereaved. His Honor Mr Justice Conolly is expected over from Wellington where the Court of Appeal is to sit on Monday, but the date of the funeral will not be fixed till his arrival
+ Rose married John Abraham Roberts Greensill (1840-1923) in 1888 as his second wife. Their children were (1889-1981) Rose Evelyn Greensill & (1890-1943 Edward Tennyson Greensill) John had previously married Selina Rebecca DOWNES (1844-1833) in 1866 & had 7 children. John was born at Haulbowline Island, Cork, the son of Major Greensill, commissary of ordinance and first cousin to Lord Roberts of Kandahar. He arrived in Nelson in 1856 but later moved to farm at Arapawa and ran a merchant business in Picton. He was several times Mayor of the Borough
* also see notes at end
• GREIG, William, 23 March 1899 aged 67 - Picton
• GUDGEON, John, 21 Oct 1895 aged 41 - Picton
• GUEST, Albert, 5 Feb 1898 aged 19 days - Omaka
+ 5th of 8 children of Edward GUEST & Alice TAYLOR
• GULLERY, Clarissa Barfield, 8 Feb 1896 aged 42 - Picton
+ Our Picton contemporary records the death of Mrs John Gullery, of Lochmara, which occurred early on Saturday morning, Mrs Gullery was in her 43rd year, and leaves a family of 10 children to mourn her loss. She was the daughter of the late Mr Charles Blizzard, of Picton
+ Clarissa was born Woolpit Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk, England to Charles BLIZZARD & Mary Ann BARFIELD (above). Clarissa married Simon John Gullery (1851-1942) as his 3rd wife in 1873 in Picton & had 10 children
• GULLERY, John James, 15 Dec 1899 aged 73 - Picton
+ born in Tandragee, Armagh, Northern Ireland, James married Mary Ann COLEMAN & had 2 sons. One was Simon John Gullery (whose wife Clarissa is above), the other son was Thomas James Gullery (1848-1895), George Michael Harris being charged with his manslaughter
NOTE death of James's wife (but not found on cemetery database)
on 20 June 1876, at the Provincial Hospital, Picton, of typhoid fever, Mary, wife of Mr James Gullery, of Portage, Kemepuru, Pelorus Sound, aged 56 years
. . H . .
• HALL, Helen/Ellen Maude, 27 July 1895 aged 3 months - Omaka
? HALL, Charles George Weston, 25 Jan 1897 aged 4 months - Omaka
++ both these children were
the 3rd & 5th of 5 children of Henry Francis HALL & Emily Lucy WESTON
• HALL, Thomas 28 Feb 1894 aged 64 - Omaka
• HAMILTON, Claud George Harwood, 24 March 1893 - Omaka
Marlborough Express 28 March 1893 HAMILTON - died at Springlands, on the 25th March, Claud George Harwood Hamilton, the adopted son of Mrs S. Hamilton, Springlands. Deeply regretted (no age given)
• HARMS, Catherine 15 Nov 1896 aged 56 - Picton
• HARRIS, Sarah, 19 March 1891 aged 53 - Picton
• HART, Edith Lucy, 10 May 1899 aged 11 - Picton
+ 1 of 10 children of Henry HART & Laura TAYLOR
+ Edith's father Henry Hart was a brother to Mary Ellen CRAGG's father, John Hart (see above)
• HEALEY, Francis Mary, 20 Sep 1890 aged - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• HEBERLEY, Charlotte Emily, 14 Oct 1898 aged 66 - Picton
+ Charlotte (formerly Joyce, nee NASH), married Matthew Lee JOYCE (1820-1868) in 1851 & had at least 8 children. They lived for a time in Riccarton, Christchurch where Matthew was a Butcher in partnership with Charles Turner. Matthew drowned 10 June 1868. Charlotte next married James Heberley (see next) in 1878
• HEBERLEY, James 'Worser', Sep 1899 aged 90 - Picton
+ PLOT 28, BLOCK 25 at Picton has only the inital J. Heberley. It is either this James or a son, Joseph Heberley (1843-1889)
+ He ran away from home at the age of 11 and began an adventurous life as a Whaler, Master Mariner (as his father was). James first married Maata Te Naihi Te OWAI (1808-1877) in 1841 and had about 9 children. In the early days of Wellington, Mr Heberley acted as pilot, and his wife's relatives (influential chiefs) gave him the bay still called after him "Worser" Bay. Read his Obituary
• HEBERLEY, Joseph, 12 June 1890 aged 35 - Picton
++ no one found with that name/date
• HEBLEY, Catherine, 12 Jan 1895 aged 5 - Picton
+ 4th of 7 known children of John James HEBLEY & Mary DOWNEY
• HEBLEY, Jacob, 22 July 1897 - Picton
+ nothing on Jacob of 1897. He is buried with Catherine above so possibly an infant of John & Mary
• HEFFERMAN, William 13 June 1890 aged 44 - Omaka
+ on June 13 1890, at the Wairau Hospital, William Hefferman, aged 44 years
• HEINS, Jane, 24 July 1891 aged 50 - Picton
+ possibly Jane DYKES who married James Heins (1833-1908) in 1864. He lived in Waikawa road, Picton in 1898
• HERD, Elizabeth, 5 Sep 1892 aged 72 - Picton
• HOCKEY, Stephen, 16 June 1897 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• HODSON, James Edmund, 7 Dec 1898 aged 67 - Omaka
+ The name of the late Mr James Edmund Hodson, whose death on the 5th instant we recorded on Tuesday, is intimately and honorably associated with the history of Marlborough and fuller details of his career will be appreciated
+ James married Catherine 'Kate' OTTERSON in 1866, daughter of Francis Otterson, the original owner of the Gladstone Run. He left a widow, 5 sons & 1 daughter
• HOLTHAM, William, 11 Feb 1897 aged 80 - Omaka
+ 10 Feb 1897 Many in Marlborough will hear with regret of the death of Mr Wm. Holtham, which took place at his residence at an early hour this morning, at the advanced age of 80. Mr Holtham had been invalid for some time
• HONNOR, Edith, 7 Aug 1891 aged 25 - Omaka
6 Aug 1891 HONNOR - On the 5th instant, at Nelson-street, Blenheim, Edith Honnor, daughter of Henry and Jane Watkins Honnor, aged 25 years. The funeral will leave the parents' residence to-morrow at 2.30p.m.
