Independent Order Of Rechabites - Star Of PETONE Tent<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Independent Order Of Rechabites - Star Of PETONE Tent

Journal by ngairedith

I have taken some extracts from the Hutt City Library site from the page
Lower Hutt Past and Present (1941)

I highly recommend a visit to their site for some wonderful info and photos of that district and the early settlers.

I am doing some short overviews from their database:

journal 1 - settlers of LOWER HUTT 1839 - 1941

journal 2 - the PILGRIM MOTHERS of the Hutt Valley

journal 3 - PETONE's first 100 years, - list of names

journal 4 - PETONE men who fell WWI - list of names

journal 5 - FREEMASONRY - Ulster Lodge No. 62

journal 6 - LOYAL PETONE LODGE - No, 6542

journal 7 - Ancient Order Of Foresters - COURT EPUNI, 7314


journal 9 - PETONE Branch - Hibernian Australasian Society 1910

journal 10 - PETONE PIONEER BRANCH - Oddfellows


journal 12 - PONEKE LODGE - Ancient Order of DRUIDS

journal 13 - PETONE Town Board - formed 1881

journal 14 - HUTT RIVER BOARD - formed 1879

(additions in italics or capitals are mine)
- (remember the article was written in 1941)

A Branch of the friendly society known as the Independent Order of Rechabites was opened in Petone on October 24 1904.

Its founders were Messrs:
* W. L. JENNESS and F. JENNESS, both watchmakers in business in Petone
* Mr. E. C. GAMBLE who was in business with his father, Mr. C. S. GAMBLE, a draper
* Mr. OWEN BAIGENT, a builder
* Mr. W. J. WAKELIN, who was a partner in Richards and Wakelin, grocers
* HORACE and ARTHUR WHETLEY, with their father, as bakers and pastry cooks.
Other foundation members were Messrs:
* C. BELL, and H. COLLETT.

The first secretary was Mr. W. L. JENNESS and the first presiding officer, Mr. O. BAIGENT

The branch met successively in the Wesleyan school-room, the Central hall and the Orange hall. The name given to the branch was the "Star of Petone Tent," and it became attached to the N.Z. Central District and belonged to the order founded in Salford, England, in 1835.

The high officers of the order, in visiting New Zealand in 1911 and again in 1922, were in Petone on both occasions, big rallies of members being the result.
The first visit was honoured with a church parade, headed by the Petone Band, through the main street.

The branch engaged in friendly society activities. Medical practitioners attending its members were Drs. PERRY, HAMILTON, ROSS, WILKINS, HARDING, DUGGLE, KERR-HISLOP, and BAKEWELL.

The lodge also associated with United Friendly Society movements such as Hospital Sunday, the U.F.S. Dispensary, the Petone Ambulance Van, and on one occasion a friendly society carnival. Latterly, indoor bowls has occupied attention and competitions are entered into with spirit between lodges of the same order and with lodges of other orders.
Members who served abroad with the N.Z.E.F. had their contributions paid by the lodge.

Among members who paid the supreme sacrifice were Messrs:
* Llewellyn William Pearce REEVE and
* Harold Clarence De RIDDER, both of whom were popular officers of the local branch of the Bank of N.Z. before their enlistment.

Mr. C. BELL held the secretaryship for fourteen years and Mr. D. SIMPSON for thirteen years. Mr. D. J. WILSON now holds the position.

Prominent in other executive offices have been Messrs. W. SUSSEX, J. THOMPSON, H. L. HEYWARD., J. SLACK, R. AINSLIE, L. W. HEYWARD, E. ACKROYD, and LEN JENNESS.

Side by side with the adult lodge has been conducted a juvenile branch to which members have given their time for training youth in friendly society principles, brotherhood and unity

by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-06-04 00:46:52

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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