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I have hit a brick wall researching he family of FALLA

I have a relative, Selby Falla, born in 1783, Kirknewton, Northumberland. His father was Thomas Falla. I have found a Thomas Falla who died in Belford on 15h July 1811 in Belford and thought that this may be his father. There are no records available for Selby because the Bishops Transcripts were damaged and also the Parish Records for the 1783 entries. Can you suggest how I can find Selby's baptism details and therefore, hopefully, his parents.

I have found records for FALLA in Lillisleaf, Roxburgh, Scotland which isn't too far away from Belford. I may be clutching at straws, but there is a Thomas Falla born around the right time.

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes


Looking for Thomas FALLA of Belford

I am look for any information regarding Thomas FALLA who died in Belford, Northumberland in 1811 at the age of 75. He was a shepherd. He had a son called Selby FALLA born 1783 Kirknewton. The records for the Bishop Transcript and Parish Records are not available for Selby FALLA so I am unable to get a copy of his baptism. I don't know anything about Thomas FALLA apart from the above. I wondered if he may have come to Belford from Scotland. I have found FALLA families in Lillisleaf, Roxburgh, Scotland and wondered if there may be a connection. Any help would be appreciated.

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 5 months ago