• HOOPER, James Richard, 18 Aug 1891 aged 60 - Omaka
+ On 16 Aug 1891 James Richard Hooper, aged 60. [Auckland and Wellington papers please copy]
• HORGAN, Johanna, 2 July 1890 aged 21 - Omaka
• HORN, Sarah Ann, 4 July 1895 aged 73 - Omaka
+ On 2 Jult 1895 at Blenheim, Mrs J. P. Horn of Waimea West, aged 72 years
• HORNBY, Mary, 12 June 1891 aged 68 - Omaka
• HOWARD, Sarah Ann, 27 Sep 1890 aged 48 - Picton
• HUGHES, James, 26 Dec 1893 aged 84 - Havelock
• HUNTER, Beatrice Ellen, 27 Oct 1894 aged 7 - Picton
+ 4th of 12 of children of William HUNTER & Louisa Alice HOOD
• HURLEY, Charles, 25 June 1892 aged - Omaka
+ 24 June 1892 A man named Neame from Onamalutu, reported last night to the police that in looking for a ford to cross he had discovered a body on the bank, which is supposed to be that of Charles Hurley, who was drowned on April 20th while crossing the Wairau near Pollard's flaxmill, when his horse was drowned. Constable Sheary left for the locality to-day to bring in the body. An inquest will be held at the Hospital to-morrow at 2 o'clock
• HUSTWICK, Thomas, 4 May 1890 aged 21 - Omaka
+ 2 May 1890 SUPPOSED DROWNING - An extremely painful sensation was caused in town this morning by the intelligence that Mr Thomas Hustwick (son of Mr Hustwick, chemist) was missing. It appears that the missing youth went out with Mr Barlow, of the Telegraph Department, on a duck shooting expedition. They took a boat and went down the river to near Mr C. Redwood's. Mr Barlow landed at a particular point, and left young Hustwick in the boat. On returning to the spot he found the boat had disappeared and there was no trace of Hustwick. After a fruitless search he got a boat from one of the neighbors and came home. On his way he passed the missing boat adrift, with the painter hanging over the bow. On coming into town, he reported the matter to the police, and Sergeant-Major Scanlan despatched Constable Cameron to the ground. That officer was, later on, followed by others, but no trace of the poor lad could be found. The utmost sympathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Hustwick in their terrible affliction and suspense, for it can hardly be doubted that the missing lad has met his death. This morning a search party, headed by Mr De Castro and Constable Sheary, went down the river to make a further search. The young man was a fine swimmer and a thoroughly capable sportsman. There is a painful uncertainty as to whether the accident was by drowning or gun accident. Since the above was written we learn that the search party on reaching Mr Hardin's saw a shadow in the water and on examination it was found that the poor youth was lying there drowned. The search party consisted of Constable Sheary and Messrs A. J. Fisher, Victor Ohlsen, Lechner, Connell, Geo Patchett, J. Halford, De Castro, F. C. Litchfield. About one o'clock the body was found, and near it, in the water, the gun, a single-barrelled breech-loader, with a charge in it. The body, with the gun, was placed in a boat and brought to the boat shed, where it was placed, under lock and key, pending the Coroner's arrangements being made known. The features of deceased were a composed appearance, and it is quite impossible for any ordinary person to say whether death resulted from drowning or a seizure
+ 3 May 1890 The Blenheim Rifle and the Garrison band are called out for to-morrow as the remains of the late Mr Thos. Hustwick are to be accorded a military funeral
+ 3 May 1890 the Coroner's Inquest ... Thomas H. Hustwick, father of the deceased, said the deceased was accustomed to go out shooting ...
+ 3 May 1890 the Funeral was probably the largest gathering of people yet seen in Blenheim on any similar occasion ...
• HUTCHESON, John Mack, 5 Feb 1899 aged 82 - Omaka
+ 3 Feb 1899 Mr John M. Hutcheson, aged 82, a very old colonist, and one if the best-known settlers in Marlborough, died at noon on Friday. He had the reputation of being the oldest bowler in the colony and though 82 years of age at the time of his death, he played the game almost to the end. He was the fourth Mayor of Blenheim and was for several years a member of the Marlborough Education Board. According to the Blenheim papers, the deceased had a most interesting colonial career. He arrived in 1840 in the ship Blenheim. Landing at Wellington, he first settled at the Hutt. Thus he was one of the real pioneers of New Zealand civilisation. At that time the City of Wellington was merely in embryo, Col. Wakefield having only just taken possession of Port Micholson, the hills of which were covered with bush to the water's edge. At the Hutt Mr Hutcheson was engaged in clearing the land and trading with the Port, whither he sent timber, which was eventually used to build wharves. There, with Captain Sinclair (a brother-in-law), who came out with him, he constructed a boat, and they went up the Wanganui in it, intending to take up land, for which they held certificates. Arrived in that place, they found that the land had not been surveyed and that the natives were giving considerable trouble; so they returned to the Hutt. There Capt. Sinclair built a little craft, and in 1848 - the year of the Wairau massacre - they sent down to Pigeon bay (Banks Peninsula). Deceased took up land there, and Captain Sinclair sailed the little craft between Wellington and Lyttelton. One day the boat set out for the last time, and it is supposed that she foundered at sea, for nothing was ever afterwards heard of her or those on board. Mr Hutcheson's residence in Blenheim extended over a term of 40 years
• HUTCHINS, Henry, 4 May 1895 aged - Omaka
++ nothing found on BDM, or newspapers for a Henry Hutchins
. . I . .
• INSTONE, Charlotte Annie, 12 Sep 1898 aged 20 - Picton
+ on 12 Sep 1898 at the residence of Mr James T. Robinson, Blenheim; Charlotte Annie, beloved daughter of Joseph and Eliza Instone; aged 20 years
+ Mr and Mrs Instone have had the misfortune to lose their only daughter Annie, who died at Blenheim early yesterday morning of an affection of the lungs following influenza
+ Joseph & Mary Eliza actually had 2 other daughters, 1882-1887 Lilly Edith & 1884-1889 Jessie Emily. They also had 2 sons 1876-1889 Joseph Ernest & 1887-1962 Oliver
• IREMONGER, T. D, 11 July 1895 - Omaka
++ son of T. D. Iremonger
+ this was George Iremonger on 10 July 1895 aged 7 months. Born in Blenheim in Nov 1894, 12th of 12 children of Jonathan David IREMONGER & his 2nd wife, Sophia RENDALL (total of 15 for Jonathan), who had 2 children in London, arrived in NZ Oct 1874 & married in Wellington in 1876 and had another 10 children, 5 in Wellington, 5 in Blenheim. (meanwhile, Jonathan's first wife, Hannah Driscoll, died in the Union Workhouse in London in Dec 1874, her baby son 2 months later) read their story here
. . J . .
