John McEnnutly Longford Tasmania

Looking for any info on the McEnnulty families of Longford Tasmania.
I believe John was a shoemaker

I have found out a little about John 1827 - he married Mary Oldefield in longford but I cannot find him coming into Australia

I found these details in some old research notes that may assist you.
Groom: John McEnnulty.
Age: 32 years.
Bride: Mary Ann OLDFIELD.
Age: 29 years.
Date married: 31 October 1859.
Place: Tasmania.
I have three children recorded for John and Mary.
Name: Martha Catherine McEnnulty.
Born: 25 May 1865, Tasmania.
Name: Henry Alfred McEnnulty.
Born: 12 February 1868, Tasmania.
Name: Lavinia Hanna McEnnulty.
Born: 08 June 1870, Tasmania.

Yes this is the right family but not finding anything about John before he married Mary.
Thanks for looking thou - is a very secretive man - was able to read and write -was a shoemaker in Longford Tasmania

John and Mary's marriage certificate may provide a few clues.

Dead end there too. Just there names and ages and married at Longford no parents

I know he was living in Perth, Tasmania on the 24th April 1858 when he advertised for a general hand for his shoe shop. Some say he was from Ireland but also some say he was born in Tasmania,to either William or Dennis McAnulty, (Convicts). Perhaps there's a transcription error with his name on immigration records. His full name was John Joseph McEnnulty. After he died in 1872 his wife Mary Ann took over the business and kept it running
Launceston Examiner (Tas) Tuesday 12 November 1872
NOTICE.-Mrs Mary Ann McEnnulty begs to announce to the inhabitants of Perth and the surrounding neighborhood that she still continues to carry on the business of her late husband, as boot and shoemaker, and to solicit a share of that patronage so liberally granted to her hausband, and hopes by strict attention, punctuality, good materials and workmanship, to merit a continuance of that support. Mrs M'Ennulty sincerely thanks those gentlemen, and the inhabitants of Perth, who have been so kind and liberal in assisting her in her bereavement. MARY ANN M'ENNULTY.
She seemed to enjoy placing notices and advertisements in the newspaper. Wouldn't it have been nice if she had placed an obituary to her husband when he died so we might know where he came from?
When the eldest Son John Joseph 1857-1885 wanted to marry Harriet West she placed this notice in the paper.
Launceston Examiner (Tas) Tuesday 29 June 1875
I hereby caution all clergymen and ministers against performing the ceremony of marriage between my son John Joseph M'Ennulty and Harriet West, as he is several years under age. MARY ANN M'ENNULTY. Perth, June 28.
needless to say he didn't marry Miss West
This is his son's death notice.
Launceston Examiner (Tas) Saturday 28 November 1885
M'ENNULTY.-On 7th November, at Melbourne, after five days illness, John Joseph M'Ennulty, native of Tasmania, and eldest son of the late John Joseph M'Ennulty, Perth, aged 28 years and three months ; leaving a widowed mother, three brothers, and three sisters to lament his loss. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

Will need to sort out found this last night on another site
McENNULTY John Joseph
Father John Joseph Mother Harriet WEST
28 Nov 1876
Registered Longford Reg# 1029/1876

Groom: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Birth place: Tasmania.
Bride: Susan Mary RICHARDS.
Birth place: Victoria.
Year married: 1880.
Place: Victoria.
Ref: Registry of Marriages, Victoria. Reg #128.

Name: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Died: 1885 East Melbourne Goal, Victoria.
Age: 28 years.
Father: John Joseph ECENNULTY.
Mother: Mary Ann DELMAR.
Ref: Registry of Deaths, Victoria. Reg #12830.
Note mother's maiden name.
Wonder why he died in Goal.

My typo error.
Father was John Joseph MCENNULTY and not ECENNULTY.
Noticed my error after I hit responce.

I have not located a marriage for John Joseph MCENNULTY and Harriet WEST as yet but they did have a son as you mentioned above Ann.
Name: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Born: 28 November 1876 Tasmania.
Father: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Mother: Harriet WEST.
Ref: LDS Births, Tasmania. Reg #1029.
This may be the marriage of John and Harriet's son.
Groom: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Age: 20 years.
Bride: Mary Henrietta COLLINS.
Age: 20 years.
Date married: 08 February 1898.
Place: Tasmania.
Ref: LDS Mariages, Tasmania. Reg #532.

Have located two children for John Joseph MCENNULY and Susan Mary RICHARDS
married in 1880.
Name: Elizabeth Ada Lavinia MCENNULTY.
Born: 1881 Melbourne, Victoria.
Father: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Mother: Susan Mary RICHARDS.
Ref: Registry of Births, Victoria. Reg #4250.
Name: John Joseph Lawrence MCENNULTY.
Born: 1883 Melbourne, Victoria.
Father: John Joseph MCENNULTY.
Mother: Susan M RICHARDS.
Ref: Registry of Births, Victoria. Reg #10909.

This appears to be a second marriage for Susan Mary MCENNULTY nee RICHARDS.
Groom: Peter John JOSEPSEN.
Birth place: Norway.
Bride: Susan Mary MCENNULTY.
Birth place: Hamilton.
Year married: 1890.
Place: Victoria.
Ref: Registry of Marriages, Victoria. Reg #9163.
Possible birth for Mary.
Name: Susan Mary RICHARDS.
Born: 1860 Hamilton, Victoria.
Father: Joseph RICHARDS.
Mother: Elizabeth BOYLE.
Ref: Registry of Births, Victoria. Reg #20645.

It would make life a lot easier if all families didnt repeat their names.
I also have another queerie on another surname are you able to look at Sarah Cook.
There has been a lot found for me on familytreecircles by another member but I am unable to find her children. Are you allowed to do that ?

Hope your not getting confused. From what I can see all the MCENNULTYs appearing in the Victorian records came from Tasmania. It's just a matter of sorting them out and putting them in the correct position on your family tree.
Sarah COOK.
If she had any children in range of the records we should be able to find them. As you are aware there were hundreds of Sarah COOKs so you will have to include a few more details. Her marriage details would be a good starting point.

There is another person on Familytreecircles looking for me so would you like to have a look to see what they have found.
Looking for Sarah Hull / Innes / Cook / Davey - Tasmania 1860 is the title
As you can see she was

a busy lady. I was trigger happy her children where
Alfred Allen Innes/Cook 25/07/1881 (F) Allan Innes - no marriage that I have found
He was born 1862 died 1882? have found nothing on him at all
The other four boys are to Alfred Cook
Edmund 25/09/1883
Arthur 25/12/1885
Hector 23/10/1887
James 16/01/1889 sometimes he comes up as Hector.
I have found them coming out and being returned to their mother in Zeehan when home closed.
The eldest Alfren Allen was adopted out by Capt. Alexander Ross.
I cannot find the boys as adults.
I also have been told by a member of the family tat there where more children Girls.
His memory comes goes so is not reliable.

Did some searches today but unable to add any further to the above regarding children for Sarah. Will let you know if I do.

Thank you again for all your help
I have stared to sort out the Mcennultys with you info.
Thanks again.

I have found Mary Ann Mcennulty remarrying after her husbands death to a John Joseph Mcsoley.
This gives me another avenue to start looking