Seeking info or photo of Victor Forsythe Wilson Cobcroft<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Seeking info or photo of Victor Forsythe Wilson Cobcroft

Query by Tarni67

Hello everyone! I am hoping to acquire a photo of Victor Forsythe Wilson Cobcroft. He is my grandfather.
My mother has never seen a picture of her father as he disappeared soon after her birth in 1933. She is 81 years old now and it is her greatest wish to see a picture of him. We have found out that he started a family with another woman c1934 and had a further five children. He died of a cerebral haemorrhage in 1943 resulting from a head injury that occurred in 1937. It was bittersweet but nice to know that my mum was at least listed as one of his children on his death certificate.
Any information relating to Victor Forsythe Wilson Cobcroft or even his sisters, Francis Mabel Nina Parry/Croke (nee Cobcroft) and Beryl Facey (nee Cobcroft) would also be greatly appreciated!
Blessings, Tarni

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by Tarni67 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2014-03-27 07:33:42

Tarni67 , from Melbourne, Australia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2013.

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