• JACKSON, unnamed 16 July 1890 born still - Omaka
+ on 15 July 1890 at Sutherland Terrace, Blenheim, the wife of G. S. Jackson of a daughter. Still born
• JACKSON, Adam, 30 Sep 1892 aged 76 - Omaka
+ On 28 Sep 1892 at his residence, Carlyle cottage, Scott-street, Blenheim, Adam Jackson, aged 76 years. [Nelson, Wellington and Home papers please copy]
• JACKSON, Mary Constance Anne Stokes, 18 Feb 1890 aged 3 - Omaka
? JEFFRIES, Susan, 11 Jan 1891 aged 93 - Omaka
+ On 10 Jan 1891 at Blenheim, Marlborough, S. Jeffries, relict of the late William Jeffries, and mother of Mr H. Jeffries, postmater, Helensville; aged 93 years
• JELLYMAN, Albert Henry, 15 March 1894 aged 22 - Omaka
+ On 10 March 1894 At Stoke, Nelson, Albert Henry, second son of H. Jellyman. Aged 22 years and six months
+ It will be heard with general regret that Albert Jellyman, second son of Mr Henry Jellyman, of this town, died on Saturday night at Nelson, whither he had proceeded a short time ago for the benefit of his health. Deceased had been affected lately with dropsy and inflammation of the lungs and though suffering greatly was conscious up to the last moment. Some members of the family who were summoned when the hope of recovery was small, arrived too late to be present at the last. Deceased was about 22 years of age, was well known and respected in Blenheim, and much sympathy will be felt for the family at the death of so promising a member. The body will be conveyed to Blenheim and the funeral will leave the residence of Mr H. Jellyman on Thursday afternoon
+ second of 10 children of Henry JELLYMAN & Elizabeth WELLS
• JENNENS, Mostyn Charles, 26 Feb 1898 aged 11 months - Omaka
+ 4th of 6 children of Charles Samuel JENNENS & Alice WALKER
• JENNINGS, Alfred Theodore 'Theo', 11 Oct 1898 aged 2 - Picton
+ 3th of 4 children of Samuel JENNINGS & Alice BAILEY
• JENSEN, Cora Christina, 10 Sep 1898 aged 17 - Picton
+ 1st of 8 children of Michael JENSEN & Mary GOOSE
• JONES, William, 7 Feb 1894 aged 78 - Omaka
• JONES, Herbert, 24 Dec 1891 aged - Omaka
• JONES, Joseph Leslie Bertrand, 5 March 1897 aged 42 - Picton
+ Joseph was a Brewer in Picton
• JONES, Mary, 16 March 1896 aged 87 - Picton
. . K . .
• KANE, James, 28 June 1898 aged 75 - Picton
• KENNY, Georgina Pauline Edith, 13 July 1899 aged 64 - Picton
+ On 13 July 1899 at 'The Rocks', Queen Charlotte Sound; Georgina Paulina Edith, the beloved wife of Captain Courtenay Kenny M.L.C., late Captain Connaught Rangers. The deceased lady had lived in Picton for nearly 40 years, and the Marlborough papers state was esteemed and respected by everybody. She was an accomplished muscian and vocalist, and will be greatly missed by many friends, though delicate health of late years has not permitted her to take part in many social functions
• KERR Vivian, 8 Dec 1896 aged 3 weeks - Omaka
+ 5th of 5 children of Galbraith Johnston Lowther KERR (1859-1939) & Annie Elizabeth JONES (1862-1943)
. . L . .
• LANGLANDS Sarah Maude, 19 July 1897 aged 2 - Picton
+ daughter of Henry George LANGLANDS & Isabella Louise SIMMONDS
• Le BAS, Alexander 1893 - Omaka
+ On 29 Jan 1893 at Manse Road, Blenheim, Alexander Le Bas; aged 49 years. [Jersey papers please copy]
+ Yesterday morning Mr Alexander Le Bas, constable, Armed Constabulary, succumbed to influenza after a short illness. Mr Le Bas had been a resident of the district for some years, and was at one time engaged in farming pursuits at Grovetown. He saw service under Sir George Whitmore, and it was only a few days ago that he received his New Zealand war medal. A wife and two children remain to mourn his death
+ Alexander married Mary JONES in 1883 & had 2 sons, Henry William Alexander (1884-1922) & Charles Edward (1885-1918)
• LEWIS, Ellen, 20 May 1892 aged 33 - Picton
• LINTON, Alexander, 13 July 1893 aged 37 - Omaka
• LINTON, John 24 Jan 1891 aged 62 - Picton
+ On 21 Feb 1891 at Wairau road, Picton, John Linton, Esq., in the 63rd year
of his age - English papers please copy
• LUCAS, John Pearson, 15 April 1894 aged 41 - Omaka
+ On 13 April 1894, at his residence, York Terrace, John Pearson Lucas, aged 41 years
• LUCAS, Mabel Eliza, 6 Dec 1896 aged 11 - Omaka
+ 5 Dec 1896 Fallen asleep after a long and painful illness, Mabel Eliza, the dearly beloved second daughter of Joseph and Alice Lucas, aged 11 years and 9 months
+ parents were Joseph Samuel LUCAS (1851-1927) & Alice Annie Powick RANKIN of Opawa Farm
• LUMMAS, Walter, 7 June 1897 aged 12 - Omaka
• LUSCOMBE, T. M., 9 Jan 1892 - Omaka
++ only Luscombe death on BDM for Jan 1892 is Mabel Louise Luscombe, daughter of John Barter LUSCOMBE & Alice Mary ANDREWS who married in Cromwell
. . M . .
