John William Woolley of Springs Gauteng South Africa<script src=""></script><script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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John William Woolley of Springs Gauteng South Africa

Journal by Reubenels

My Late Grand Father stayed in Devon Gauteng ,Springs He was married
to Ellen Woolley-nee Prinsloo
they had 3 children .Grand father died 1979/80 Cremated at Geduld Cremation centre Springs,Gran died in Harrismith Provincal Hospital 1988
William Woolley deceased at the age of 21 {mining accident]

John Woolley Stayed in Dalfouche Springs Distrik, deceased, Married to Lenie Woolley -nee[Bur Dixon] they have 3 children John, Dorityann,William? ,.Uncle John worked for Pilkington Glass in Springs

Eleanor Els-nee Woolley Deceased Married to Reghinald Herbert Els
They have 4 children
I tried the springs advertizer ,who kindley informed me that they no longer cary the acrcives,as they handed all old news papers to The Library In springs.
I can remmber that some of my moms Niece\cousin also resided in Dalfouce Springs and some of her cousins on the Prinsloo side was /is in the navy /murgant navy not to sure.if any of this makes sense or stir a memory please assit
tanking you kindley
Reuben Joseph Els

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on 2011-07-26 09:47:38

Reubenels has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jul 2011. is researching the following names: WOOLLEY, ELS.

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