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Lane research Marion County South Carolina

Journal by Theresa_Lane

Hello, My name is Theresa Lane. My Father was Calvin W. Lane born in Dillion SC March 10, 1924. He passed away July 3, 1980. I started a small search about five years ago. I found out I was related to Osborn Lane. First name, I believe was John, but all who knew him called him Osborn from Buck swamp. Thanks to Mr Marty Grant who has the most wonderful web page, with tons of information, but I believe we all are stumped at Osborn Lane. I can't seem to find a record of his parents any where, but that is okay, because one thing is for sure. If you are a Lane. You just do not know how to give up. I am interested in finding other Lane relatives of Osborn Lane. I have two now on my facebook. Thanks to Mr Grant, I have been talking to Tommy Lane who is also related to Osborn Lane and it seems we are all interested in the same thing. Finding our history. I guess, my next adventure into the past will be Anna Blanch Gilbert Lane Miles, my grandmother who died in 1968. The year I was born, so I never had the pleasure of knowing her.

Surnames: LANE
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on 2009-10-12 18:55:19

Theresa_Lane has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2009. is researching the following names: LANE.

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