• MacDONALD, George, 15 Aug 1898 aged 69 - Picton
• MADDOCK, Charlotte, 20 May 1892 aged 87 - Omaka
+ on 18 May 1893 at the residence of her daughter (Mrs A. Knight), Blenheim, Charlotte, relict of the late Thomas Maddock, aged 87 years
+ mother of Enoch Maddock, next
+ daughter Lucy Jane Maddock (1847-1935) married Alexander Knight in 1868
• MADDOCK, Enoch, 10 Nov 1894 aged 52 - Omaka
+ Enoch married Harriet HENDERSON in 1875
• MAPP, John, 19 Oct 1898 aged 48 - Omaka
+ Marlborough Express, 17 Oct 1898 - An accident occurred late on Saturday night, resulting in the painfully sudden death of Mr John Mapp, a well known farmer of this district. Mr Mapp, whose farm is situated at the foot of the hills to the south, a few miles from Blenheim, was in town for the greater part of Saturday. He left for home some time after eleven o'clock, on horseback, going to a paddock near the Club Stables, in company with Mr Angus McColl, to get his horse. About midnight Mr Frank Gallop, in his residence in Walter Street, heard the sounds of a horse galloping along the road and a voice calling out "Woa". Going out of his house he could see no sign of the horse, but on looking round he found Mapp lying on the roadside apparently lifeless. After a brief examination of the prostrate man, he hurried to the police station, and returned with Constable Jackson. Their attempts at restoration were unsuccessful, life being evidently extinct, and they conveyed the body to the Hospital in a trap. It is surmised that Mr Mapp's horse bolted with him, and in turning sharply round the corner at the top of Walter Street into the road to the left and towards home, unseated its rider, causing him to fall heavily to the ground on his head. The animal was found next morning in the vicinity of the farm with no bridle on and with a halter on its neck; and as the bridle was picked up next morning in the yard near the Club Stables, it is supposed that deceased left town with only the halter on the horse's head. It is understood that death was caused by a fracture of the skull. Mr Mapp was generally known to be an expert equestrian. Deceased was about fifty years of age, and leaves a widow and a grown-up son and daughter to mourn his loss. He has resided in this district for several years and was a successful agriculturist. For some time he was engaged in farming operations on the Starborough Estate with his brother, who is now in another part of the colony. Recently he bought the property known as Litchfield's farm, and it was on that place he settled - the INQUEST
• MARKS G, 8 Dec 1891 - Omaka
++ the only G. Marks on BDM dying 1890-1899 was George Clarence Marks died 2 Feb 1892 aged 8 days but not recorded on births. No Marks reported dying in Dec 1891 on BDM
• MAXTED, Thomas, 17 Feb 1890 aged 87 - Omaka
+ Marlborough Express, 17 Feb 1890 Three deaths occurred yesterday:- Mr Thos. Robinson of Spring Creek, Mr Partridge and Mr Maxted senr
• McARTNEY, David 24 July 1894 aged 61 - Omaka
• McCALLUM, Margaret, 19 Feb 1891 aged 60 - Omaka
+ database has Archibald
+ Margaret, nee HAMILTON, married Archibald in 1856 & had 13+ children
+ At Waterlea, Blenheim, on Tuesday, 17th February, 1891, Margaret McCallum, wife of Archibald McCallum, in her 61st year
• McCALLUM, John, 4 March 1891 aged 21 - Omaka
+ Marlborough Express, 3 March 1891 The announcement of the death of John McCallum, the youngest son of Mr A. McCallum, of Waterlea, will, we are sure, be received with considerable regret by the great majority of our readers. The deceased, who had just attained his majority, was studying law, being engaged until his health gave way a few months ago, in the office of his brother, Mr R. McCallum, to whom he had been serving under articles for about three years. A fine, genial, young fellow, an enthusiastic athlete, and an ardent, conscientious student, he gave promise, had he lived, of a highly successful and honorable career. His premature death will be mourned not only by the immediate members of his family, but also by a large number of young people especially, who associated with him in daily life
• McCORMICK, Flora, 13 Jan 1890 aged 18 - Picton
+ 13 Jan 1890 It is with regret we report the death of Miss Flora McCormick, second daughter of Mr D. McCormick which took place at his residence Watamonga early this morning. Death resulted from sunstroke, which happened a few days ago. The deceased was well known and highly respected, and she leaves a large number of relations, friends and schoolmates to mourn her loss
• McDONALD, Colin, 27 Oct 1894 aged 61 - Picton
• McDONALD, John, 11 July 1892 aged 51 - Picton
• McINTYRE, H, 11 April 1899 - Omaka
++ nothing found for McIntyre in Marlborough
• McKENZIE, William, 26 June 1899 aged 74 - Omaka
• McLAUGHLAN, 3 Aug 1895 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• McMILLAN, Jessie, 29 March 1898 aged 2 - Havelock
++ no one found with that name/date
• McNEIL, Lachlan, 15 Jan 1894 aged - Picton
+ Captain Lachlan McNeill, who died at Picton on Saturday, was well known throughout Marlborough. He landed in New Zealand some 16 years ago, and settling in Picton in 1879 has lived there ever since
• MEARS, Jane, 5 June 1898 aged 57 - Omaka
+ On 4 June 1898 at Springlands; Jane, the beloved wife of John Mears, senr., aged 57 [Nelson and Wanganui papers please copy]
• MILLARD, 17 Jan 1892 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• MILLS, Jane, 28 April 1899 aged 56 - Omaka
• MILLS, Clarence, 28 Jan 1893 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• MILLS, Mary, 11 Nov 1895 aged 54 - Havelock
+ On 15 Nov 1895 at Hopai, Pelorus Sound, Mary, the beloved wife of Thomas Hearn Mills, died suddenly from heart disease aged 54 years
• MILLS, Thomas Hearn, 2 Sep 1898 aged 63 - Havelock
+ On 29 Aug 1898 at the Picton Hospital, Thomas Hearn Mills, of Hopai, Pelorus Sound (formerly of Nelson), aged 63 years
• MILLS, William, 27 Nov 1895 aged 86 - Picton
• MOREY, Charlotte, 16 March 1894 aged 72 - Picton
+ Charlotte, (nee KING) married Edward Morey (1822-1892). They arrived into Lyttelton on the 'Strathallan' 21 Jan 1859 with their daughters: Myra Martha aged 15, Elizabeth aged 8 and Ellen Ann aged 5 months. The lived in Akaroa for some time and had another 3 children: Henry 'Harry' Edmund 1860-1860, Alfred Roelof 1861-1868 & Anne Charlotte 1864-1932
• MOREY, Edward William, 20 July 1892 aged 71 - Picton
+ Edward was a builder, bricklayer & stonemason and was well known in Akaroa for his chimneys. He died 20 July 1892 in Wellington, when the scaffold on which he was standing fell, inflicting injuries which resulted in his death. He is buried Plot 25, Block 25, next to Charlotte (see her notes above)
+ his name nor details are on the cemetery database
• MORGAN, Lily, 21 April 1892 aged 7 weeks - Omaka
+ 21 April 1892 Intimation having been sent to the police of a child being found dead in bed, enquiries were made as to the necessity for an inquest, and the coroner and doctor both agree that this would not be necessary. The child was the offspring of Mr S. Morgan, of Springlands, and had evidently been overlain
+ Lily was the daughter of Samuel Alfred Frederic MORGAN & Maria REYNOLDS. She is buried with 26 year old Ethel Maud PEAKE (nee WRATT 1882-1908)
• MORRIS, Henry Crammer, 9 Jan 1893 aged 32 - Picton
+ Yesterday morning Mr Morris, chief officer of the Jessie Readman, now loading at pictone, died in the Picton hospital from injuries received recently. Dr Gleghorn was called in, but medical assistance was of no avail, and deceased sank gradually, and succumbed at an early hour yesterday morning
• MOSS, Frederick, 9 June 1895 aged 23 - Omaka
• MUIR, Rose, 23 June 1891 aged 39 - Omaka
+ On 21 June 1891 at Blenheim, Rose, beloved wife of James Muir, aged 29 years. [Dunedin and Clutha papers please copy]
• MURRAY, ? 26 Jan 1890 - Omaka
+ Kate Murray aged 3 months died 25 Jan 1890
+ Ernest Frederick Murray aged 3 years died 25 Jan 1890
• MURRAY, Helen, 7 Nov 1896 aged 52 - Omaka
+ 6 Nov 1896 We regret to record the death of Mrs Murray, wife of Mr William Murray, of Spring Creek. After a long and wasting illness, borne with much fortitude, she unexpectedly became worse on Wednesday, and peacefully passed away about 9.15 p.m. yesterday. Mrs Murray came from Scotland with her parents to Darling Downs, Queensland, and was there married in 1864. Afterwards Mr and Mrs Murray came to New Zealand and settled in the Wairau, and finally on the farm at Spring Creek. The deceased lady, who was noted for her genial and hospitable disposition will be much missed by her family connections and a large circle of friends. Mrs Murray was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and took a lively interest in everything connected with its welfare. We heartily sympathise with Mr Murray in his bereavement. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 1.30 p.m.
• MURRAY, Isabella, 3 December 1897 aged 2 - Omaka
+ 3 Dec 1897 A drowning fatality occurred at Grovetown yesterday, by which Mr James Murray, of that place, is berft of his infant daughter. The little girl, whose age is about two and a half years, wandered away from home some time after nine o'clock in the morning, She was missed shortly afterwards and a search was made, Mr Craven finding the body in the Opawa River early in the afternoon. Mounted-Constable Price went out to make enquiries yesterday afternoon. The Coroner, Mr J. Allen, S.M., has decided after reading the constable's report, that an inquest will not be necessary
• MURRAY, Isabella 4 August 1899 aged 68 - Omaka
++ database has James
+ On 3 Aug 1899 at Springlands; Isabella Murray, relict of the late James Murray; aged 68 years [Dannevirke and Westport papers please copy]
. . N . .
• NAIRN, Margaret Hood, 26 Dec 1892 aged 33 - Omaka
+ 12 Dec 1892 The many friends of Dr and Mrs Nairn will be be pleased to learn that the illness of the latter is not as serious as was anticipated and that she is now on the road to restoration to her usual state of health
+ 24 Dec 1892 In recording the death of Mrs Nairn, we do so with feelings of the deepest regret, for not only was the deceased lady in the prime of her life, but she had gained the respect and esteem of all with whom she came in contact by her kindly manner and cheery disposition. The illness which has brought about so sad an end was, we understand, the after effect of a recent confinement. There has been for some days but little hope of recovery, and sudden as the shock will come to many on hearing it, to those immediately connected with her it was not a surprise. Death was painless, and the last hours passed in unconsciousness. To Dr Nairn in his sorrowing hours will be extended the consolation that his loss is one regretted by all, and the sympathy of the community goes with him in his bereavement. Four young children are left without the care of a mother, one of them an infant only a few weeks old
+ this was Margaret Hood MENZIE who married David Mathewson Nairn (1863-1924) in 1885 & had 4 daughters, Winnifred Mildred, Beatrice Constance, Dora & Vera Nairn. David remarried in 1894 to Hannah Maria 'Annie' FARMAR (1869-1949) & had 4 sons Norman, Gerald, William Mathewson & Ian Mathewson Nairn
• NEWMAN, William, 18 April 1891 aged 46 - Omaka
• NICHOL, Colin, 1 Dec 1896 aged 5 - Omaka
+ NICHOL, Margaret Maud, 28 June 1899 aged 37 - Omaka
• NICOLL, Charles 13 May 1892 aged 75 - Omaka
+ NICOLL, Ann, 10 April 1891 aged 77 - Omaka
+ On 8 April 1891 at Springlands, Blenheim, Ann Nicoll, formerly of Motupipi, Nelson; aged 78 [Nelson papers please copy]
• NISBET, Thomas, 15 Aug 1897 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
. . O . .
• OGILVIE, Lucy, 29 Dec 1895 aged 47 - Omaka
+ 30 Dec 1895 OGILVIE, On the 28th inst, Lucy, beloved wife of C. A. Ogilvie, Fairhall, aged 47
+ Lucy LUCAS married Charles Andrew Ogilvie in 1878
+ Charles next married Gertrude Marian CARROLL (1874-1898) in 1897. He next married Gertrude's sister, Ada Florence CARROLL (1871-1912) in 1901 (daughters of Samuel CARROLL & Florence Marian CAPPER of Wellington)
. . P . .
• PARFITT, Isaac John, 9 March 1893 aged 82 - Picton
+ born in Chippenham, Wiltshire, arriving into Nelson Feb 1842 on the Fifeshire. Married Elizabeth LITTLE (1811-1853) in England, had 4 children before emigration & 2 others in Kapunda, South Australia. Elizabeth died in Kapunda aged 42. He next married Jane TRENGROVE (1814-1900) in 1853 & 2 children in South Australia. He returned to Nelson where he and Jane died. A son, Joseph Parfitt married Martha Ann Heberley in Picton in 1879
• PARKER, Hugh 6 March 1892 aged 62 - Omaka
+ On 5 March 1892, at Blenheim, Hugh Parker, aged 62 years
• PARKER, Ida May, 27 Dec 1897 aged 20 - Omaka
+ 1 of 8 daughters of Richard Watson Parker (see next)
• PARKER, Richard Watson, 10 May 1899 aged 64 - Omaka
+ 8 May 1899 It is our painful duty to-day to announce the death of Mr Richard Watson Parker, storekeeper, of Grove road, which occurred suddenly this morning
• PARRISH, Francis, 18 November 1894 aged 58 - Omaka
+ Death has been busy of late in our midst, and it is with great unwillingness that we return to the subject in order to record the demise of Mr Francis Parrish, of Grovetown, which occurred yesterday afternoon at the Wairau Hospital. Mr Parrish was an old resident in the place, and the reputation which he had established for uprightness and integrity of character will make his loss generally regretted. The year of his birth was 1836, making his age 58, and his arrival in the district took place early in life. He originally carried on business as brickmaker at Grovetown, but entered the service of the Railway department shortly after the opening of the Blenheim Picton section. For many years he acted as caretaker at the combined railway and traffic bridge over the Opawa. He was an old member of the Loyal Lodge of Oddfellows, having joined in 1866, and a Society funeral will be accorded him tomorrow. The cause of death was cancer in the region of the jaw, the dread disease having attacked deceased lately, and necessitating his confinement to bed at the hospital only within the last few days. A numerous family are left to mourn the demise and general sympathy will be felt for them in their bereavement
• PARTRIDGE, Thomas, 17 Feb 1890 aged 28 - Omaka
• PATCHETT, Elizabeth, 22 Sep 1890 aged 66 - Omaka
• PATCHETT, Ernest, 17 Oct 1895 aged 1 - Omaka
+ cemetery database has C. Patchett. He was possibly the son of Thomas William PATCHETT & Rose SIMPSON
• PATCHETT, Harrison, 13 Jan 1899 aged 1 - Omaka
+ 8th of 11 children of William PATCHETT & Amelia Ann CHUCK
+ buried with brother Stanley (1891-1891) & mother Amelia
• PATCHETT, John, 20 July 1893 aged 76 - Omaka
• PATCHETT, Joseph, 24 May 1892 aged 43 - Omaka
• PATCHETT, Stanley James, 14 June 1891 aged 7 weeks - Omaka
+ 4th of 11 children of William PATCHETT & Amelia Ann CHUCK
+ buried with brother Harrison (1898-1899) & mother Amelia
• PATON, Thomas, 20 Sep 1896 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• PAUL, Edmond, 30 January 1893 aged 55 - Omaka
• PAUL, Eveline Annie, 14 March 1896 aged 2 - Picton
+ 5th of 9 children of Joseph Richard PAUL & Elizabeth LYSTER
• PEEK, Ellen Lewis, 18 May 1892 aged 33 - Picton
• PENNEY, 11 April 1891 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• PENNEY, William, 22 Oct 1890 aged 22 - Omaka
• PETTIMAN, Emma, 30 Nov 1890 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• PHILLIPS, James, 24 Sep 1890 aged 2 - Omaka
• PHILLIPS, Robert, 16 April 1890 aged 71 - Omaka
+ Storekeeper of Spring Creek
+ 15 April 1890 Finding the Body + 16 April 1890 the INQUEST
• PHILLIPS, Lois, 28 Feb 1894 aged 37 - Omaka
• PHILLIPS, Samuel, 30 March 1895 aged 68 - Omaka
• PHILPOTTS, Alfred John Stuckey, 28 Oct 1892 aged - Picton
+ on 25 Oct 1892 at the Hospital, Blenheim, Alfred, the beloved son of Thomas and Elizabeth Philpotts; aged 16 years
+ It is with great regret that we have to record the death of a promising young fellow, Alfred Philpotts, son of Mr Philpotts, storekeeper of Picton, who died this morning under chloroform, administered in order to remove some dead bone from his leg. Three medical men were present at the operation, and everything was done to restore animation but without success. Deceased was brought from Picton by his father a few weeks back to be treated here. The many friends of the family, both here and in Picton, will join with us in expressing sympathy with the sorrowing relatives in their sad affliction
• PICKERING, Elizabeth, 10 April 1890 aged 69 - Picton
• POOLE, John, 22 April 1890 aged ? - Omaka
+ 12 April 1890 Nothing has been heard of a boat in which three men left for Port Chalmers. The names were John Williams (Frenchman), H. West (comparatively recent arrival here) and John Poole (formerly on the Brigatine Circe), all single
• POOLE, John, 2 July 1899 aged 72 - Omaka
• PORTER, 8 July 1891 - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• PRATT, Richard, 13 April 1891 aged 55 - Omaka
• PRICE, Charles, 3 Sep 1893 aged 61 - Picton
• PRICE, Ella, 12 Jan 1891 - Havelock
++ no age found
• PRICHARD, Henry, 13 April 1897 aged 65 - Omaka
• PROCTOR, Joseph, 1891 aged 67 - Omaka
• PROPSTRING, Sidney James, 5 Sep 1899 aged 28 - Omaka
• PYE, Edgar Crombie, 5 Nov 1891 aged aged 6 months - Omaka
+ twin, (with Beatrice Pye), 7th & 8th of 14 children of Archibald Robertson PYE (1854-1940) of Edinburgh, Scotland & Mary Ann AMOS (1860-1956) of Kent, England. Archibald & Mary Ann were married in Woodville in 1880. Archibald deserted the family just prior to their last child being born and went to Australia. He returned just prior to Mary Ann being granted a decree nisi in March 1908
. . R . .
• RABONE, Samuel 28 April 1894 aged 66 - Picton
• RACKLEY William, - 31 Dec 1895 aged 78 - Picton
• RADD, Dorothy, 12 Sep 1896 aged 1 week - Omaka
+ 8th of 8 children of William & Mary Ann RADD
• RADD, Edith Isabel Fleetwood, 23 Feb 1899 - Omaka
+ BDM has Edith Doris Alice Radd died 22 Feb 1899 aged 3 months
+ no Edith Isabel Fleetwood Radd on Births or Deaths or newspapers
• RADD, George, 21 Sep 1895 aged 22 - Omaka
• RANSOM, Archibald, 1 Feb 1893 aged 2? - Omaka
+ 31 Jan 1893 last evening a child aged 2? years, named Archibald Ransom, living near Vernon, fell into a boiler and received injuries from scalding which resulted in death. It appears that the mother had been washing and the boy, before he could be stayed, fell in and was severely scalded about the arms and the body. Sr Alexander was called in, and did all that was possibly to alleviate the sufferings if the little one
• RAVEN, Alfred James, 31 Jan 1896 aged 7 weeks - Omaka
+ 6th of 9 children of Charles Horace RAVEN & Annie VERCOE
• RAVEN, Francis Russell, 7 Jan 1892 aged 11 hours - Omaka
+ 3rd of 9 children of Charles Horace RAVEN & Annie VERCOE
• RAVEN, Horace Henry, 22 Feb 1894 aged 10 months - Omaka
+ 4th of 9 children of Charles Horace RAVEN & Annie VERCOE
• RAVEN, William Stanley, 3 Feb 1895 aged 5 months - Omaka
+ 5th of 9 children of Charles Horace RAVEN & Annie VERCOE
• RAYNER, Ellen, 25 Jan 1893, aged 63 - Omaka
• REES, William Gilbert, 3 Nov 1898 aged 71 - Omaka
• REGISTER, Rita Muriel, 28 June 1897 aged 1 - Omaka
• REYNOLDS, Francis Guerney, 30 Aug 1896 aged 38 - Picton
• REYNOLDS, Mary Ann, 26 Nov 1892 aged 50 - Picton
• RIDGEWAY, Myrtle May, 31 March 1890 aged 12 weeks - Omaka
+ daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth RIDGEWAY
• ROBERTSON, Daisy Marion Robina Burrows, 21 July 1890 aged 22 - Omaka
+ on 19 July 1890, Maxwell Road, Blenheim, Daisy, the eldest daughter of the late John W. and Mary Robertson. Aged 22 years
• ROBINSON, William Edward, 26 Feb 1896 aged 3 - Omaka
• ROSS, Jessie, 20 Jan 1891 aged 6 - Omaka
• RUSH, Robert, 21 Sep 1896 aged 48 - Omaka
. . S . .
• SEYMOUR, Catherine Emily, 13 May 1898 aged 27 - Picton
• SHERIDAN, George, 12 April 1899 aged 38 - Omaka
+ On 12 April 1899 at Blenheim; George Sheridan, aged 38 years. [Nelson and Wellington papers please copy]
... It is with regret we learn of the death of Mr George Sheridan, which, though not unexpected, will be heard with sorrow by his large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr Sheridan has been an invalid for nearly two years past and succumbed yesterday afternoon at his residence, High Street, to that dread disease consumption. He first arrived in Marlborough as a lad in 1873, and has resided in this district continuously since that date, with the exception of a short period he spent as manager of a farm in the Waimea, Nelson. He was esteemed for his many good qualities by friends and acquaintances, who will extend their sincere sympathy to his widow and family of five children, who are left to mourn their loss
+ George married Eliza Maria BYFORD (1864-1949) in 1885 & their children were:
1886 - 1916 George Byford Sheridan Killed in Action Somme, France 1916
1888 - 1952 Francis Earl Sheridan
1890 - 1970 Herbert Thomas Sheridan
1892 - 1943 Clarence Sheridan
1896 - ? Ida Kate Sheridan
ELIZA MARIA remarried in 1901 to Henry William TOWNSEND
• SIGGLEKOW, Ernest John Christian, 4 July 1897 aged 63 - Omaka
+ On 2 July 1897 Ernest John Christian Sigglekow, aged 63 years; Departed in peace, deeply regretted. [Nelson and Wanganui papers please copy]
• SIMMONDS, Mrs W. E. 31 Dec 1895 aged 38 - Omaka
+ On 30 Dec 1895 at the Wairau Hospital, after a long and painful illness; Esther, the beloved wife of W. E. Simmonds; aged 38 years [Nelson and Wellington papers please copy]
+ this was Esther CHAPMAN who married William Edward Simmonds in 1879 & had 5 daughters and a son
• SKERRATT, Joseph, 9 April 1899 aged 71 - Omaka
• SMITH, Henry, 21 June 1890 aged 61 - Picton
• SMITH, Henry Andrew, 7 Dec 1896 aged 28 - Omaka
• SOMMERVILLE, Peter Reid, 7 Sep 1894 aged 62 - Picton
+ database has Summerville
+ 7 Jan 1895 Messrs Green & Co., having received instructions from the Public Trustee, will sell by Public Auction at Mr Phillpotts' Store, Picton, the following properties in the Estate of the late Peter Reid Somerville (note spelling), deceased:- Allotments 327, 551 and 74 in the Town of Picton
• STEER, Mabel Annie - 18 April 1891 aged 13 - Omaka
+ 1st of 12 children of William Thomas STEER & Annie HORNBY
+ William & Annie had another daughter the following year whom they named Mabel Jane
• STEWART, Thomas, 15 Dec 1896 aged 40 - Omaka
+ 12 Dec 1896 An improvement took place yesterday in the condition of Constable Stewart, who is at the Hospital
+ 14 Dec 1896 Constable Stewart died at the Hospital this afternoon. His many friends in Blenheim and other parts of the Colony, where he has been stationed, will be extremely sorry to hear the sad intelligence
+ 15 Dec 1896 The news of the death of Constable Stewart, which occurred at the Hospital yesterday afternoon, was heard in town with considerable regret. It is only three weeks ago since he was incapacitated from duty, and the disappearance of the well-known figure is sadly sudden. The illness assumed the form of diabetes, and this proved fatal. Deceased, who was a native of the North of Ireland, came out to the Colony about 20 years ago, and first worked for some time on the Westland diggings. He joined the Police Force in 1886 at Wellington, and has served in different places of the Colony, for the most part in the West Coast, Wellington districts and Blenheim. He was stationed in Blenhein for some time about six years ago, and was transferred back here again about six months ago. He died in the prime of life. As far as is known there are no relatives of deceased in the Colony. The funeral takes place this afternoon
• STOREY, Cyril James Sumner, 27 Jan 1897 aged 2 - Omaka
+ son of Thomas James STOREY & Rosetta Lilias CHITTENDEN
• STRICKLAND, William, 5 Oct 1898 aged 57 - Omaka
• SULLIVAN, Jane, 3 Sep 1898 aged 44 - Picton
• SULLIVAN, Robert, 5 Oct 1898 aged 57 - Picton
• SUTHERLAND, Sarah, 20 Sep 1896 aged 57 - Omaka
• SUTTON, Charlotte Merrifield, 1 Jan 1891 aged 1 month - Omaka
+ daughter of Charles SUTTON & Helen MERRIFIELD
. . T . .
• TAYLOR, Joseph, 31 May 1892 aged 79- Omaka
• TEMPLETON, Helen Hall, 4 March 1896 66 - Omaka
• THOMAS, George Henry, 31 May 1891 aged 6 weeks - Omaka
• THOMPSON, Adam, 21 Oct 1893 aged 68 - Picton
• THOMPSON, Emma, 29 Nov 1899 aged 75 - Picton
• THOMPSON, Sarah, 7 Aug 1898 aged 77 - Picton
• THOMPSON, Thomas, 26 July 1899 aged 9 - Picton
• THOMS, Jessie, 29 Dec 1899 aged 21 - Omaka
• THOMSON, 1895 - Omaka
++ nothing else known
• TRIPE, Louisa Mary, 4 Aug 1899 aged 13 - Picton
• TRIPE, Sophia, 13 Jan 1891 aged 52 - Picton
• TRUEMAN, Charles Robert, 1 Dec 1898 aged 25 - Omaka
* database has TRUMIAN
+ On 30 Nov 1898 at the Wairau Hospital; Charles Robert, eldest son of Robert and Sarah Trueman, aged 25 years. Deeply regretted
+ 20 Dec 1898 In the Supreme Court, in Chambers yesterday, before Mr J. Allen, Registrar, acting in the absence of a Judge, Mr Conolly moved for and obtained an order granting letters of administration of the estate of the late Charles Robert Trueman, of Blind River, farmer, deceased, to Mr Robert Trueman, the father of the deceased, the late Mr C. R. Trueman having lately died intestate
• TURNPENNY, 18 Jan 1891 aged 6 - Picton
++ first Turnpenny death recorded on BDM from 1840! was Caroline Louisa Turnpenny on 17 Jan 1892 aged 10 days (note coincidental date). The next recorded deaths of Turnpenny is from 1931
• TWIDLE, James, 3 July 1899 aged 61 - Havelock
. . W . .
• WADDY, Arthur Benjamin 'Benny', 30 Oct 1897 aged 15- Picton
• WADDY, Benjamin Owen, 30 July 1894 aged 54 - Picton
• WALKER, Annie, 20 March 1890 aged 7 - Omaka
• WALKER, Eric, 20 Jan 1893 aged 6 weeks - Omaka
• WALKER, John, 11 Dec 1891 aged 8 - Omaka
• WALL, ? 23 Nov 1896 aged - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• WARREN, Violet Ellen, 18 July 1894 aged 9 weeks - Omaka
• WATSON, Irene Mary, 23 May 1890 aged 4 weeks - Omaka
• WATSON, John, 25 July 1895 aged 79 - Omaka
• WEBSTER, Sarah 'Bridget', 27 Oct 1899 aged 60 - Picton
+ On 27 Oct 1899 at High Street, Picton; Bridget, the beloved wife of Thomas Webster; aged 60 years. R.I.P.
+ this was Bridget BOULGER who married Thomas Webster in 1865 & had 8 children. One of them was also named Sarah Bridget Webster (1880-1948)
• WELLS, Clarence, 27 April 1898 aged 16 hours - Havelock
• WEMYSS, Margaret Braid, 6 Sep 1895 aged 59 - Omaka
+ database has Mrs D. Wemyss
+ 4 Sep 1895 at Wellington, Margaret Braid, wife of David Wemyss, aged 59 years
• WEOLERLING, M, 12 June 1890 aged - Omaka
++ no one found with that name/date
• WESTERN, John Octavius, 3 July 1890 aged 69 - Picton
• WHITE, Caroline Louisa, 23 May 1894 aged 25 - Picton
• WHITING, Clifford, 24 Sep 1898 aged 3 - Picton
• WHITING, Francis, 4 Dec 1898 aged 39 - Picton
• WHITLING, John, 14 Nov 1895 aged 53 - Omaka
• WILLIAMS, George, 28 July 1899 aged 57 - Omaka
• WILLIAMS, Stephen George Trengove, 1 Aug 1899 aged 11 - Picton
+ 1 of at least 11 children of John Trengrove WILLIAMS & Mary Ann BROWN
• WILLIAMS, Winifred Esther Trengove , 16 Nov 1895 aged 38 days - Picton
+ BDM has aged 38 days + database has aged 2
+ Winifred was born 7 Oct 1895, 1 of at least 11 children of John Trengrove WILLIAMS & Mary Ann BROWN so she was 38 days
• WILSON, George Bloomfield, 1 Dec 1899 aged 61 - Havelock
• WILSON, Jane, 16 Jan 1892 aged 68 - Omaka
• WILSON, John, 11 Jan 1891 aged 54 - Picton
• WITT, Robert Henry,24 Jan 1898 aged 40 - Omaka
Colonist 1 Feb 1898 WITT - January 31st, at Nelson, Robert H. Witt; aged 40 years
Evening Post 2 Feb 1898 We record with regret the death of Mr Robert Henry Witt, Proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in Nelson, at the early age of 40. The deceased, who was a son of Mrs M. Witt, of Wellington, and a brother of Messrs Geo. and Wm. Witt, of Sargood, Son & Ewen, contracted rheumatic fever some years ago and never got over its effects, but the immediate cause of death was influenza. He leaves a widow and three children (only 1 found at this time)
... We regret to have to record the death of Mr R. H. Witt, of the Commercial Hotel. Mr Witt, who came to Nelson from Wanganui not a very long time back, in so short a time made a large number of friends by his unassuming manner and straightforward conduct and very general sypathy will be felt with the widow and young children.
- buried Plot 103, Block 22 with Clarence Norman Witt below (why? how were they related?) OR maybe burial data is an error at the cemetery? as this was NOT Clarence's father, read notes at Cecilia's link next
• WITT, Clarence Norman, 28 Jan 1897 aged 4 months- Omaka
- born 2 Sep 1896, 1 of at least 14 children of Robert Henry WITT (1857-1935) & Cecilia HIGGINS (1860-1927)
NOTE Cecelia was a daughter of Selina HIGGINS & her partner Charles EYLES who was married to Mary Ann Dunkley at the time, and born 3 months after the birth of her father's first wife's child. She is on BDM as Higgins, born to Selina & Charles (making him appear as Higgins). Cecelia married as a Higgins but apparently she, and other births of Selina, are registered in the Blenheim Courthouse under the name of EYLES (she was registered as born in 1860, her death date records her as born in 1858). When her father died in 1886 in Grovetown, his 5 living children from Mary Ann were mentioned, no mention of his 9 children with Selina.
Read the intriguing story of the family
• WOODS, Irene Mabel, 28 Nov 1890 aged 2 - Omaka
. . Y . .
• YOUNG, Thomas George, 16 May 1896 aged 7 - Picton
Also see Greensill buried Picton
OMAKA CEMETERY taken from their site at top link

on 2013-03-26 08:10:46
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.